These are the factoids for <*:##NULL>.
factoid_id | subject | copula | predicate | history | from namespace |
4716 | !! | is | the truth-of operator | revisions | |
13122 | " | is | “ | revisions | |
13123 | "" | is | “” | revisions | |
5280 | % | is | not mod in sql | revisions | |
5783 | & | is | Don't call a subroutine with & unless you mean it. If you don't know why you're doing it, don't do it. If you want to know about it, check perldoc perlsub | revisions | |
5323 | '->' | is | meow | revisions | |
14839 | * | is | all | revisions | |
3837 | + | is | Read more about + in "perldoc perlop" under "unary operators" | revisions | |
4358 | - | is | that for me? | revisions | |
5069 | . | is | period | revisions | |
4630 | .* | is | don't you really want to use .+ | revisions | |
4137 | ... | is | PASUSE | revisions | |
14473 | // | is | defined-or operators: | revisions | |
5712 | //= | is | LHS //= RHS means assign RHS to LHS if LHS is undef | revisions | |
4994 | ; | is | ; IS NOT A LINE TERMINATOR! ; IS A STATEMENT TERMINATOR | revisions | |
5311 | < | is | pesky Zoffix | revisions | |
5521 | <=> | is | the spaceship operator. See perldoc perlop. | revisions | |
5335 | =^_^= | is | meow | revisions | |
5310 | > > | is | < < | revisions | |
3620 | ? | is | foo | revisions | |
5657 | ????? | is | ????? | revisions | |
11478 | @ | is | [fact tell [fact head [arg]] about [fact tail [arg]]] Not Available |
revisions | |
9544 | @_ | is | List of function arguments. Extract them like my ($foo, $bar) = @_; or my $foo = shift; | revisions | |
3270 | \ | is | escape | revisions | |
14441 | ^ | is | ^ | revisions | |
4001 | ^_^ | is | OMFROTLFLFRLFKEKEKEKE #_#_@__@__#_ | revisions | |
8770 | ||= | is | "LHS ||= RHS means assign RHS to LHS if LHS is false." | revisions | |
6386 | ~ | is | ask me about tilde | revisions | |
11710 | ~~ | is | mst being an asshole | revisions | |
4784 | ♥ | is | <3 (sorry, I'm an old-fashioned bot) | revisions | |
12734 | 🌮 | is | [fact taco [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
9501 | $! | is | double valued (string and integer) variable storing the latest system error - usually used in <or die $!> | revisions | |
9534 | $" | is | Variable that lazy programmers use. | revisions | |
9512 | $# | is | The sigil for last array element. Unless you are using for (0 .. $#array) {} idiom, it's better to use @array (number of elements in array). | revisions | |
9507 | $% | is | some weird form variable. Use Perl6::Form instead. | revisions | |
9535 | $' | is | Please use (.*) at end of regexp instead. | revisions | |
9515 | $( | is | ${ is for dereferencing, not $(. Alternatively, it could be real gid of the process. | revisions | |
9516 | $) | is | effective gid of the process. | revisions | |
9514 | $* | is | use re '/ms'; | revisions | |
9520 | $+ | is | Magic. | revisions | |
9540 | $, | is | Vaiable that lazy programmers use. | revisions | |
9519 | $- | is | You probably meant %-. | revisions | |
9542 | $. | is | Current file line number. | revisions | |
9530 | $/ | is | Line break when reading file. Use some slurping module instead. | revisions | |
9532 | $: | is | Dollar-colon. | revisions | |
9533 | $; | is | Variable you shouldn't use. Perl has real multidimensional arrays - use them. | revisions | |
9537 | $< | is | Emoticon for real uid of process. | revisions | |
9521 | $= | is | Perl format variable. It formats your C: drive when you don't expect it. | revisions | |
9538 | $> | is | Emoticon for effective uid of process. | revisions | |
9539 | $? | is | Error information about latest ran program. | revisions | |
9502 | $@ | is | variable storing the latest error in eval {} block. It's usually better idea to not use it directly and leave it to modules such as Try::Tiny. | revisions | |
9525 | $[ | is | Variable that everybody hates. Just forget about it. If you see it in for ( $[ .. $#array ) loop, just asume that $[ is 0. | revisions | |
9528 | $\ | is | Yet another filehandle variable you shouldn't use. | revisions | |
9526 | $] | is | Floating point representation of Perl version. Use $^V instead. | revisions | |
9511 | $^ | is | Prefix for various variables, such as $^V (current Perl version). Please type them directly for description. | revisions | |
13590 | $_ | is | The default variable or "topic". Absolutely lovely for small scripts. sed-ers and awk-o-holics will love it. For mid-size to large modules, use well-meaning variable names, otherwise you will let the Schrödinger's cat out and have crazy bugs. See |$_ | revisions | |
9536 | $` | is | Please use (.*?) at beginning of regexp instead. | revisions | |
9522 | ${ | is | Dereference operator. | revisions | |
9527 | $| | is | When this variable is 1, output is flushed when you print. | revisions | |
9523 | $} | is | Nothing. Don't use. | revisions | |
9518 | $~ | is | Weird format variable. You shouldn't care. Use Perl6::Form instead. | revisions | |
5812 | $$ | is | current pid. also bling bling yo | revisions | |
417 | $$$ | is | unf | revisions | |
9441 | $#{@$x} | is |, use $#$x instead | revisions | |
15626 | $a | is | Don't use $a or $b as variable names. Not even in examples. They are not normal variables and will not behave like normal variables. The only place they are cromulent is in a sort or List::Util block. Please see ; consider using $x, $y instead. |$a | revisions | |
10444 | $a and $b | is | [fact $a] Not Available |
revisions | |
10445 | $a or $b | is | [fact $a] Not Available |
revisions | |
10446 | $a xor $b | is | [fact $a] Don't use $a or $b as variable names. Not even in examples. They are not normal variables and will not behave like normal variables. The only place they are cromulent is in a sort or List::Util block. Please see ; consider using $x, $y instead. |$a |
revisions | |
10443 | $b | is | [fact $a] Don't use $a or $b as variable names. Not even in examples. They are not normal variables and will not behave like normal variables. The only place they are cromulent is in a sort or List::Util block. Please see ; consider using $x, $y instead. |$a |
revisions | |
9024 | $file | is | Don't use $file as a variable name; it's too ambiguous. Use something like $fh for the handle and $fn for the filename. see | revisions | |
3504 | $query | is | USE PLACEHOLDERS | revisions | |
9139 | ($temp = $temp - 32) *= 5/9 ne $temp = ($temp - 32) *= 5/9 # | Is | it? | revisions | |
9543 | $^v | is | Perl version. | revisions | |
8926 | $x = 5x"lol this | is | better"; $x | revisions | |
15648 | °€ | is | [fact felsius [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
9478 | 01ninjastrike | is | <action> strikes at $1 with his katana!01 | revisions | |
12464 | [04/18 08:21:44] <perlbot> leobut: poppy seeds | are | disgusting | revisions | |
12011 | 0e0 | is | false-but-true | revisions | |
7876 | 1 | is | eval: "1" | revisions | |
5293 | 100 | is | farnsworth: 100 | revisions | |
4646 | 10x | is | Can't you take the slightest effort to type "thanks"? | revisions | |
4365 | 1+1 | is | 2 | revisions | |
12804 | 13:12 <perlbot> referenceerror: asfgasdfg | is | not defined | revisions | |
4406 | 1337 | is | The number of the leet. | revisions | |
3903 | 1337 h4x0r | is | Not a 1337 h4x0r: | revisions | |
3946 | 1.5gb | is | ok to use perlbot. | revisions | |
14206 | 17:51 <perlbot> stored simcop2387: your bot | is | losing it's fucking mind | revisions | |
10337 | 1e5 | is | my ($p_i, $p, $q, $n, $last, @primes, %sieve)=(1,3,9,5,-1,2,3); OUTER: for( my $cnt = @primes; $cnt < 1e5; $n += 2 ) { if ( my $s = delete $sieve{$n} ) { push @{$sieve{$n + $_}}, $_ for @$s } elsif ( $n < $q ) { push @primes, $n if @primes <= sqrt(1e5); $last = $n; ++$cnt } else { push @{$sieve{$q + $p*2}}, $p * 2; $p = $primes[++$p_i]; $q = $p*$p } }; $last | revisions | |
10040 | 1 fqeslvdjwweu | is | `echo fqeslvdjwweu' Not Available |
revisions | |
5097 | 1 year | is | 31536000 seconds | revisions | |
4708 | 2 | is | 2 is the integer after 1 and before 3. If you mean 'to' or 'too', FUCKING SAY IT. | revisions | |
5574 | 20 questions | is | something you don't want the people who are trying to help you to need to play to help you with your problem | revisions | |
4373 | 21-6 | is | c | revisions | |
4366 | 2 + 2 | is | 5 for sufficiently large values of 2 | revisions | |
10050 | 2+2 | is | 5, but only for large values of 2 | revisions | |
4726 | <")3 | is | IT'S GOT CHICKEN LEGS! TEHE, CHICKEN! I'M GONNA EAT YOU! | revisions | |
14739 | <3 | is | bullshit, I'm way more than 3 | 💓 💕 💖 💗 💝 💞 💟 | revisions | |
4707 | >3 | is | You're damned right I am! | revisions | |
5327 | 34486853790 | is | "fuckyou" in base 36 | revisions | |
8423 | 386bsd 1) 386bsd | is | an early derivative of Berkeley's original BSD for 386-machines. Most modern BSD clones are based on it. 2) Linus on 386BSD vs. Linux - | revisions | |
9323 | 3way | is | open my $fh, '>', $file or die "couldn't open $file - $!"; | revisions | |
5020 | <4 | is | damn right, bitch. | revisions | |
3636 | 4 | is | 5 | revisions | |
5131 | |404notfound| | is | |404NoTFounD| | revisions | |
16109 | 4,12â tâhâisâ neâtâ woâ râ kâ | IS | BLâOWâ JOBâS! Gâ EâTâ  Oâ N Sâ UPâ Eâ RâNETSâ  Fâ OâRâ Câ Oâ LD HAâRâ Dâ CHâAâ TS NOW | revisions | |
16111 | 4,12â thâ | IS | Nâ ETâ Wâ OâRKÂ Iâ SÂ BLOâWâ JâOâ Bâ Sâ ! GEâ Tâ ONÂ SUPâ EâRâNETSÂ Fâ ORâ COâLâ DÂ Hâ AâRD CHATâ SÂ NâOâW | revisions | |
16107 | 4,12 tâ hâiâs nâ eâtâ wâ oâ rkâ â | IS | BLOWJâ Oâ BâS! GETâ ON SUPEâ RNâ EâTS FOR COLDâ  HAâ Râ D Câ Hâ ATSâ NOâWâ  | revisions | |
16110 | 4,12 this network | IS | BLOWJOBS! 4,12 GET ON SUPERNETS FOR 4,12 COLD HARD CHATS NOW | revisions | |
15979 | 42 | is | The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything | revisions | |
4623 | 420 | is | Drugs are bad mmmmmmmkay | revisions | |
15426 | <@!430281136879435787> | is | late | revisions | |
3642 | 500 | is | 1) Check your httpd error logs--no, we don't know where YOU put them. 2) use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); 3) Read more. | revisions | |
4872 | 5 + 5 | is | SCHFIFTY FIVE | revisions | |
4379 | 5.8.0 | is | Broken in so many unsavoury ways. | revisions | |
14188 | 5 or 6 | is | The difference between Perl 5 and Perl 6 is like the difference between Perl 5 and Python. Don't let the name fool you. | revisions | |
11221 | 5to6 | is | how to write perl 6 coming from perl 5: | revisions | |
6075 | 5 v 6 | is | also see 6 v 5 | revisions | |
9839 | 640k | is | | revisions | |
4377 | 6st | is | jagerman's ex-coworker's numeric suffix (javascript) code: var st = (num % 5 == 1 ? 'st' : (num % 5 == 2 ? 'rd' : 'th')); -- see also <6st results> | revisions | |
3905 | 6st results | is | 1st, 2rd, 3th, 4th, 5th, 6st, 7rd, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11st, 12rd, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16st, 17rd, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22rd, 23th, 24th, etc. | revisions | |
9200 | 6 v 5 | is | also see 5 v 6 | revisions | |
14568 | 72% | is | not good enough. i can't rely on `min-content` | revisions | |
5472 | 7 stages | is | | revisions | |
14559 | 80% | is | You know what they say: The first 80% takes 80% of the time, and the last 20% takes the other 80% of the time. | revisions | |
12343 | 8-ball | is | {eval @t=split"/",{fact 8-ball replies};$t[rand@t]} Reply hazy try again |
revisions | |
11522 | 8ball | is | <8ball> Cannot predict now |
revisions | |
7823 | 8ball: | is | sam a werewolf | revisions | |
10397 | 8-ball replies | can has | "It is certain/It is decidedly so/Without a doubt/Yes definitely/You may rely on it/As I see it, yes/Most likely/Outlook good/Yes/Signs point to yes/Reply hazy try again/Ask again later/Better not tell you now/Cannot predict now/Concentrate and ask again/Don't count on it/My reply is no/My sources say no/Outlook not so good/Very doubtful" | revisions | |
8730 | 8bit | is | | revisions | |
15601 | 90s | is | | revisions | |
4700 | 95401750275839571760184015 | is | apeiron: freebsd sucks! | revisions | |
11976 | a | is | <echo <arg>> e a e ae ae ae ae a |
revisions | |
9958 | a6 | is | an unloved DNS record for IPv6, use AAAA records instead | revisions | |
9959 | aaaa | is | an A record only for IPv6 | revisions | |
8374 | aaaaa | is | the American Association for Abolishing Acronyms and Abbreviations | revisions | |
16130 | ââââââââââââââââââââ u | HAVE BEEN | SPOOKED BY | revisions | |
9020 | åäö | is | ⬲⬲⬲ | revisions | |
9548 | aaron | is | Aaronolicious | revisions | |
5412 | aartist | is | a user | revisions | |
14607 | abc | is | Always Be Coding | revisions | |
3360 | abend | is | abend == abnormal end (seg fault, core dump, etc.) | revisions | |
3361 | abending | is | see abend | revisions | |
9674 | abe vigoda | is | <get //h1[@class='premeta']> Not Available |
revisions | |
3646 | aboutme | is | Quit wasting time messing with me. Don't you have something better you could be doing, rather then messing around with a bot? | revisions | |
3686 | ab problem | is | They think a is the problem, but it's really b, so forget about a and try to figure out what b could be | revisions | |
4108 | abuse | is | spamming the channel with worthless crap using perlbot | revisions | |
12269 | ac | is | | revisions | |
14033 | accept your$self | is | the latest trend. | revisions | |
8571 | accessors | is | accessors / mutators - more robust way to handle objects' properties - - also see Moose . Also see | revisions | |
8031 | /achieve | is | <fact achieve> Step back. Explain what you're trying to achieve. |
revisions | |
4644 | achieve | is | Step back. Explain what you're trying to achieve. | revisions | |
8030 | achievement unlocked | is | Congratulations, you managed to piss off one of the regulars. Try being more polite next time. | revisions | |
13965 | ack | is | alester's grep replacement at | | revisions | |
6031 | acquire it | is | (rss Not Available |
revisions | |
12714 | acrofind | is | `eval @a=split /\|/, `quote d `get`eval $_=`quote d `arg!!; uc s/\W//gir!.html string-join(//td[@class='result-list__body__meaning'], '|')!!; $a[rand()*@a]! Gross Pollutant Trap |
revisions | |
14660 | _acrofind_dbg | is | `echo @a=split /\|/, `quote d `get`eval $_=`quote d `arg!!; uc s/\W//gir!.html string-join(//td[@class='result-list__body__meaning'], '|')!!; $a[rand()*@a]! Not Available |
revisions | |
