This is the revision history for slap in <>

15600 slap can has `echo `arg &n' slaps `eval `arg d'||"perlbot"' on the head with a `eval (qw"herring trout baguette mapole","garden hose")[rand 5]''
b_jonas slaps perlbot on the head with a mapole
15599 slap can has (echo (arg &n) slaps (eval (arg d)||"perlbot") on the head with a (eval (qw"herring trout baguette mapole","garden hose")[rand 5]))
Compose failed to find a plugin named: qw"herring
15598 slap can has (echo (nick &n) slaps (eval (arg d)||"perlbot") on the head with a (eval (qw"herring trout baguette mapole","garden hose")[rand 5]))
Compose failed to find a plugin named: nick
14378 slap is Saboted Light Armor Piercing ttkp <*:##NULL>