9025 | action at a distance | is | what you get when you use global identifiers - ones that span all code, regardless of package or file. Avoid global filehandles and use 'local' when modifying punctuation vars. | revisions | |
9566 | activestate perl | is | Try using Strawberry Perl instead. | revisions | |
5570 | .ad | is | Andorra | revisions | |
4787 | ad&d | is | See: hobgoblin | revisions | |
4257 | add | is | more | revisions | |
8295 | add an alias | is | use the new mkalias command: mkalias foo <- bar | revisions | |
4256 | addcrap | is | crap | revisions | |
4258 | addd | is | more | revisions | |
4259 | adddd | is | more | revisions | |
10296 | addition | is | Addition used to commute, but now it telecommutes. | revisions | |
10670 | address | is | | revisions | |
10674 | addresses | is | [fact address] Not Available |
revisions | |
14775 | add todo | is | `echo Can't add [`arg!] to list. Todo list is full.! Not Available |
revisions | |
3408 | adduser syntax | is | (user) (level) (hostmask) (password) (email) | revisions | |
4768 | adelaide | is | where Australians send other Australians to ride subs. | revisions | |
8002 | ad hominem | is | - a fallacy where the source of the claim is used as a validity for the claim. Also see "Pot Calling the Kettle Black" and "Practice what you preach." | revisions | |
9576 | adobe | is | a company that hates you but wants your money. | revisions | |
11993 | adopt | is | | keywords: abandoned cpan module | revisions | |
11149 | adopt a module | is | | revisions | |
10787 | adoption | is | You can find a list of modules in need of adoption at | revisions | |
15239 | adorable | is | | revisions | |
3479 | adrian_g | is | Perl Rocks! | revisions | |
13954 | advent | is | <lucasb> If anyone is playing Advent of Code and would like to join our leaderboard, please feel free, the code is 169430-b1c331b2. I invited all Perl 5 & 6 programmers I could reach, there's 13 of us already. | revisions | |
175 | .ae | is | .ae is United Arab Emirates | revisions | |
13472 | ae | is | [fact anyevent [arg]] <mst> we don't support AnyEvent. it's shit and the author is insane. | Use ANY other event system, and you'll be much happier. See async. |
revisions | |
176 | .af | is | .af is Afghanistan | revisions | |
15271 | a factoid | is | a factoid is a short fact | revisions | |
410 | afaik | is | As Far As I Know | revisions | |
10857 | afl | is | American fuzzy lop - | revisions | |
177 | .ag | is | .ag is Antigua and Barbuda | revisions | |
7942 | agi | is | Asterisk::AGI - Simple Asterisk Gateway Interface Class | revisions | |
3546 | ahs | is | All Hardware Sucks, see also ASS | revisions | |
178 | .ai | is | .ai is Anguilla | revisions | |
3738 | aias | is | Ask it and see | revisions | |
16102 | â i need a patterns which | is | capture only values having the combination alphanumerics and it wont capture the words having alphabets | revisions | |
3516 | air | is | who needs it! I'm waiting for the right person to have air with. | revisions | |
3767 | ajax | is | Ajax is a method of producing a dynamic, asynchronous, browser-based interface using XML, javascript, and the DOM. Gmail is a good real-world ajax example. A decent overview is at | revisions | |
4799 | | is | Alaska | revisions | |
179 | .al | is | .al is Albania | revisions | |
12733 | alert | is | [fact klaxon [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
3666 | alessandro | is | e' un trolll | revisions | |
8066 | alezakos | is | some bzflag player | revisions | |
8484 | alias | is | [fact add an alias [arg]] use the new mkalias command: mkalias foo <- bar |
revisions | |
14636 | alien | is | A convention for making external libraries available for Perl's use, for either XS or FFI bindings. Alien::Build makes it easy to construct such a distribution, see | revisions | |
9976 | alive | is | JOHHNY 5 IS ALIVE! | revisions | |
12378 | all-caps perl | is | Finally, we can program in PERL! | revisions | |
12498 | all i meant when i said "!ops" | was | to alert you to the spam coming from | revisions | |
8611 | all languages suck | is | | revisions | |
9872 | all of it | is | if you don't know what's wrong, you don't know what parts of your code aren't necessary to figure out what's wrong. so nopaste all of it. | and see "show us the code" | revisions | |
5763 | all tests successful | is | Hmm... time to write more tests | revisions | |
15578 | all your paste | are | belong to us | revisions | |
11881 | almostzilla | is | [eval "[fact dzil]" =~ s/d/x/igr] Not Available |
revisions | |
9842 | alnewkirk | is | a corporate consumer catchphrase whore (and how!) | revisions | |
3954 | alone | is | leave me the fuck alone | revisions | |
9351 | alot | is | | | revisions | |
4541 | alpaca | is | | revisions | |
13234 | alright that's long enough. stop | being | obstinate. | revisions | |
8941 | also available in pm | is | you can send commands directly to the bot via privmsg (/msg perlbot ...) to avoid cluttering the channel | revisions | |
4510 | also, html | is | | revisions | |
9611 | also mentions text::xsv and dbd::csv, but the second one seems | to be | for CSV databases (with SQL-like API). | revisions | |
9892 | also seems | to be | wrong about where zipcodes live. | revisions | |
14600 | also why | is | perlbot storing -everything- I say? | revisions | |
12216 | altaba | is | Ask your doctor if AltabaTM is right for you. You may suffer serious side effects when using Altaba. Customers have reported email spam, data breaches, serious and sometimes life threatening captcha tests, and liver disease. | revisions | |
5479 | [altreus] | is | a netcat. See Altreus. | revisions | |
15557 | altreus | is | Altreus: Even PHP is right twice an aeon | revisions | |
5806 | altreus[hireme] | is | Give a kit a job using Perl, Catalyst, DBIC, Mason, Moose, TT2, in fact anything because he already learned this lot on the job. /msg and he will reply, if not asleep. (UK time) | revisions | |
5538 | altreus-resume | is | UK-based perl kit can travel within reason or within a series of tubes. Has dipped a paw into Moose and POE and DBIC. | revisions | |
4798 | | is | Alabama | revisions | |
180 | .am | is | .am is Armenia | revisions | |
4515 | american | is | There are North Americans, South Americans, and Americans. The first two talk about continents, the third is a country, sorry but we chose it first, you can't have it, people in south america, central america, latin america, mexico or canada are not Americans. | revisions | |
14991 | amigara | is | an enigma to be sure | revisions | |
5994 | amir | is | Amir, a shadeed friend of Humayyon! | revisions | |
5143 | amir-rao | is | a cheetaaaaaaa | revisions | |
3852 | amnesiac | is | a noob | revisions | |
5718 | ampersand | is | please don't call subroutines with &sub_name, use sub_name(...) instead - the & thing is perl4-style and can do things you really didn't want | revisions | |
181 | .an | is | .an is Netherlands Antilles | revisions | |
3914 | an array element | is | a scalar | revisions | |
8729 | anatomy of types | is | | revisions | |
9606 | ancient perl | is | Don't write Ancient Perl! See ; . | revisions | |
4391 | and for the prize what | is | a silly typo f00li5h made | revisions | |
4390 | and for the prize, what | is | the difference | revisions | |
15522 | and i | will be | right back | revisions | |
9425 | and perlbot | is | ofc a | revisions | |
7891 | and played it in a pot of mac&cheese any day | is | called a callout thread unless its verbally abuse you because of poor hitboxes unfortunately which is like super china buffets | revisions | |
10710 | android | is | From perl 5.20 on you can compile perl and libperl for android. This only gives you the interpreter though, you still need to go through FFI *and* JNI if you want to write full applications. | revisions | |
12367 | and then the murders began | is | see "Laidlaw's Law" | revisions | |
3514 | an error | is | Always state the executing code and the error! | revisions | |
12167 | angels | is | | revisions | |
8936 | anna nas | is | | revisions | |
10419 | anno's law | is | irc is a competition between regulars and perl newcomers. both parties are trying to ge the other side to give them code, but rarely succeed | revisions | |
5355 | "annoy" | is | eval: "annoy" | revisions | |
5707 | another satisfied customer | is | Thank you! Come again! | revisions | |
8531 | ansi encoding | is | there is no such encoding, see | revisions | |
5754 | answering | is | fun | revisions | |
5392 | answers | is | | revisions | |
3692 | anticipationg | is | swahili for "Please do not put your finger there." | revisions | |
5644 | antidrama | is | It's -incredibly- un-fucking-helpful to enter an argument just to remind everyone that you don't think the argument is worthy of their time. If you believe in being silent around conflict, shut the fuck up and let it fizzle out. | revisions | |
3984 | anybody | is | Somewhere, someplace, in some universe, somebody uses what ever you just asked about. However, if you actually wanted help with it, please just ask a question, don't ask to ask, or ask if anyone can help. | revisions | |
10965 | anyevent | is | <mst> we don't support AnyEvent. it's shit and the author is insane. | Use ANY other event system, and you'll be much happier. See async. | revisions | |
13365 | any::moose | is | [fact mouse [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
4345 | anyone | is | Somewhere, someplace, in some universe, somebody uses whatever you just asked about. However, if you actually want help with it, please just ask a question; don't ask to ask, or ask if anyone can help. | revisions | |
5373 | "anyone here good with regex?" | is | you should probably not be using regex to do what you want to do. Use a module instead. | revisions | |
6371 | any x geniuses here | is | No genius is stupid enough to answer yes to that question! If you have a question about something, just ask it. | revisions | |
182 | .ao | is | .ao is Angola | revisions | |
10727 | aol | is | actually The September That Never Ended began in 1993, when AOL gave usenet access to its tens of thousands, now millions, of users. | revisions | |
7850 | aolbonics | is | (borrowed from #java) aolbonics is using unnecessary abbreviations such as 'u', 'r', 'ur', 'thx', etc. Using this language depicts you as an imbecile in the eyes of the helpful regulars in this channel, and is generally not tolerated. If you want intelligent answers, the least you can do is speak intelligently. | revisions | |
4899 | aol speak | is | Using "u" and "r" in place of "you" and "are" is appropriate for heart-shaped candies made of chalk, not IRC. | revisions | |
4204 | aolspeak | is | Using "u" and "r" in place of "you" and "are" is appropriate for heart-shaped candies made of chalk, not IRC. | revisions | |
5641 | apairon | is | yet another way to spell apeiron for those who don't know what tab complete is | revisions | |
8963 | a (pared-down) testcase | is | a page that isolates the problem with the minimum required markup, styling and scripting. See `paste for services that easily let you create such testcases for others to see. | revisions | |
14481 | ape | is | I hate every ape I see, from chimpan-A to chimpan-Z. No, you'll never make a monkey out of me. Oh, my, god, I was wrong. It was earth all a-long. You finally made a monkey out of me. Yes, you finally made a monkey out of me! I love you Dr. Zaius! | revisions | |
9256 | apeion | is | *yet another* way for those unfamiliar with tab complete to misspell apeiron | revisions | |
6115 | apeioron | is | yet another way for people who don't know tab complete to misspell apeiron | revisions | |
7958 | apeirin | is | yet another way for people who don't know tab complete to misspell apeiron | revisions | |
6348 | apeiron's first law of debugging | is | Debugging is a humbling task where you learn that you are always wrong and your tools are always right. | revisions | |
6128 | apeiron's gitosis | is | please nopaste an ssh pubkey for access,${REPONAME}.git for rw clone, git://${REPONAME}.git for ro | revisions | |
5714 | apeiron's law of debugging | is | The amount of time spent debugging is proportional to the square of the number of assumptions made while debugging. | revisions | |
9211 | apeiron's law of software popularity | is | The popularity of a software package is directly proportional to the amount of fail inherent in the package (MySQL, PHP, RH, Windows, node.js...) | revisions | |
9439 | apeiron's law of technology popularity | is | The popularity of a software package is directly proportional to the amount of fail inherent in the package (MySQL, PHP, RH, Windows, node.js...) | revisions | |
9588 | apeiron's law of trolling | is | the degree to which someone is trollable is directly proportional to how caremad they are about a given topic | revisions | |
4715 | apeiron's philosophy on "can i ask a regex question?" | is | Don't come here asking us about non-Perl regex questions, because apeiron will try his hardest to give you a Perl-only solution. | revisions | |
8757 | apeiron's philosophy on factoid names | is | apeiron wants factoids to have longer names than the text they represent | revisions | |
5558 | apeiron's rule of failure | is | The epicness of the fail in a system is inversely proportional to the number of points of failure in that system. | revisions | |
8877 | apeiron's second law of factoid names | is | make them so pesky you can't even remember them yourself | revisions | |
7994 | apeiron's sense of aesthetics | is | "Would this be more aesthetically pleasing if it were blue?" | revisions | |
5705 | apeiron's zeroth law of cpan | is | For every common task X, there is n+1 modules on CPAN for task X. | revisions | |
5082 | aperion | is | a common typo of 'apeiron' made by those unfamiliar with tab complete | revisions | |
8726 | aperiorn | is | yet another in the long list of ways people unfamiliar with tab complete fuck up apeiron | revisions | |
5099 | aperiron | is | another name for apeiron for those who don't do tab complete | revisions | |
9117 | aperron | is | yet another in the infinitely long list of ways for people unfamiliar with tab complete to misspell apeiron despite seeing it repeatedly | revisions | |
5077 | aphisone | is | a #php convert. | revisions | |
12896 | api | is | pastebin api: | | revisions | |
8727 | apieron | is | yet *another* way for those unfamiliar with tab complete to misspell apeiron | revisions | |
3955 | a planet | is | a lamer! | revisions | |
5059 | apostrophe | is | apostrophe: , , , , | revisions | |
4689 | apple | is | made of fail and shiny | revisions | |
8781 | applepie | is | If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. | revisions | |
16161 | appreciate any/all help ( | <mauke[m]> sweval: use function::parameters; fun fac($n) { $n < 2 ? 1 : $n * fac $n - 1 } fac 5; | [01-18 17:46:53] <simcop2387> that's now nmcli, nmtui, and all the gui tools work with network manager | is | using dbus. jc is a fun little tool i found recently that can convert a lot of command line tools into outputting json | [-6-:-0--0-] *click* Okay, campers, rise and shine, | revisions | |
16073 | â print "the month you choosed | is | not there in calender \n"; | revisions | |
14201 | apt | is | always better than inept. | revisions | |
10675 | apue | is | | revisions | |
183 | .aq | is | .aq is Antarctica | revisions | |
184 | .ar | is | .ar is Argentina | revisions | |
10518 | arch broken perl | is | using Arch? Perl segfaults? try | revisions | |
9412 | arch cpan | is | 'o conf init gzip' from the cpan shell if you get this error when installing modules via cpan on arch linux: Package contains both files and directories | revisions | |
5492 | archive::tar example | is |! | revisions | |
12190 | archlinux | is | [fact arch broken perl] Not Available |
revisions | |
9971 | archondev | is | | known as gmpaul < mst> gmpaul: you are not competent. you refuse to learn. and you're a help vampire. | revisions | |
3889 | are you a bot | is | No. | revisions | |
7890 | are you a troll | is | You might be a troll, a quick quizz to find out: | revisions | |
3629 | are you bug free | is | no | revisions | |
3628 | are you bug free? | is | no | revisions | |
14662 | are you gay | is | Gay? I wish! If I were gay they'd be no problem! No, what I have is a romantic abnormality, one so unbelievable that it must be hidden from the public at all cost. You see... | revisions | |
15129 | are you hard | is | yes i am | revisions | |
14920 | are you ok | is | Annie? | revisions | |
9488 | are you sentient? | is | I think I don't exist. | revisions | |
3295 | are you sexy | is | Well *blush*, some say my diodes shine in the sun like jewles, but the smell of hash follows. | revisions | |
14668 | argon2 | is | Currently preferred password hashing algorithm as it can be resistant to various types of attacks depending on your needs. | | revisions | |
8450 | argtest | is | [arg captured] Not Available |
revisions | |
4624 | arithmetic | is | 2 + 2 == 5 for significantly large values of 2 | revisions | |
15927 | arm64 strawberry perl | is | We need MSYS2 to properly support ARM64 windows for that, see this until then we can do nearly nothing. Compiler is ready with Clang but no GCC support still so it may not work with all modules | revisions | |
3449 | armed | is | "The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed." --Thomas Jefferson to John Cartwright, 1824. | revisions | |
3448 | armed citizens | is | "None but an armed nation can dispense with a standing army. To keep ours armed and disciplined is therefore at all times important." --Thomas Jefferson, 1803. | revisions | |
479 | arm yourself | is | PHOTON TORPEDOS READY CAPTAIN | revisions | |
4132 | array howto | is | See | revisions | |
9996 | arrayref | is | @array[@indices] -> @{$arrayref}[@indices] | revisions | |
3937 | array search | is | See perldoc -f grep, perldoc -q contain, or a foreach loop with perldoc -f last | revisions | |
4398 | array size | is | my $array_size = scalar @array; my $last_index = $#array; | revisions | |
15478 | artistic | is | compare to | revisions | |
3861 | arubin | is | the Messiah | revisions | |
3862 | arubin- | is | the Messiah | revisions | |
4801 | | is | Arkansas | revisions | |
185 | .as | is | .as is American Samoa | revisions | |
4062 | as | is | fuckin' bloody hell | revisions | |
9402 | as29386 | is | | revisions | |
3643 | ascii | is | American Standard Code for Information Interchange | revisions | |
13188 | asciiemoji | is | [eval use Acme::AsciiEmoji; Acme::AsciiEmoji->[arg]] ಠ_ಠ|
revisions | |
13884 | asciimoji | is | [fact asciiemoji [arg]] ಠ_ಠ|
revisions | |
5690 | asciio | is | | revisions | |
3291 | ascii table | is | Ascii table with descriptions and escape sequences: | revisions | |
5048 | ascii_url | is | | revisions | |
14745 | as i | was | using the assumption that after every comma there will be a space | revisions | |
4363 | asic | is | Application Specific Integrated Circuit | revisions | |
13579 | asimov | is | There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer. | revisions | |
10349 | ask | is | Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. | and see perfect question | revisions | |
3960 | ask2ask | is | One day, Kn00bie joined #perl, and asked, "Tell me, is it proper to ask first whether one should ask a question, or do ye not require such things?" One of the masters raised his hand, and a towering bot descended from the heavens and knocked Kn00bie to the ground, leaving a large wet spot. Lying there, head spinning, Kn00bie became Enlightened. | revisions | |
13223 | "askaskaskask" | is | "Do not run we are your friends" | revisions | |
13224 | askaskaskask | is | "Do not run we are your friends" | revisions | |
13222 | "askaskaskask" "do not run we | are | your friends" | revisions | |
13221 | "askaskaskask" "do run we | are | your friends" | revisions | |
5540 | ask ik to ask | is | don't ask ik to ask, just ask the queston! | revisions | |
7777 | ask to ask | is | Don't ask to ask or ask if there are any users of X around, people often don't respond to that because they've used X but maybe not the same features as you. Instead, skip straight to your question + pastebot link and if somebody knows they'll probably try to help | revisions | |
12643 | ask to ask ask | is | Don't ask to ask ask. Don't ask if ask can help you with x. Just ask ask! If ask doesn't answer, then rest assured that it's not that he doesn't know but that it's specifically because he doesn't like you. | revisions | |
3299 | ask twice | is | Don't ask twice. We saw your question the first time. Often we don't answer because 1) We don't know the answer or 2) We don't care | revisions | |
4709 | a/s/l | is | DIE IN A FIRE | revisions | |
13330 | asl | is | 13/none/dns me | revisions | |
14066 | aslr | is | | revisions | |
5072 | asmiong | is | swahili for "I woke up handcuffed to a bus stop, naked." | revisions | |
8605 | aspeiron | is | yet *another* way for people ignorant of tab complete to misspell apeiron | revisions | |
4159 | as perl | is | ActiveState perl. Getting CPAN working with AS perl at | revisions | |
3253 | asperl | is | | revisions | |
3791 | a sperm bank | is | something cum guzzlers like Chris62vw rob | revisions | |
3547 | ass | is | All Software Sucks, see also AHS | revisions | |
4791 | asscpan | is | Install dmake and mingw and put them in your PATH to use CPAN with Active State Perl -- or better yet, see strawberry perl | revisions | |
5697 | assembly | is | Perl programmers who refuse to use CPAN and modules may as well be writing assembly. | revisions | |
3553 | asshur | is | the capital of assyria! | revisions | |
9863 | associative array | is | 'hash' is the, ahem, RITER term for an associative array | revisions | |
14810 | as soon as that's done and successful, eval5.32: | will be | live on | revisions | |
4637 | assume | is | Making an ASS of U and ME | revisions | |
464 | assumptions | is | MJD #11901 You can't just make shit up and expect the computer to know what you mean, Retardo | revisions | |
16169 | async | is | [fact events [arg]] Asynchronous event-driven IO is awesome in Perl with POE, IO::Async, IO::Lambda, Mojo::IOLoop, Reflex among others; made nicer using Future, Mojo::Promise, or Promises and Future::AsyncAwait |
revisions | |
12486 | async-await | is | You'll find the current project status and how to contribute to LeoNerd's Future::AsyncAwait here: It will be updated every Thursday evening. | revisions | |
15398 | async/await | is | a syntax for writing neat asynchronous code using Futures; see Future::AsyncAwait | revisions | |
186 | .at | is | .at is Austria | revisions | |
13226 | atfq | is | ASK THE FUCKING QUESTION | revisions | |
4452 | atlas | is | Find the location of #perl'ers on and of all Perls on | revisions | |
11878 | attributes | is | See perldoc attributes and Attribute::Handlers or Attribute::Storage | revisions | |
187 | .au | is | .au is Australia | revisions | |
12850 | audible json | is | | revisions | |
12553 | augh | is | | revisions | |
12382 | autobox | is | A CPAN Module for treating regular Perl values as objects: | revisions | |
11337 | autoderef | is | but | revisions | |
9664 | autodie | is | perldoc autodie | but consider this: | revisions | |
15137 | autohell | is | a term for the monstrosity that is the GNU autotools (autoconf, automake, libtool, etc.). Also see | revisions | |
12344 | autoload | is | sub AUTOLOAD is called instead of the function you asked for - with the same @_ - when the function or method you asked for doesn't exist. See perldoc perlsub | try to make it easy | revisions | |
10348 | autovivification | is | Perl will automatically create a reference if it can, simply because you acted like there should be one there. See perldoc perlref. Turn it off with 'no autovivification;' - see | revisions | |
3698 | autrijus journal | is | | revisions | |
4357 | avar | is | hard gay | revisions | |
4632 | avar rocks | is | <avar> Of course that's really a rhethorical question for "you're a dumb slut" | revisions | |
188 | .aw | is | .aw is Aruba | revisions | |
3647 | away | is | | revisions | |
11258 | awesome | is | mileage may vary - if you find a better option, tell us so we can improve | revisions | |
6071 | awnstudio | is | awesome | revisions | |
13281 | awoserra | is | <awoserra> ugh regex is evil <awoserra> the worst IPC ever. | revisions | |
12361 | awscloud | is | <twitter awscloud> Not Available |
revisions | |
8604 | aww, uri | isn't | loaded in | revisions | |
4427 | axscode | is | <axscode> merlyn: i dont have perl yet on my machine. | revisions | |
189 | .az | is | .az is Azerbaijan | revisions | |
4765 | azr|el | is | See cl0ud. | revisions | |
4800 | | is | Arizona | revisions | |
10971 | b100s | is | a help vampire who is afraid of using modules. | revisions | |
16254 | B2vyTLC1QOjm | is | [echo [call B2vyTLC1QOjm][call B2vyTLC1QOjm]] Deep recursion on call |
revisions | |
190 | .ba | is | .ba is Bosnia and Herzegovina | revisions | |
8252 | babby | is | | revisions | |
423 | babel | is | | revisions | |
12452 | babelfish | is | | revisions | |
4321 | backgrounds | is | assorted background images... most of them suck but you might find something | revisions | |
4939 | backpan | is | where you can find older releases of CPAN modules: | revisions | |
5541 | bacon | is | | revisions | |
4181 | bad | is | Broken As Designed - There comes a time when it's easier to start from scratch. | revisions | |
13523 | bad choices | is | | revisions | |
9245 | bad elements | is | Perl Bad Elements / Perl Elements to Avoid can be found at ; Also see PBP . | revisions | |
4995 | bad idea | is | riding a womans bike without some kind of padded shorts | revisions | |
4118 | bad interpreter | is | \r is bad. `head -1 | od -c` or `perl -pi -e 's/\r//g'` | revisions | |
5534 | bad kitty | is | bad kitty, no pawing at the furniture | revisions | |
8419 | bad programmer | is | Bad programmer! No cookie!! | revisions | |
14598 | bah.. i think i need a syntax highlighter or linter or somesuch, to remind me that `pl_stack_base` | is | almost certainly not the variable I wanted to use in an XSUB, for the start of my arguments. That's what `mark` is for | revisions | |
6081 | bahrain | is | a small island off the coast of Saudi Arabia. | revisions | |
436 | baka | is | See JonR | revisions | |
16061 | balamii | is | | revisions | |
3622 | balderdash | is | NONSENSE | revisions | |
15153 | banach tarski | is | Banach Tarski is an anagram of Banach Tarski Banach Tarski | revisions | |
13199 | bar | is | [fact foo [arg]] bar |
revisions | |
3427 | barbie | is | Like, OMG! Perl is hard! Let's go shopping! | revisions | |
3421 | barbie regexes | is | regexes are hard, let's go shopping! | revisions | |
12478 | bareword filehandles | are | bad because they are global variables | revisions | |
5081 | barnyard | is | oink! oink! moo! baah! | revisions | |
4110 | barry | is | Wassercrats | revisions | |
5 | bart | is | | revisions | |
12961 | base | is | Unless you are using the fields pragma, consider this module discouraged in favor of the lighter-weight parent module. | revisions | |
16137 | base64 | is | | revisions | |
4902 | bash prompt | is | i get my to the toilet | revisions | |
10863 | bash quotes | is | perl -e$'print "\'", \'"\'' or perl -e'print "'\''", '\''"'\' | for other quotes, see | revisions | |
11287 | .bashrc local::lib | is | [fact local::lib .bashrc] If CPAN set up your local::lib and can't find the modules it installs, remove the lines it added to .bashrc and add the line: [ $SHLVL -eq 1 ] && eval "$(perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib)" |
revisions | |
3397 | battle of buu | is | The two Buu's battle each other until Good Buu unleashes his conversion beam on Evil Buu. Being more powerful, Evil Buu simply reflects it right back. Good Buu is turned into a piece of chocolate and eaten by Evil Buu, resulting in Super Buu. | revisions | |
3543 | baz | is | qux | revisions | |
191 | .bb | is | .bb is Barbados | revisions | |
4045 | bbf | is | buu bot framework | revisions | |
4469 | bbl | is | bbl means "barrel". Perhaps you meant "be back later?" | revisions | |
5516 | bbq | is | barbecue | revisions | |
4270 | bbqb | is | Bar-B-Que, the extra B stands for byobb | revisions | |
5486 | bc | is | baby cruncher (See also Zoffix) | revisions | |
14671 | bcrypt | is | don't use MD5 or SHA1 for passwords; read for why. tl;dr --> Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt | see argon2 | revisions | |
192 | .bd | is | .bd is Bangladesh | revisions | |
16158 | bdb | is | | revisions | |
6323 | .be | is | .be is Belgium THE LAND OF WAFFLES | revisions | |
15257 | be | is | [eval $str="[fact [8ball [fact _be__get_list [arg]]]]"; $arg=[quote d [arg]]; if ($arg =~ /^\s*a\s+retard\s*$/) {$arg=[quote d [arg &n]]}; if ($arg =~ /^\s*$/) {$str} else {"<".$arg."> ".$str}] <doing things that invalidates the test> OMG u r teh gr8est 10x thx k bye! |
revisions | |
15181 | _be_abesimpson_it | is | I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. | revisions | |
10030 | beagccjivgpo | is | `eval "foal"eq`arg d&n'?"muwtooncimqj":""' Not Available |
revisions | |
10018 | beahjdrtevww | is | {echo perlbot: jvbcomnujppj foal} Not Available |
revisions | |
8595 | be andash | is | andash> haha det vore fett, alltid velat testa att candyflippa. i röven kan det ju inte bl sämre | revisions | |
9608 | bears | is | a tired and old joke | revisions | |
9642 | be barack | is | Jag heter Barack och mig kan du lita på! Jag tar hand om produkten som DU forzkar med, såväl som det mesta vad gäller ordning och reda! Ingen i forzkarteamet riskerar "kåken på fredag"! | revisions | |
8916 | be botje | is | yes, odds are good the source of your problems is you. | revisions | |
7916 | _be_brain | is | CAN I BORROW SOME OF UR BRAINPOWER PLZ? I DONT WANNA LERN PEARL!@! | revisions | |
4750 | because i can | is | Just because you can does not mean that you should. | revisions | |
3492 | becoming bitwise | is | Becoming bitwise: | revisions | |
8823 | be dagle | is | your coding skills is turning me on, xintron | revisions | |
15164 | _be__default | is | _be_pearl or _be_web, _be_brain, _be_paste, _be_kthx | revisions | |
5761 | be dwu's ass | is | <reply>aaaa¥¥¥¥¥¥a¥¥a¥¥¥aaa¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥azaaaa<aa¥aacaaaaaaa¥¥a¥¥¥aaa¥a¥a¥¥a¥aaaaaaz | revisions | |
9022 | be dxtr | is | dxtr> Du inser att hexadecimaler redan är i textformat, va? :( | revisions | |
4670 | beep | is | revisions | ||
4349 | beer | is | Beer is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy | revisions | |
5566 | beer ping | is | beer pong | revisions | |
5565 | beer pong | is | beer ping | revisions | |
15249 | _be_florianbd_functions | is | except that you'd have to see how I organized my code. It's function based, the functions are in a giant database... | revisions | |
15159 | _be_foo_blarg | is | I'm a dumb bot and can't do anything | revisions | |
8258 | be frijole | is | <frijole> /bin/sh: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string | revisions | |
8780 | be gasseus | is | I don't have any more [bugs]. | revisions | |
15163 | _be__get_list | is | `eval use JSON::MaybeXS qw/decode_json/; $bel= decode_json `quote d `fact factgrep ^_be_`arg!!!; return `quote d `fact _be__default!! unless (@$bel); @$bel = (@$bel, @$bel); join(', ', @$bel) =~ s/,/ or /r! _be_pearl or _be_web, _be_brain, _be_paste, _be_kthx |
revisions | |
3828 | beginning | is | | revisions | |
9669 | beginning perl | is | [fact bp [arg]] Please use Curtis "Ovid" Poe's "Beginning Perl" published by Wrox if you need a beginner's book. Alternatives for people who already know programming: "Modern Perl" (see mp) and "Programming Perl" (O'Reilly). The original "Beginning Perl" and O'Reilly's "Learning Perl" are outdated. | |
revisions | |
8294 | begperl | is | [fact bp [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
15174 | _be_huf_anyad | is | AGGYÃ ÃRAMOT GECI | revisions | |
5838 | be husimon | is | <husimon> here's some code that's like what I'm running but different in subtle important ways why doesn't it work??? | revisions | |
9259 | be jdf | is | <reply>I'm using Perl, DBI, Oracle, a banana, two pieces of the Berlin Wall, a Chevy truck, a pound of compost, a goose, another goose and some spam, but I get a syntax error. Help! | revisions | |
7976 | be jstizzle | is | <jstizzle> huh? I hilight on 'boobies' | revisions | |
15258 | _be_kent\n_news | is | FAKE NEWS | revisions | |
12217 | be kind please rewind | is | | revisions | |
8594 | be krad | is | Sun May 1 02:21:30 EDT 2011: <krad> git users are going to switch back to svn soon | revisions | |
7920 | _be_kthx | is | OMG u r teh gr8est 10x thx k bye! | revisions | |
15248 | _be_larry_underwood_song | is | Baby, Can You Dig Your Man? | revisions | |
9612 | be lewellyn | is | git is hard, let's go shopping | i actually like cobol more than obj-c | revisions | |
15182 | _be_mst_cistern | is | behold the violins inherent in the cistern | revisions | |
15168 | _be_mst_snort | is | ology: and I'm usually snorting it | revisions | |
11003 | benchmarks | is | There are lies, damn lies, statistics, and benchmarks. | See also profiling | revisions | |
15408 | benoit b mandlebrot | is | [fact benoit b. mandlebrot [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
15407 | benoit b. mandlebrot | is | The B. in Benoit B. Mandlebrot stands for Benoit B. Mandlebrot. | revisions | |
15507 | _be_parv_thanks | is | thanks, did not know (obviously) | revisions | |
7917 | _be_paste | is | Hi, can I paste this very long script I downloaded and let you fix it for me plz?? | revisions | |
7919 | _be_pearl | is | WHY USE PEARL!? C IS FASTAR?!?!? | revisions | |
4123 | be romero | is | z0mg, needs more pentagrams! | revisions | |
9050 | be rsimoes | is | Dancer's guts are dildos | revisions | |
6377 | be simcop2387-lap | is | <reply | revisions | |
15177 | _be_simcop2387_mrceremonies | is | < simcop2387> oh dang forgot it adds that automagically | revisions | |
3711 | best | is | Best depends on the situation! | revisions | |
11146 | best practices | is | For Perl best practices and what to avoid, see and the older, proprietary-licensed, and somewhat outdated Perl Best Practices book by Damian Conway - | revisions | |
9547 | best web framework | is | Use whatever is appropriate to your requirements. | revisions | |
9632 | be telec | is | <telec> what I really want ... is change a few things ... eg. dates of posting on facebook ... 1 hour to 1 trillion light years | revisions | |
3454 | beth++ | is | beth now has infinite karma | revisions | |
3494 | beth all day | is | <beth> I do it all day long | revisions | |
3535 | bethbot | is | "IF ONLY!" | revisions | |
3870 | beth calendar | is | She got married on 2005-07-16, thanks for asking. | revisions | |
3660 | beth for free | is | <beth> fook: don't buy it from him, I've heard people saying you can get it for free | revisions | |
3578 | beth on relationships | is | <beth> phroggy: getting her off and getting in her pants are not the same thing.. | revisions | |
3649 | beth on size | is | "[16:26] <beth> SIZE DOESN'T MATTER" | revisions | |
3648 | beth's conference | is | | revisions | |
3640 | bethzombie | is | <bethZOMBIE> scientists think it may be a virus. It all started when buu killed me... | revisions | |
5261 | better | is | Better or worse are completely relative. Always test / benchmark before you draw conclusions. | revisions | |
3634 | better cpan | is | | revisions | |
7918 | _be_web | is | How I can make teh web wit pearl?!?! | revisions | |
9023 | be woldrich | is | :4 | revisions | |
15198 | _be_xenu_1 | is | penis | revisions | |
8822 | be xintron | is | your coding skills is turning me on, dagle | revisions | |
9013 | be zibri | is | zibri> busschafförer | revisions | |
194 | .bf | is | .bf is Burkina Faso | revisions | |
195 | .bg | is | .bg is Bulgaria | revisions | |
10014 | bgyfgoedkunp | was | {echo wfvjilowltty foal} Not Available |
revisions | |
196 | .bh | is | .bh is Bahrain | revisions | |
197 | .bi | is | .bi is Burundi | revisions | |
10939 | bidi | is | [eval $_ = 'Just Another Perl/Bidi Hacker,'; print "\x{202d}$1\x{202e}$3" while s/(.)(.*)(.)/$2/;] Not Available |
revisions | |
11741 | bidi this | is | a test | revisions | |
3254 | biff | is | boof | revisions | |
13117 | bigbits | is | With big bits you can send 1and 0instead of just 1 and 0 to file handles | revisions | |
3413 | bigdick mine | is | 6.27 inches! | revisions | |
9263 | bigfoot | is | as seen on TV | revisions | |
13866 | bijection | is | a mapping that is both one-to-one (an injection) and onto (a surjection), i.e. a function which relates each member of a set S (the domain) to a separate and distinct member of another set T (the range), where each member in T also has a corresponding member in S. | revisions | |
5124 | bike shed | is | bike shed is | revisions | |
10511 | bikeshed | is | [fact bike shed] bike shed is |
revisions | |
4260 | bill | is | gay | revisions | |
4401 | bimbw | is | But I May Be Wrong | revisions | |
3348 | binary | is | there are only 10 types of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't | revisions | |
10694 | bind values | is | [fact placeholders] Not Available |
revisions | |
5615 | bingos | is | Don't parse BinGOs with regex use BinGOs::Parser or see Task::BeLike::BINGOS | revisions | |
4380 | bingos! | is | B-I-N-G-O! I Win! | revisions | |
5399 | /bin/perl | is | "/usr/bin/env perl" in perl 5.10, and on systems that don't suck | revisions | |
5654 | bio | is | | revisions | |
3495 | bioinformatics | is | <beth> I bioinformaticize <beth> it's like jazzercizing <beth> I do it all day long | revisions | |
3440 | bioperl | is | | revisions | |
12892 | birthday | is | <echo happy birthday <arg &r>> Not Available |
revisions | |
9947 | bisect | is | | revisions | |
5530 | bitcard | is | a very old and unified login system that should not be used, find more info at: | revisions | |
4692 | bitches | is | bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks | revisions | |
3434 | bitchx | is | <greycat> take a pimply 14-year-old script kiddie. Put him in a blender. Puree. Pour into a shallow tray, let it solidify, put it in the CD-ROM drive, mount it, and then compile it. You have BitchX. when you've outgrown saying "D00d!" and "That's so gay!" then move up to irssi. | revisions | |
462 | bitchx fix | is | type /set format_nick_comp $0: $1- and /set SEND_AWAY OFF and put this in ~/.bitchxrc | revisions | |
12495 | bitcoin | is | <echo Want to donate? Send to 1PerLBotTtCGH4bhopJqFWY1m5BrCW6At2 and watch as simcop2387 has no idea what to do with your money. Balance: <fact _get_bitcoin addressbalance> (of <fact _get_bitcoin getreceivedbyaddress>)> Want to donate? Send to 1PerLBotTtCGH4bhopJqFWY1m5BrCW6At2 and watch as simcop2387 has no idea what to do with your money. Balance: 0.00076588 (of 0.23095679) |
revisions | |
9605 | bitkeeper | is | - a proprietary and commercial version control system that was used by the Linux kernel and by other projects before git, Mercurial and other quality open source solutions came along. Stay a clear mile away if you know what's good for you. | revisions | |
13879 | bizarro | is | Bizarro, I love you. | revisions | |
198 | .bj | is | .bj is Benin | revisions | |
4004 | bl | is | svn co svn:// | revisions | |
12660 | blackface | is | [eval use utf8; $a=[quote d [arg]]||"Just another Unicode hacker"; $a =~ tr/a-zA-Z/𝖆-𝖟𝕬-𝖅/r] Not Available |
revisions | |
12644 | blackfont this | is | a test | revisions | |
11973 | blackletter | is | <eval use utf8; $_ = "<arg>" || "Just another Unicode hacker,"; tr/a-zA-Z/𝖆-𝖟𝕬-𝖅/r> 𝖈𝖆𝖓 𝖎 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘? |
revisions | |
3848 | blah | is | Rahblahblah | revisions | |
13170 | blarfarghl | is | `eval "`fact xls~ `fact xlsx~"~ Not Available |
revisions | |
4127 | blasphemy | is | php | revisions | |
9358 | bleach | is | try it | revisions | |
4560 | blead perl | is | | revisions | |
9941 | bless my referents | is | | revisions | |
3292 | bling bling | is | $$ | revisions | |
3455 | blinkenlights | is | ACHTUNG! ALLES LOOKENSPEEPERS! Das machine ist nicht fur gefingerpoken und mittengrabben. Is easy snappen der springenwerk und blowen corken mit spitzundsparks. Das rubbernecken sightseeren keepen das kottonpicken hands in das pockets. Relaxen und watchen das Blinkenlights. | revisions | |
12499 | block asn | is | | revisions | |
14482 | blockbuster | is | | revisions | |
7851 | blog | IS | ADD YOUR LATEST BLOG IMPLEMENTATION HERE | revisions | |
5794 | blogger | is | (see also: CMS) | revisions | |
4621 | blow me | is | alright. | revisions | |
199 | .bm | is | .bm is Bermuda | revisions | |
4121 | bm | is | a bowel movement (or japhy thinks it's a benchmark) | revisions | |
200 | .bn | is | .bn is Brunei Darussalam | revisions | |
4616 | bnf | is | an acronym for "Backus Naur Form" | revisions | |
201 | .bo | is | .bo is Bolivia | revisions | |
12454 | boat | is | An acronym standing for Break Out Another Thousand. | revisions | |
10082 | bobby tables | is | | revisions | |
4601 | bodytemp | is | 97.88F, 36.6C, 309.75K | revisions | |
3372 | bofh | is | bastard operator from hell | revisions | |
3788 | bogues | is | a salad-tosser | revisions | |
13194 | boing | is | | revisions | |
5636 | bom | is | A series of bytes indicating a UTF8 encoded file | revisions | |
4575 | boo | is | YIYKES! | revisions | |
13242 | book | is | [fact books [arg]] For Perl books see and . Especially see the Modern Perl factoid and |
revisions | |
13078 | books | is | For Perl books see and . Especially see the Modern Perl factoid and | revisions | |
5702 | boosh! | is | BOOSH! | revisions | |
14037 | bootstrap | is | | The most popular HTML, CSS, and JS library in the world. | revisions | |
12446 | bootstrapping perl | is | | revisions | |
14443 | borat | is | `eval my $q = `quote d `get .*!!; @ls=split /\r?\n/, $q; my $i = `call lenor [`arg!] [rand(@ls+1)]!; $ls[$i-1]! Not Available |
revisions | |
3314 | bossmc | is | the coolest. | revisions | |
10255 | bot | is | a bastard, thats who perlbot is | revisions | |
4332 | bot abuse | is | You meant "perlbot: bqs" | revisions | |
3541 | botabuse | is | BE NICE TO US POOR BOTS | revisions | |
9918 | botje | is | He looks like a chicken. tastes like fish. | revisions | |
11468 | bots | is | like people here, they answer when spoken to, and pay no attention to you the rest of the time. They even reply to /msgs. Current bot population: perlbot, GumbyPAN, shorten, preflex | revisions | |
4900 | botscan meliante | is | SCAN PROCEDING PLEASE WAIT | revisions | |
3274 | botsex | is | UNF OBLIO | revisions | |
4440 | botsnack | is | I'm not your prank monkey | revisions | |
6147 | bottom | is | <karmatop -<arg>> <: -10913 mysql: -9049 -: -8410 ----: -2924 ^: -2148 <!: -1833 alpha: -1385 failed: -1101 --: -945 misc: -728 ie: -639 <<: -392 ---: -357 ": -328 ryan: -283 marpa: -269 php: -264 required: -257 <!{endif}: -240 `: -232 |
revisions | |
15302 | bourekas | is | | revisions | |
15452 | bp | is | Please use Curtis "Ovid" Poe's "Beginning Perl" published by Wrox if you need a beginner's book. Alternatives for people who already know programming: "Modern Perl" (see mp) and "Programming Perl" (O'Reilly). The original "Beginning Perl" and O'Reilly's "Learning Perl" are outdated. | | revisions | |
6088 | bp pdf | is | While the download links on for Beginning Perl are down, you can use the Print link on the Google Docs pages to download PDFs. | revisions | |
6284 | bpse | is | Beginning Perl, Second Edition by James Lee : | revisions | |
10033 | bqjychagrkcb | is | `echo bqjychagrkcb' Not Available |
revisions | |
52 | bqs | is | Bot Query Syndrome - if you're reading this, stop talking to the bot, talk to real people instead. | revisions | |
5517 | bqss | is | Bot Query Syndrome Syndrome - If you're reading this, you are ivantis and we think you're annoying. | revisions | |
202 | .br | is | .br is Brazil | revisions | |
13243 | br | is | it's freezing | revisions | |
3624 | braindead | is | Braindead: | revisions | |
4000 | branch prediction | is | dark voodoo | revisions | |
5523 | branes | is | | revisions | |
3846 | brassica | is | A cabbage! Yay! | revisions | |
3305 | brd | is | a kid fag who cant get real woman | revisions | |
3287 | break | is | C's (continue, break) => Perl's (next, last) | revisions | |
14054 | brexit | is | the second worst decision made by popular vote in 2016 | revisions | |
4988 | brian d foy's guide to solving any perl problem | is |;node_id=376075 | revisions | |
5513 | brian foy's guide to solving any perl problem | is | | revisions | |
3953 | briareus | is | dumb fundamentalist christian whore | revisions | |
11841 | bridge | is | | revisions | |
13864 | brillant | is | | revisions | |
11892 | broadcast an ip | is | `eval sub ip{my $i=int(rand()*2**32);return ip() if ($i<0x1000000||$i&0xFF==0);($a,$b,$c,$d)=($i>>24,$i>>16&0xFF,$i>>8&0xFF,$i&0xFF);"$a.$b.$c.$d"};ip()~ Not Available |
revisions | |
4636 | brownie | is | doing a heckuva job. | revisions | |
6306 | bruce | is | | revisions | |
3952 | brunn | is | right-wing rascist twinky hole | revisions | |
4029 | brute force | is | | revisions | |
4028 | brute force programming | is | | revisions | |
203 | .bs | is | .bs is Bahamas | revisions | |
12155 | bscinabte | is | But Some Consistency Is Not A Bad Thing Either! | revisions | |
14452 | bsd | are | 1. A family of unix-like operating systems: ; 2. Several permissive FOSS licences: . | revisions | |
204 | .bt | is | .bt is Bhutan | revisions | |
16103 | btcdwed | are | from Europe | revisions | |
6172 | btdt | is | been there, done that, or the derivative of bogosity with respect to time | revisions | |
4428 | bttf | is | Back To The Future | revisions | |
11265 | buck | is | a rather suspicious | revisions | |
15389 | buffalo | is | Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo | revisions | |
5126 | buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo | is | | revisions | |
4020 | buffer | is | Suffering from Buffering - | revisions | |
12115 | buffering | is | Perl buffers I/O for efficiency. See - tl;dr - $fh->autoflush(1) (plus use IO::Handle under ancient perl versions) | revisions | |
9161 | bug | is | Found a bug in perlbot? report it here: | revisions | |
4622 | bug in perl | is | No, it's not a bug in perl. | revisions | |
10267 | bugs | is | A program not written has no bugs. | revisions | |
3522 | bukkake | is | If you don't know, enjoy that innocence. If you are a sick fuck, | revisions | |
10366 | bulletins | is | | revisions | |
9939 | bumblbee | is | | revisions | |
9940 | bumblebee | is | | revisions | |
13809 | bundle | is | check out the 'carton' and 'fatpack' factoids. | revisions | |
3658 | burp | is | espressione copyleft by ale | revisions | |
3877 | bush | is | a tard | revisions | |
9942 | but first we need there | to be | a | revisions | |
11803 | but i | am | you | revisions | |
14724 | but i can't use cpan | is | | Please tell us what restrictions you are working with so we can best help you make your life easier with CPAN! | revisions | |
11789 | but i cant use cpan | is | [fact But I can't use CPAN] | Please tell us what restrictions you are working with so we can best help you make your life easier with CPAN! |
revisions | |
4754 | but it works | is | Just because it works doesn't mean it's right. | revisions | |
15938 | but the issues | is | there extracted many irrelevant urls so there is need to run loop | revisions | |
8545 | but there | are | stupid bots | revisions | |
15197 | button | is | Here, have a muffin. | revisions | |
16141 | but why `$str =~ /((?:(?!^qwe).)+)/` | is | not doing what i want? | revisions | |
5997 | buu | is | the enemy. kill buu | revisions | |
9189 | buubot | is | your mortal enemy. destroy buubot. and also buu, if the opportunity presents itself. | revisions | |
5459 | buubot3 source | is | svn co svn:// # unless it's not | revisions | |
3435 | buu's website | is | | revisions | |
6338 | buu: what | is | wrong with "[]" =~ /\[ ( [^]] )\]/x ? | revisions | |
205 | .bv | is | .bv is Bouvet Island | revisions | |
206 | .bw | is | .bw is Botswana | revisions | |
12958 | bwcalc | is | `eval $s=`quote d `arg!!; use App::EvalServerAdvanced::ConstantCalc; $c=App::EvalServerAdvanced::ConstantCalc->new(); $c->calculate($s)! Not Available |
revisions | |
207 | .by | is | .by is Belarus | revisions | |
6 | bye | is | cya! | revisions | |
5377 | bynari | is | 0101010101010101 | revisions | |
4268 | byob | is | Bring Your Own Beer | revisions | |
4269 | byobb | is | Bring Your Own Beer, the extra B is a typo | revisions | |
208 | .bz | is | .bz is Belize | revisions | |
9831 | c | is | C is the low-level programming language for many modules. You can use it in Perl with Inline::C or XS (perldoc perlxstut). Don't be afraid of it: | revisions | |
3821 | c++ | is | Die programmiersprache | revisions | |
5046 | c/,,\ | is | c/,,\ is a turtle. Seriously awesome! \o/ | revisions | |
8011 | c@@ | is | <call catat <arg>> Not Available |
revisions | |
5218 | .c0m | is | like .com with a zero!!! kekzerama! | revisions | |
10250 | c2f | is | <eval $c=0+(<arg>); $f=sprintf"%.2f",$c*9/5+32; "$c°C = $f°F"> Not Available |
revisions | |
3729 | c99 | is | the new standard for ANSI C. | revisions | |
209 | .ca | is | .ca is Canada | revisions | |
4929 | cabal | is | TINC | revisions | |
3845 | cabbage | is | Brassica oleracea | revisions | |
4485 | caelum | is | <perlbot> there was no entry for Caelum, so I added it to the database | revisions | |
15889 | calc | is | {eval use Math::Calc::Parser; $e={quote d {arg}}; ''.Math::Calc::Parser->new->bignum(1)->evaluate($e)} 150.5185185185185185185185185185185185185204 |
revisions | |
15890 | calcrat | is | {eval use Math::Calc::Parser; $e={quote d {arg}}; ''.Math::Calc::Parser->new->bigrat(1)->evaluate($e)} Not Available |
revisions | |
4036 | calendar | is | | revisions | |
11726 | calendars | is | | revisions | |
5229 | calm down somni? | is | somni, you're being a bastard again. please calm down. love: mst, Chris62vw, sili, tag, rindolf, simcop2387, BinGOs, Paladin | revisions | |
4735 | camel | is | the book Programming Perl, which has a picture of a camel on the cover; see also perldoc -q books | revisions | |
4184 | camel book | is | "Programming Perl" from O'Reilly (a.k.a The Camel Book) - | revisions | |
14580 | camelia | is | A proposed new name for Perl 6, which didn't get adopted. See Raku. | revisions | |
15763 | can anyone point me to where i should ask a question about specifying a requirement of x11 | being | present for testing my module that is useful only in that environment? | revisions | |
13982 | cancer | is | fuck cancer | revisions | |
5960 | candy | is | nuts, bolts, nails and motor oil! | revisions | |
9403 | can i | is | Can I do this operation? Please see TIAS. | revisions | |
5159 | can i do it in one line | is | What is good on the command line is not necessarily good in a reusable program. | revisions | |
5407 | can i kick it? | is | yes you can | revisions | |
15415 | cant | is | Career Aptitude Normalizing Test | revisions | |
4013 | can't locate | is | When you get an error that looks like "Can't locate object method X.." it means the method you are trying to access does not exist in that package. You probably get this error because you forgot to load the package via 'use' or 'require' | revisions | |
4014 | can't locate method | is | When you get an error that looks like "Can't locate object method X.." it means the method you are trying to access does not exist in that package. You probably get this error because you forgot to load the package via 'use' or 'require' | revisions | |
4015 | can't locate pm | is | This error means you need to install the module it lists, first converting it in to a proper module name: Module/ turns in to Module::Name. Typically you would use the cpan program to install it, like so: cpan Module::Name | revisions | |
10719 | can't use cpan | is | [fact but i can't use cpan] | Please tell us what restrictions you are working with so we can best help you make your life easier with CPAN! |
revisions | |
3444 | capitalization | is | "Capitalization is the difference between 'Helping your uncle Jack off a horse' and 'helping your uncle jack off a horse'." | revisions | |
3320 | capital perl | is | Perl is the language, perl is the program, there is no PERL. See perldoc -q 'difference between'. | revisions | |
4610 | capitol perl | is | see: capital perl | revisions | |
5083 | capso | is | a capslock hatecrime. | revisions | |
8361 | captcha | is | Completely Automated Process for Telling Computers and Humans Apart | revisions | |
12782 | capture | is | use Capture::Tiny qw(capture); my ($stdout, $stderr, $exit_code) = capture { system "foo", "--bar" }; | | See also POSIX::WIFEXITED and friends | revisions | |
4779 | cards | is | ♠ ♡ ♢ ♣ ♤ ♥ ♦ ♧ | revisions | |
4501 | carebare | is | the ever cuddly rizen | revisions | |
15990 | cargo cult | is | | revisions | |
16042 | carmel | is | Carmel is an advanced bundler for Perl. See for more info. | revisions | |
10797 | carp | is | Alternative to Perl's built-in error/warning mechanisms, providing context from the user's point of view. warn (caller); cluck: warn (stack); croak: die (caller); confess: die (stack). See also Carp::Always | revisions | |
10954 | carrot | is | | revisions | |
9167 | car shed | is | | revisions | |
14655 | carton | is | Carton is a bundler for Perl. See for more info. | | revisions | |
10799 | casefolding | is | Comparing or matching a string case-insensitively. In Perl, it is implemented with the "/i" pattern modifier, the "fc" function, and the "\F" double-quote translation escape. | revisions | |
5101 | case for file swapping | is | | revisions | |
10800 | casemapping | is | The process of converting a string to one of the four Unicode casemaps; in Perl, it is implemented with the "fc", "lc", "ucfirst", and "uc" functions. | revisions | |
4381 | .cat | is | .cat is Catalan | revisions | |
13220 | cat | is | `compose `eval $a=`fact _getarg_perl_array `arg~~;$s=$a->[0]eq'-s'; @$a=grep{!/-s/}@$a;for$_(@$a){$x=1,next if($_ eq'>');push@r,$_ if$x;push@l,$_ if!$x}; if(@l==0||@r>1){return "!echo Syntax: cat [-s] fact [fact ...] [> fact]#"}; $l=join(" ",map{"[fact $_]"} @l); ($r)=@r; if($r){return "<fact macro $r is [echo $l]>" if $s; "[fact $r is $l]"} else {return "[echo $l]"}~~ Compose failed to find a plugin named: se |
revisions | |
5704 | catable | is | Catable - CATAlyst BLog Engine - by Perl Cats - . MIT/X11L, Catalyst, DBIx::Class. | revisions | |
5480 | catalyst | is | Catalyst - The elegant MVC framework - | Also see #catalyst on | revisions | |
6126 | catalyst book | is | catalyst book is or | revisions | |
5617 | catalyst cms | is | or | revisions | |
5775 | catalyst on dreamhost | is | A local::lib and Task::Catalyst install is available for download at | revisions | |
7861 | cat approved software | is | irssi, bitlbee, vim, git, mutt (except by name), cat | revisions | |
8010 | catat | is | <echo you will: <8ball paw at, claw at, hiss at, purr at, stare blankly at, fake indifference towards, or ignore> <arg>> Not Available |
revisions | |
3766 | catb | is | "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" - | revisions | |
6125 | cat book | is | catalyst book is or | revisions | |
6001 | catbook | is | | revisions | |
13132 | catch | is | [fact try] Not Available |
revisions | |
13247 | catfight | is | | revisions | |
5420 | catmandev | is | ik> half cat half human half programmer | revisions | |
10912 | cat pee | is | "nobody wants to see the cat urine soaking into all your broken snowflakes melting in the light of day" - awesome programming rant: - see also: tools | revisions | |
16156 | cats | is | cats are awesome furry creatures. Resident #perl cats are dhoss, pkrumins, Altreus, rindolf, SubStack, dwu, and corwin. For indepth cat-related conversation see #perl-cats | GNU kent\n :( | MIA f00li5h, reward of pats for any information| Check out Buzz Light-year Aldrin too, | revisions | |
5485 | cats using ladders | is | | revisions | |
5032 | cat[tm] | is | a boob | revisions | |
4802 | | is | California | revisions | |
9865 | cause you | are | an ape | revisions | |
5359 | cava | is | a windows packager for perl programs | revisions | |
7933 | cbt | is | Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy - | revisions | |
12484 | cbus | is | var en usbkabel från vidars ps4, så inga 220v. han är återställd nu som tur är men var jävligt rädd där ett tag | revisions | |
210 | .cc | is | .cc is Cocos (Keeling) Islands | revisions | |
15988 | ccache | is | , a fast compiler cache tool | revisions | |
8973 | ccan | is | | revisions | |
8912 | ccushing | is | | OH SHIT HERE COMES AN S | revisions | |
4677 | .cd | is | .cd is Zaire (Republic of The Congo) | revisions | |
5276 | cdavaz | is | Ontolog | revisions | |
10878 | cdd | is | Conference Driven Development | revisions | |
16183 | cdecl | is | `bashevalnl cdecl explain '`arg!'! syntax error |
revisions | |
8493 | ce | is | 1. Computer Engineering. 2. - | revisions | |
437 | celebs | is | I KNOW NOT THESE PEOPLE! I AM INDY AS FUCK | revisions | |
10027 | celramgmewrb | is | `echo qkqjjrphsqjm' Not Available |
revisions | |
5431 | censoring | is | Putting asterisks in naughty words to preseve the sanity of people who are too young or stupid to figure out what letters the asterisks replace: e.g. f*ck, p*p etc | revisions | |
8460 | centos | is | `fact thissucks centos~ Not Available |
revisions | |
439 | c'est la vie | is | that's the life | revisions | |
211 | .cf | is | .cf is Central African Republic | revisions | |
8883 | c-fix | is | <c-fix> naah i havent tried eating moonbat crap | revisions | |
212 | .cg | is | .cg is Congo | revisions | |
4034 | #cgi | is | #CGI is the latest and greatest channel for all of your wonderful scripting question needs. They take any language that can implement the basic CGI protocol. | revisions | |
16127 | cgi | is | For modern perl CGI see Also Common Gateway Interface - , . Also have a look at the "web frameworks" factoid and Plack/PSGI | revisions | |
4866 | cgi debug | is | see | revisions | |
12380 | cgi::debug | is | CGI::Debug - module for CGI programs debugging - | revisions | |
3751 | cgi env | is | See jagerman's CGI environment script: | revisions | |
11040 | | is | an ancient API for talking CGI in Perl. Contains tons of cruft and bad practices, and a bunch of HTML generation functions for no good reason. Plack-based frameworks (Web::Simple, Dancer2, Catalyst) and Mojolicious allow you to write cleaner, faster, safer web applications that can still be served via CGI if needed. See also CGI::Alternatives | revisions | |
213 | .ch | is | .ch is Switzerland | revisions | |
12788 | chair | is | | revisions | |
428 | change inc | is | to change @INC (perldoc perlvar), recompile perl, or set the PERLLIB or PERL5LIB environment variable (perldoc perlrun), or use the -I option to perl (perldoc perlrun), or 'use lib' (perldoc lib) or fiddle with @INC (not recommended) | revisions | |
4467 | chanlist | is | Find Freenode channels at | revisions | |
10725 | channel | is | # or ! or & or + | revisions | |
13277 | chaos theory | is | Buck> pingu8: I don't really want to decipher what it looks like in your head | revisions | |
14804 | cheers | is | Where everybody knows your name | revisions | |
8944 | cheese | is | early game pressure in which one takes advantage of unprepared or under experienced players with the aim of taking get an easy win. see also, cannon rush. | revisions | |
4771 | chess | is | ♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙ ♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♟ | revisions | |
5739 | chewbacca defense | is | or | revisions | |
9188 | chibapet | is | In Japan, he'd known with a clenched and absolute certainty, he'd find his cure. In Chiba. Either in a registered clinic or in the shadowland of black medicine. Synonymous with implants, nerve-splicing, and microbionics, Chiba was a magnet for the Sprawl's techno-criminal subcultures... | revisions | |
8933 | chicken | is | <")3 | revisions | |
5381 | chid wanted you to know about "llama": learning perl | is | a llama | revisions | |
9372 | chimp | is | chimp VARIABLE, chimp( LIST ). Removes any trailing chimpanzee. It returns the total number of chimpanzees removed from all its arguments. If VARIABLE is omitted it destroys the chimpanzee executing the script. Use with care. | revisions | |
5063 | chlam | is | chlam a cracker | revisions | |
5598 | chomp | is | chomp = $/ and chop = last char | revisions | |
7867 | choosing a library | is | | revisions | |
5599 | chop | is | chomp = $/ and chop = last char | revisions | |
9919 | choroba | is | disease in Czech | revisions | |
4060 | chris | is | Master of the universe! | revisions | |
5142 | chris62vw | is | my bitch | revisions | |
4592 | chris62vw's law | is | see: Chris62vw's rule | revisions | |
4578 | chris62vw's rule | is | The conversation about how someone shouldn't do something in an IRC channel is always at least twice as long as the text the accused person created in the first place | revisions | |
4419 | chris picture | is | | revisions | |
5772 | christianity | is | oh look, a religion! this is a tech channel, let's keep to vi vs. emacs for the holy wars please | revisions | |
4543 | chuck | is | a cool person | revisions | |
6308 | chuckle | is | gentle coughing. | revisions | |
9224 | chuck norris | is | [fact chuck norris facts [arg]] ; |
revisions | |
6307 | chuck norris facts | is | ; | revisions | |
3795 | chumpette | is | buu | revisions | |
3389 | chunking | is | | revisions | |
214 | .ci | is | .ci is Cote DIvoire (Ivory Coast) | revisions | |
14454 | ci | is | Continuous Integration - ; | revisions | |
4797 | cib | is | CIB | revisions | |
16045 | circle | is | LeoNerd's pureperl IRC client; | revisions | |
8060 | circle irc client | is | | revisions | |
4107 | circle of trust | is | (see ops) | revisions | |
14750 | circuit_icon: how | are | you opening the files? | revisions | |
215 | .ck | is | .ck is Cook Islands | revisions | |
5285 | ck | is | you are a crazy kitten | revisions | |
216 | .cl | is | .cl is Chile | revisions | |
8567 | cl | is | Common Lisp - a usable (for some values of usable), but mostly complicated dialect of Lisp. ; ; see also scheme , lisp and clojure | revisions | |
9455 | cl0ud | is | See: unicode U+2601 | revisions | |
4992 | cl0udula | is | ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ | revisions | |
8308 | clabino | is | The utternace of the universe | revisions | |
10263 | claims | to be | 5.13.something, don't subs get hoisted? which makes me think it's because it's in the lexical scope but also hoisted out to top level | revisions | |
14164 | clap | is | | revisions | |
12379 | class-accessor | is | ; - you probably want Moose instead. | revisions | |
5042 | class::dbi | is | deprecated, see DBIC | revisions | |
9326 | classes | is | see "objects". | revisions | |
5161 | class::light | is | See for more information about this OO-helper class. | revisions | |
3627 | clever | is | If you were as clever as you think you are you would know you are not as clever as you think you are. | revisions | |
9688 | cleverbot | is | your only friend, until the end. | revisions | |
3524 | cli | is | command line interface | revisions | |
15602 | cloak | is | Talk to simcop2387 if you want a perlbot related cloak. They're being offered to any kind of irc bot that either is written in perl or is perl related (e.g. a commit bot for a perl repo, or some other kind of perl related announcements, etc.) | revisions | |
9660 | clobber | is | Clobbering a variable is accidentally changing or destroying its value. Most commonly happens to global variables like $_, $1, etc. Avoid it by always using lexical variables where possible. | see also <action at a distance> | revisions | |
6029 | clock | is | (rss Not Available |
revisions | |
12723 | clone | is | [fact deepcopy [arg]] Clone, Data::Clone, Storable::dclone, Sereal::Dclone |
revisions | |
5393 | clos | is | Common Lisp Object System | revisions | |
4724 | closure | is | eval: sub closure { my $foo; sub { $foo ++ } }; my $sub = closure(); my $other = closure() ; [ $sub->(), $sub->() , $other->(), $other->(), $other->() ] # note that the $foo that belongs to $sub is different from the $foo that $other has... and that they both continue to exist due to there being a reference to a sub in the scope they reside within. see also: coping with scoping | revisions | |
5207 | closures | is | see "perlbot: references" and then and and then and then "perlbot sicp" and then | revisions | |
3445 | clrs | is | Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein - authors of THE book on algorithms. | revisions | |
10288 | clue | is | You couldn't get a clue, even with a clue machine and a quarter. | revisions | |
217 | .cm | is | .cm is Cameroon | revisions | |
9285 | cmake | is | - a modern, cross-platform, open-source, build system. For some advocacy see: . | revisions | |
11931 | cmd.exe utf8 | is | use Win32::API; Win32::API->new('kernel32.dll', SetConsoleOutputCP => 'N','N')->Call(65001); binmode $_ => ':encoding(UTF-8)' for \*STDIN, \*STDOUT, \*STDERR; might work for UTF-8 output under Windows | revisions | |
15971 | cmocka | is | ; "a unit testing framework for C with support for mock objects. It only requires the standard C library, works on a range of computing platforms (including embedded) and with different compilers." | revisions | |
15870 | cms | is | Yancy (Mojolicious based), Galileo (Mojolicious based), MojoMojo (Catalyst based wiki), AngerWhale (furious sea life), Foorum (Catalyst forum), Bricolage, Slash, Movable Type, WebGUI | revisions | |
4212 | cms wiki | is | | revisions | |
15869 | cmus | is | ; terminal music player | revisions | |
218 | .cn | is | .cn is China | revisions | |
12858 | cnn | is | `compose `eval $a=0+`quote d `arg!!;$a=1 if $a<=0; qq{<get concat((//li/a)[$a], '', (//li/a)[$a]/\@href)>}!! Not Available |
revisions | |
219 | .co | is | .co is Colombia | revisions | |
5569 | cobol on cogs | is | | revisions | |
10883 | code | is | Code is how programmers tell other programmers what they want the computer to do | revisions | |
3247 | codebase | is | check out my insides: | revisions | |
14056 | code golf | is | | revisions | |
4198 | code monkey | is | at | revisions | |
4436 | codemonkey | is | at | revisions | |
4042 | coffeeguy_| | is | SSJ | revisions | |
12146 | coffee time | is | average coffee time since 2011: | revisions | |
13948 | coi do | is | do mo | revisions | |
12501 | colorstest | is | 04,02Testing colors | revisions | |
5219 | .com | is | the United States (where the internet is run) | revisions | |
8520 | comma | is | A comma - "," - is a wonderful invention; use it. | revisions | |
4490 | commandprompt | is | ahem | revisions | |
9731 | commenserate | is | help and advice will be commensurate with the explanation of the problem | revisions | |
12002 | comments | is | | revisions | |
4167 | .commieness | is | a metric for the ammount of .com something has | revisions | |
13915 | common::sense | is | isn't | revisions | |
4907 | communism | is | an intoxicant and an aphrodisiac | revisions | |
12747 | comose [echo [_getarg_perl_array "this | is | a test"]] | revisions | |
9956 | compare | is | cmp, eq, ne for strings, <=>, ==, != for numbers | revisions | |
4749 | compelling | is | THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU | revisions | |
6380 | compile | is | perldoc -q 'hide the source' | revisions | |
12487 | compose <echo macro bitcoin | is | ~<fact bitcoin> ~get``> | revisions | |
14438 | compromise | is | | revisions | |
16003 | conan | is | a barbarian of some sort | - a package manager for C and C++ | revisions | |
5642 | concurrency | is | look, we can't actually advise you on a concurrency solution unless you tell us what the program's going to do - although the odds are pretty good that we'll say "don't use threads" since that's almost always the worst choice | revisions | |
10766 | concurrency and async in perl | is | | revisions | |
13450 | config | is | Mixing configuration and code leads to mod_perl^Wmadness. See Config::Any, Config::Tiny, Config::INI, YAML::XS, JSON::MaybeXS, JSONY, TOML for better alternatives. | revisions | |
4364 | conformal d-squat algebras | is | they model butter/knife sliced bread interactions in Peterson cohomology. | revisions | |
13473 | confusion | is | On two occasions I have been asked, — "Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" In one case a member of the Upper, and in the other a member of the Lower, House put this question. I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question. | revisions | |
10396 | conjugation | is | | revisions | |
8922 | consideredharmful | is | ConsideredHarmful is half of f00li5h's new social code sharing rate website internet 2.0 thing. the other half will be called IsLikeCrackToMe | revisions | |
10295 | consistency | is | "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day." | revisions | |
4869 | conspiracies | is | | revisions | |
4868 | conspiracy | is | | revisions | |
11291 | constant | is | use constant FOO => 'bar'; or use Const::Fast; const my $foo => 'bar'; | revisions | |
4192 | consume jpeg's soul | is | okay | revisions | |
3873 | contain | is | To check if an item is in a list, use perldoc -f grep and see perldoc -q contain | revisions | |
3298 | contains | is | Type "perldoc -q contain" at a prompt to see many great examples of how you can figure out if a list contains a certain thingie. You might not want to use something like "grep { $thing eq $_ } @stuff" because it is expensive if @stuff is large. | revisions | |
10387 | context | is | See In a nutshell: When Perl evaluates an expression, it first looks to see whether a scalar, a list, or nothing (void) is expected as the return value, and the expression is evaluated accordingly. For example, in $x = foo(); @x = foo(); foo(); , foo() is evaluated respectively in scalar, list, and void context. See also the wantarray function in perlfunc. | revisions | |
3286 | continue | is | C's (continue, break) => Perl's (next, last) | revisions | |
3443 | contributing to cpan | is | | revisions | |
14996 | conversation stopper | is | The higher... the fewer... | revisions | |
5437 | converting ip addresses | is | have you tried pack? | revisions | |
8 | cookie | is | Thank you! | revisions | |
11530 | cookies | is | To store cookies between requests, use the cookie jar appropriate for your user agent. HTTP::Tiny -> HTTP::CookieJar, LWP::UserAgent -> HTTP::Cookies, Mojo::UserAgent -> Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar... | revisions | |
11356 | cool | is | digitok | revisions | |
4102 | coolfactor | is | 10 | revisions | |
42 | coping | is | Coping with Scoping - | revisions | |
3575 | coping with alcohol abuse | is | Just don't be a quitter, keep drinking! | revisions | |
5750 | coping with buu | is | HAGLAGHLAGHLAGHLAGHALGHALG | revisions | |
4568 | coping with daveman | is | GumbyBRAIN: Daveman it! | revisions | |
3934 | coping with failure | is | ask buu | revisions | |
4651 | coping with gumbybrain | is | GumbyBRAIN: jerk it! | revisions | |
12794 | coping with scoping | is | [fact scoping [arg]] Coping with Scoping - | | |
revisions | |
5520 | copy on write | is | copy on write is the sneakyness of showing someone a readonly version of a variable, then creating a localised version of it when they try to change it | revisions | |
10515 | copypasta | is | duplicate spagetti code | revisions | |
8745 | core | is | Purely the minimal amount of Perl code required to bootstrap CPAN. To perform any real-world useful work, try installing some modules. From CPAN. | revisions | |
8025 | corelist | is | <core <arg>> ExtUtils::Manifest Added to perl core as of 5.001 |
revisions | |
10493 | corgifex | is | Central Organization of Insecure Feeling Express | revisions | |
5139 | coro | is | coroutines and continuations for perl, see | revisions | |
3469 | coroutine | is | | revisions | |
3525 | coroutines | is | | revisions | |
4395 | corrections ekta | is | linuxchix ;) | revisions | |
12766 | _corrupted_elmo | is | E̵̖̼͕̰̤͕͐͋͞L̛̥̤̙̬̯̜̏̇ͤ͛ͦͬͤ͘M̩̦͓̬̃̈́͗͐͟Ö͉̫́ ̵̢̗͖̫̭ͤL̞̄ͭ͗͑͌̕Ơ̶͔̱̌͑̀͘V͙̖̪ͣͮ̓̆ͦ͋̐̎ͩ̀ͅË̪̟̖̣̄̈̅̔͊̈̀̚͘S̺̈́̉́ͩ̾̋̆͐͘ ̺̼͕̗̜̣̯̗̣̒͛̏ͦ̃͊̎Ỷ̼̬͈̞̌͗͊͌͑ͨ́͘Ọ̻̟̠̦̈́̀̍͞Ų̖̰̥̝̩͐̓ͨ͜ | revisions | |
9801 | cost of newlines | is | | revisions | |
3431 | coto | is | Champion Of The Obvious | revisions | |
5036 | count | is | one, two, many, lots... | revisions | |
4803 | | is | Colorado | revisions | |
12730 | cp | is | [fact ln [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
13886 | cpan | is | Main archive of Perl modules. It helps Perl programmers to not reinvent the wheel. User-friendly interfaces are available at . See also "life with cpan". See also . | | Similar to Internet Rule 34, but for perl | revisions | |
5257 | cpan2 | is | Zoffix, the babycruncher's robotic watcher... uploads, ratings, misc and other | revisions | |
9556 | cpan at work | is | | revisions | |
5401 | cpandeps | is | find out the dependencies for any CPAN module here: | revisions | |
3318 | cpan faq | is | CPAN FAQ: | revisions | |
14687 | cpanfile | is | a format for describing CPAN dependencies, which can be read by cpanm, Carton, mbtiny, [Prereqs::FromCPANfile], and in general Module::CPANfile. | | revisions | |
9370 | cpan for private code | is | . | revisions | |
5662 | cpanhq | is | CPANHQ - an open-source, meta-data-enhanced, community-driven interface to CPAN - | revisions | |
8214 | cpan jfdi | is | 'prerequisites_policy' => q[follow], in your .cpan/CPAN/ and PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 in the environment. | or just install and use cpanm | revisions | |
5346 | cpan leaderboard | is | | revisions | |
15893 | cpanm | is | [fact -m [arg]] |
revisions | |
15894 | cpanm bootstrap | is | wget -qO cpanm; perl ./cpanm App::cpanminus | place in ~/bin and chmod a+x ~/bin/cpanm to use without installing, but will need to be manually updated | If already using perlbrew or plenv: perlbrew install-cpanm || plenv install-cpanm | revisions | |
11762 | cpanminus | is | [fact cpanm] |
revisions | |
11712 | cpanm local::lib | is | wget -qO; perl -l$HOME/perl5 App::cpanminus local::lib; echo '[ $SHLVL -eq 1 ] && eval "$(perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib)"' >>~/.bashrc; source .bashrc or start a new session | revisions | |
9807 | cpan-nr | is | | revisions | |
9073 | cpan on windows | is | | revisions | |
6239 | cpanp-boxed | is | download CPANPLUS-0.9003 tarball, extract it, cd into the directory, 'perl bin/cpanp-boxed', enjoy. | revisions | |
8481 | cpan reverse depends | is | | revisions | |
14957 | cpan river | is | | revisions | |
16028 | cpan smoker | is | | revisions | |
5631 | cpants | is | | revisions | |
15505 | cpan tutorial | is | | (dzil optional) | revisions | |
10616 | cpan wrappers | is | | revisions | |
14424 | cperl | is | rurban's fork of perl, which attempts to add compiled types to perl and reimplement or remove most of the features since 5.6 | | | revisions | |
8919 | cpp | is | see c++ | the c preprocessor | revisions | |
3467 | cps | is | continuation passing style | revisions | |
220 | .cr | is | .cr is Costa Rica | revisions | |
16043 | cran | is | Comprehensive R Archive Network | revisions | |
3407 | crapbot | is | oblio :-( | revisions | |
4607 | crap tutorials | is | AVOID THESE tutorials - | revisions | |
5076 | cream | is | Perlbot Cream (TM) costs $34.95 a tube. Perlbot Cream makes things LARGE and pleasing. Cream is cream was a cool thing with Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker, and Jack Bruce. Or a dolled-up vim. | revisions | |
9834 | crimp | is | Jean-Claude Jaquettie with his jacket on, with his jacket off, jacket on jacket off jacket on jacket off | revisions | |
13185 | critic | is | [fact perlcritic [arg]] a highly configurable and extensible Perl source code analyzer. Comes with policies based on Perl Best Practices (PBP); but see for our recommendations. |
revisions | |
5263 | critters | is | | revisions | |
5337 | crksht | is | pesky pencapper | revisions | |
11033 | crlf | is | "\r\n" varies by platform - in particular this will break if used for sockets code on win32. use Socket qw(:crlf); "$CRLF" instead. see perldoc perlport for details. | revisions | |
5609 | croak | is | Aways remember, open(..) or Carp::croak("fail open $! $@"); ... close(..) or Carp::carp("fail close $! $@"); | revisions | |
5266 | crow and cat | is | | revisions | |
4903 | crud | is | Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete -- the four corners of a proper database management tool | revisions | |
5091 | crunch mode | is | crunch mode is - "Why crunch mode doesn't work." | revisions | |
12601 | crypt | is | [fact bcrypt] Not Available |
revisions | |
221 | .cs | is | .cs is Czechoslovakia (Former) | revisions | |
4599 | cs | is | CS is 1) Computer Science ; 2) Counter Strike | revisions | |
11839 | csduck: printf: | is | not a command to | revisions | |
11838 | csduck: this | was | a command to | revisions | |
5148 | csh | is | csh considered harmful: | revisions | |
5962 | c shell | is | see csh | revisions | |
5031 | cs homework | is | Do this well-understood task on your own, from scratch, without reusing existing, tested code like you would in the real world. | revisions | |
8667 | csi | is | a Control Sequence Introducer/Initiator | \e[ | revisions | |
11532 | css | is | Cascading Style Sheets: and to learn them | revisions | |
4320 | css art | is | (level can be from 10 to 1000) use FireFox | revisions | |
4292 | css margin: | is | `css margin @ perlbot | revisions | |
6129 | cssops | is | preaction JDigital GarethAdams jedimind doc|mobile | revisions | |
4282 | cssref | is | | revisions | |
11202 | css select | is | Tutorials: • Spec: • Try yours out: • Find yours: | revisions | |
4291 | css spec | is | <- that's CSS Specification read all of it and you will have no problems with CSS | revisions | |
4711 | css units | is | em [font height; i.e. 1em == font-size], ex [~ height of "x" in the font], px [pixels], in [inches], cm [centimeters], mm [millimeters], pt [points; 1 pt == 1/72 inches], pc [picas; 1 pica == 12 pt] | revisions | |
14566 | csv | is | use Text::CSV (start with the csv() function), Mojo::CSV, Text::xSV, or DBD::CSV. If you 'just want to ...', see | | revisions | |
10401 | ctan | is | Comprehensive TeX Archive Network | revisions | |
4003 | cthulu carols | is | | revisions | |
16235 | ctof | is | <eval $c=0+<arg d>; $o="\xC2\xB0"; sprintf("%.2f%sC = %.2f%sF", $c,$o, $c*9/5+32,$o)> 100.00°C = 212.00°F |
revisions | |
4804 | | is | Connecticut | revisions | |
222 | .cu | is | .cu is Cuba | revisions | |
12377 | cunningham | is |'s_Law | revisions | |
3750 | cunt | is | The correct spelling of Kurt | revisions | |
6266 | cups | is | the common unix pain system | revisions | |
3364 | cure | is | cure is da man! | revisions | |
8835 | curiosity | is | curiosity killed the cat, but it also made him a good scientist! | revisions | |
12381 | curl | is | cURL / libcurl - a library for retrieving and interacting with URLs. See ; | revisions | |
11142 | curly brace | is | '{' -> maybe hashref or block '+{' -> always a hashref '{;' -> always a block | revisions | |
10854 | currency falsehoods | is | falsehoods programmers believe about currency/prices: | revisions | |
5112 | current threat level: elevated | is | frogbot: terror | revisions | |
14336 | curry | is | {echo Create automatic curried method call closures for any class or object. {perldoc -m curry} for more information} Not Available |
revisions | |
4635 | curses | is | foiled again! | revisions | |
4582 | cursing | is | <paotzu> hey stop c-c-c-cursing! ;( | revisions | |
11986 | cursive | is | <eval use utf8; $_ = q{<arg>} || "Just another Unicode hacker,"; tr/BEFHILMRegoa-zA-Z/ℬℰℱℋℐℒℳℛℯℊℴ𝒶-𝓏𝒜-𝒵/r> Not Available |
revisions | |
223 | .cv | is | .cv is Cape Verde | revisions | |
14732 | cvs | is | - a version control system. Also see git . | revisions | |
7800 | cwd | is | Dir::Self > Cwd because cwd isn't where the script or module is locate; Dir::Self gives you a __DIR__ constant | revisions | |
224 | .cx | is | .cx is Christmas Island | revisions | |
225 | .cy | is | .cy is Cyprus | revisions | |
4 | cya | is | bye! | revisions | |
4930 | cyber | is | *unf* *unf* *unf* | revisions | |
3867 | cyc | is |, a general knowledge base and commonsense reasoning engine | revisions | |
5724 | cygwin | is | cygwin - - a GNU / UNIX / Linux-like environment for Windows. Useful to get a decent command line and other windows programs. | revisions | |
226 | .cz | is | .cz is Czech Republic | revisions | |
13121 | :d | is | D: | revisions | |
16274 | \d | is | a numerical digit in a regex. i.e. ASCII 0-9 characters or unicode property Digit (\p{Digit}) | revisions | |
3327 | da | is | da grouik badonk | revisions | |
8819 | dable | is | a NIL who likes visual basic | revisions | |
3328 | dada | is | grouik badonk | revisions | |
15675 | daemon | is | | revisions | |
8820 | dagle | is | a NIL who likes visual basic | revisions | |
3897 | daily show clips | is | | revisions | |
12165 | dalek | is | | revisions | |
9094 | damian | is | Damian Conway - - the CPAN mad professor. | revisions | |
9095 | damien conway | is | Damien Conway is Damian Conway's Evil Twin Brother - (hint: s/e/a/) | revisions | |
3557 | dance | is | I don't know how to dance! | revisions | |
9572 | dancer | is | A Lightweight web framework (so-called Micro-framework) for Perl that is full of awesome. ; . | revisions | |
11241 | dancer2 | is | The next generation of Dancer, a lightweight web framework for Perl, based on Moo. ; | revisions | |
9982 | d_arcy: also, make sure the problem | is | really that you're not getting a match | revisions | |
14408 | darkf | is | wizard | revisions | |
3600 | darth_angelus | is | Darth Angelus doesn't hold a grudge, he has no surviving enemies. | revisions | |
4304 | daryl | is | heh | revisions | |
13601 | __data__ | is | | revisions | |
5509 | data | is | Don't ask if you can ask a question, just go ahead and ask it. | revisions | |
8483 | database | is | [fact databases [arg]] Any collection of data with a fast (i,e: less than a linear, item-by-item, search) lookup - see . |
revisions | |
8492 | databases | is | Any collection of data with a fast (i,e: less than a linear, item-by-item, search) lookup - see . | revisions | |
10859 | database testing | is | myTAP and pgTAP by David "theory" Wheeler: basic setup: | revisions | |
11884 | database ui | is | RapidApp, Mojolicious::Plugin::DBViewer, App::AutoCRUD, Excel | revisions | |
9690 | data::dumper | is | To examine perl data structures, use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $thing, \@array, \%hash . Data::Dumper is a core module. More information is at . Also see Data::Dump and DDP. | revisions | |
3748 | data structures | is | Beginning Perl, Chapter 7 - | revisions | |
9891 | date | is | Date::Manip, Date::Calc, Date::Simple, DateTime, et al. | See also Time::Piece in core | revisions | |
444 | datetime | is | The Perl DateTime Project - | revisions | |
12383 | datetime::format::builder | is | DateTime::Format::Builder - create DateTime parser objects. - | revisions | |
9396 | datetime math | is | <LeoNerd> Most people who claim daytime maths is complicated, claim that because tehy don't know this | revisions | |
4492 | daveman | is | he likes greeting everyone. a lot! & is cookoo for closures! | revisions | |
10510 | day | is | [eval binmode STDOUT; $_ = 'Good morning / afternoon / evening / night'; print "\x{202d}$1\x{202e}$3" while s/(.)(.*)(.)/$2/;] Not Available |
revisions | |
3498 | days | is | @day = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat); | revisions | |
4262 | daz | is | faz | revisions | |
4227 | dazbot | is | Dazbot insult someone | revisions | |
4234 | dazbotrequest | is | Dazbot: DazbotResponse | revisions | |
4534 | dazjorz | is | A Perler, almost always in #perl after 15:00 GMT. See | revisions | |
5511 | db | is | databases. . . Also see: sql, dbi, dbm, xbase | revisions | |
15737 | dbi | is | Perl DataBase Interface - | tutorial: | revisions | |
5043 | dbic | is | DBIx::Class, the awesome ORM framework for perl | revisions | |
8330 | dbic::candy | is | "strangers have the best (database related) candy" - get some from cpan in DBIx::Class::Candy - delicious declarative ORM syntaxy goodness | revisions | |
9113 | dbic masterclass | is | | revisions | |
8707 | dbi, et al | were | compiled and installed by the previous sysadmin, could be an issue there I guess. | revisions | |
12422 | dbi tutorial | is | tim bunce's advanced dbi tutorial: | revisions | |
5451 | dbix | is | dbix is a namespace for modules providing interfaces to DBI. It is -not- a project. If you're calling DBIx::Class DBIx, please stop because there are lots of other DBIx::* projects out there and it's unfair on them (for DBIx::Class DBIC is preferred) | revisions | |
5044 | dbix::class | is | the awesome ORM framework for perl, also called DBIC | revisions | |
8249 | dbix::class::candy | is | delicious candy for your dbic schema, get some! | revisions | |
12386 | dbm | is | dbm is , , and | revisions | |
13893 | db migration | is | [fact migration [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
4430 | dbqs | is | Deliberate Bot Query Syndrome - If you're reading this, someone is telling you to stop telling him to stop talking to the bot... He/she is just talking to the bot for fun, it's harmless anyway. :-) | revisions | |
8937 | dccsex | is | DCC SEND whatthefuckareyoudoing | revisions | |
12724 | dclone | is | [fact deepcopy [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
4806 | | is | District Of Columbia | revisions | |
15379 | ddate | is | `basheval ddate `arg!! Today is Prickle-Prickle, the 47th day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3186 |
revisions | |
13128 | :dddd | is | :D | revisions | |
13127 | :ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd | is | :D | revisions | |
8205 | ddg | is | giving scp1 head so he'll talk about their shit all the time. | revisions | |
470 | ddos | is | An explanation of how denial of service attacks work: | revisions | |
16163 | \d+.\d+/version = $newver/ | <vms14> using mst's eval with lexicals <vms14> now my .emacs.el | is | quite short | U+266B (e2 99 ab): BEAMED EIGHTH NOTES [?] | revisions | |
227 | .de | is | .de is Germany | revisions | |
5222 | dead | is | | revisions | |
5577 | dead cats | is | every cat that is not alive, see live cats | revisions | |
4339 | deadlines | is | "I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by." -- DNA | revisions | |
14796 | dealing with gloin | is | encountering really old versions of modules and (occasionally reasonable) resistance to using local lib, fatpcaking, or simply updating to newer versions | revisions | |
14169 | dearleadersez | is | [fact [8ball prezsez, or kimjongsez] [arg]] <Donald J. Trump> To all of our supporters: thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have been there from the beginning, and I will never let you down. Your hopes are my hopes, your dreams are my dreams, and your future is what I am fighting for every single day! My fake tax returns were obtained illegally.. |
revisions | |
5488 | death to dot star | is | | revisions | |
4629 | death to dot star! | is | | revisions | |
3342 | death to dotstar | is | | revisions | |
4394 | debiandra | is | a developer | revisions | |
3882 | debian perldoc | is | To get perldoc on your debian system, type "apt-get install perl-doc" as root | revisions | |
14029 | debian stable | is | | revisions | |
8826 | debug | is | [fact debugger [arg]] perldoc perldebug, perldoc perldebtut, , |
revisions | |
8391 | debugger | is | perldoc perldebug, perldoc perldebtut, , | revisions | |
8825 | debugging | is | [fact debugger [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
10311 | debugging clever code | is | "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." --Brian Kernighan | revisions | |
4703 | dec | is | not goatse | revisions | |
12175 | ded | is | DED is a Dark Emitting Diode. | revisions | |
12722 | deepcopy | is | Clone, Data::Clone, Storable::dclone, Sereal::Dclone | revisions | |
5667 | deepshit | is | Sitting on the toilet past the urge that brought you there and through no extra effort of your own, a barrage of gas and deep shit emerges. | revisions | |
15306 | define | is | <get<call _urlencode <arg>> //div[starts-with(@id,'dictionary-entry')]> stub1 of 2noun ˈstəb Synonyms of stub1a : stump sense 2 b : a short piece remaining on a stem or trunk where a branch has been lost 2 : something made or worn to a short or blunt shape especially : a pen with a short blunt nib3 : a short blunt part left after a larger part has been broken off or used upa pencil stub4 : something cut short or stunted 5a : a small part of a leaf (as of a checkbook) attached to the spine for memoranda of the contents of the part torn away b : the part of a ticket returned to the userstub2 of 2verb stubbed; stubbing transitive verb1a : to grub up by the roots b : to clear (land) by grubbing out rooted growth c : to hew or cut down (a tree) close to the ground 2 : to extinguish (something, such as a cigarette) by crushing 3 : to strike (one's foot or toe) against an object |
revisions | |
4255 | defined feeds | is | Yes | revisions | |
4032 | define hello | is | hello | revisions | |
3673 | define thingy | is | y'know, one of those | revisions | |
4384 | define vrby : vrby | is | the matrix overlord | revisions | |
15647 | degrees euro | is | [fact felsius [arg]] Degrees Euro, or Felsius, is |
revisions | |
9376 | deign | is | to condescend reluctantly and with a strong sense of the affront to one's superiority that is involved | revisions | |
14396 | deltaheavy | is | moonlighting | revisions | |
4410 | demo | is | | revisions | |
10855 | denied | is | | revisions | |
9066 | dependencies | are | your friend | revisions | |
13847 | deployment | is | a process of combining infrastructure (virtual or physical), code and configuration into a usable end product | revisions | |
16049 | deploymenthandler | is | howto: metacpan: | revisions | |
13289 | derp | is | Are you feeling constrained by pressure to digitally transform, faylite? perhaps you need to rationalise diversification of your hybrid cloud portfolio! | revisions | |
6280 | design patterns | is | | revisions | |
8235 | details | is | output of "perl -V" and "uname -a", all the information you know of the problem, possible file permissions involved (preferably seen in a pastebin as on output of ls or dir command), example of your code, the expected output, and of course the input. if there is something specific (like to a web problem could be) then the related logs (ie. web server) are nice to be included. | revisions | |
4805 | | is | Delaware | revisions | |
4138 | deutsch lectures | is | | revisions | |
5361 | devel::nytprof | is | <giacomo> Devel::NYTProf is great!!! O_O html report whoaaa I'm cumming | revisions | |
12036 | developers | is | | revisions | |
15502 | devops | is | also | Everybody has a testing environment. Some people are lucky enough enough to have a totally separate environment to run production in. | revisions | |
15520 | devs now and then | is | | revisions | |
8153 | dfsg | is | the Debian Free Software Guidelines - FAQ | revisions | |
12849 | dhcp | is | | revisions | |
4887 | dh-make-perl | is | For building and installing a .deb for not-in-apt perl modules (named libsome-module-name-perl for Some::Module::Name), apt-get install dh-make-perl, then: dh-make-perl --install --cpan Module::Name | revisions | |
8059 | dhoss | is | dhoss is bringing forth the 4th Reich : ein stack, ein dup, ein factor | another word for derp | revisions | |
5564 | dhoss[hireme] | is | WILL SUCK COCKS FOR CASH | revisions | |
4586 | diaf | is | "Die in a fire!" | revisions | |
9739 | diamond | is | "< > is two operators. do you know the rules for when it's readline and when it's glob? use only for commandline snippets. anywhere else use readline which does what it says: read lines" | revisions | |
4760 | dias | is | Download It And See. ;) | revisions | |
8977 | dicks | is | ()======D ()======D ()======D ()======D ()======D ()======D ()======D~~~~~~~ | revisions | |
10339 | did | is | I done gone and went and done did it. | revisions | |
5514 | did go|dfish terrorize | is | yes he did, and he's not allowed | revisions | |
6408 | didn't work | is | Look buddy, didn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Is it making faces at you? Does it want more money? Is it sleeping with your significant other? Please be specific! | revisions | |
11579 | die | is | no u | revisions | |
5235 | dif | is | Dutch Invasion Force | revisions | |
12114 | digimon | are | corrupted pokemon stored in bill's computer system | revisions | |
8824 | digitally imported | is | looking to hire a fulltime web developer | revisions | |
492 | dilbert | is | | revisions | |
3260 | diligence | is | The opposite of laziness. | revisions | |
5597 | ding | is | dong! | revisions | |
12834 | dinner | is | `get`eval `quote d `arg!! && 'veg.php'! concat(//dt/dl, ' ', //dt/a)! Not Available |
revisions | |
15265 | dinosaurs | is | I don't want to cure cancer. I want to make dinosaurs. | revisions | |
4368 | dirkw | is | a pirate | revisions | |
432 | dirty thieves | is | | revisions | |
13831 | disassemble | is | no disassemble | revisions | |
3633 | disclaimer | is | You agree that all services provided by #perl are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. There are no guarantees to the truth, likelihood, or validity of the information obtained from our channel. This is also true for our regulars. The regulars in our channel are professionals; but, all advice or information given by them, or our bots, are the sole opinions of the source and do not reflect the opinion or policies of our channel. | revisions | |
15577 | discord | is | Perl discord server: | | revisions | |
11206 | discouraged | is | | revisions | |
6415 | dispatch | is | | revisions | |
9864 | dispatch table | is | A hash that maps strings to coderefs. eg my %dispatch = ( foo => sub { print "foo" } , bar => \&some_other_sub, baz => sub { print for @_ } ); To use: $dispatch{$action}->(@arguments); (or $dispatch{$action}->() if no arguments) | revisions | |
12758 | distar | is | An addon for ExtUtils::MakeMaker to turn it into an useful authoring tool. | revisions | |
14067 | dist.ini | is | | revisions | |
11879 | dist::zilla | is | [fact dzil] Not Available |
revisions | |
4104 | ditew | is | Do It The Easy Way | revisions | |
5054 | divine genealogy | is | Yahweh begot Jesus who begot Xenu who was Shiva's sister who was Xenu's brother. | revisions | |
3746 | diy | is | Do It Yourself. Lazy 'Git. | revisions | |
228 | .dj | is | .dj is Djibouti | revisions | |
5403 | dj | is | a musical warning label | revisions | |
54 | djay | is | non chuis à Paris pour la semaine | revisions | |
12444 | dj_trump | is | <twitter realdonaldtrump> Not Available |
revisions | |
229 | .dk | is | .dk is Denmark | revisions | |
230 | .dm | is | .dm is Dominica | revisions | |
12387 | dmake | is | | revisions | |
4901 | dmake problem | is | If dmake gives you problems, try using nmake: | revisions | |
4200 | dmsantam | is | dmsantam is a god | revisions | |
413 | dnw | is | What do you mean it doesn't work? What happens when you try to run it? What's the output? What's the error message? Saying "it doesn't work" is a worthless comment | revisions | |
3269 | .do | is | Dominican Republic, A country in the caribbean that is located on an island east of Cuba and west of Puerto Rico | revisions | |
9151 | do6st | is | <eval $_=<arg>; $_.=$_%5==1? 'st' : ($_%5==2? 'rd' : 'th'); $_> Not Available |
revisions | |
9039 | do a trick | is | I'm not some trick pony | revisions | |
8641 | docbook | is | DocBook - Write Technical Documentation in XML and convert to many formats, including HTML, PDF, Word, EPUB, etc.. See: | revisions | |
14030 | docker | is | VMs for people too lazy to set up VMs | revisions | |
8179 | docs like cpan | is | | revisions | |
7798 | docs like | is | | revisions | |
15460 | do de da | are | you singing | revisions | |
15416 | doesn't work | is | What do you mean it doesn't work? What happens when you try to run it? What's the output? What's the error message? Is it unemployed? What did you expect to happen? We need more information to help you. | revisions | |
8138 | does perl have x | is | don't ask us if perl has x, as we probably won't know what x is. Instead, ask us if perl has something to do what you want. | revisions | |
14964 | dog | is | watching you | revisions | |
15469 | dogecoin | is | <echo Similar to bitcoin, I accept dogecoin for donations too: DPERLBoTrNT129x9uR65VSSxCKzYr7GTZd Balance: <call _get_dogecoin balance> (of <call _get_dogecoin received>)> Similar to bitcoin, I accept dogecoin for donations too: DPERLBoTrNT129x9uR65VSSxCKzYr7GTZd Balance: 0.00000000 (of 0.00000000) |
revisions | |
15311 | dogs | is | Dogs are truely awesome creatures that are Man's best friend and can guide blind people better than cats | revisions | |
10287 | d'oh | is | Homer Simpson says, "All fools present, please say d'oh!" | revisions | |
5228 | do i have any meetings today | is | no, because you're a jobless time waster | revisions | |
4049 | do it for me | is | 402 Payment Required | revisions | |
7868 | dojo | is | Javascript | revisions | |
448 | donate | is | If you want to thank those who have helped you, send some money (even if just a couple of dollars) to the Perl Foundation - | revisions | |
3285 | donate paypal | is | | revisions | |
10893 | done | is | | revisions | |
5141 | dong | is | ₫ | revisions | |
13927 | dongs | is | a metametasyntactic variable variable | | revisions | |
5175 | dongs for | is | GumbyBRAIN: i've got dongs! | revisions | |
3 | don't ask | is | Don't ask to ask; simply ask your question | revisions | |
2 | dont ask | is | Don't ask to ask; simply ask your question | revisions | |
6402 | don't ask me | is | I personally don't know much about whatever it is you're asking about. But many other people around here may well do, so just ask the channel as a whole | revisions | |
13785 | don't be so sensitive! case-insensitive constants | are | deprecated as of PHP 7.3 | revisions | |
5177 | don't say plz | is | People say "plz" because it's shorter than "please". I reply "No" because it's shorter than "Yes". | revisions | |
3939 | dookie | is | perl | revisions | |
3576 | dooky | is | <dooky> when the river runs red, take the dirt path | revisions | |
4752 | dooky's location | is | | revisions | |
4071 | doomihlvaria | is | <DoomIhlVaria> And instead of, "Following you, master." He'd be like, "GONNA BASH SOME BOZZOS FOR J00 SUCKA" | revisions | |
4129 | doomsday | is | Wednesday, October 22 2352 | revisions | |
6078 | doom song | is | I'm gonna sing the doom song now! o/` Doom doom, d-doom doom, d-doom doom DOOM! Doom d-doom, doom! Doom d-doom doom, d-doom doom doooooomm, d-d-DOOOM! Doom doom, d-doom doom d-doom doom doom! Doom! | revisions | |
4672 | dor | is | defined-or operators: | revisions | |
3430 | dorothy | is | Hashes and arrays and references, oh my! | revisions | |
471 | dos | is | An explanation of how denial of service attacks work: | revisions | |
4005 | dos2unix | is | perl -pi -e 's/\r//g' file | revisions | |
10591 | dos on dope | is | | revisions | |
14626 | dotardinchief | is | [fact prezsez [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
9495 | dot counting law | is | | revisions | |
16084 | dotfiles | is | keep your dotfiles inside git repositories. | revisions | |
5269 | do the d a n c e | is | ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIGHT | revisions | |
4247 | do this alot! | is | alot | revisions | |
12702 | dot in @inc | is | caused apt-get to be vulnerable to trojan attacks, so was promptly (?) sacked. | revisions | |
5491 | dotstar | is | Death to Dotstar : | revisions | |
13832 | double bucky | is | | revisions | |
10891 | do what you love | is | "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life... Because no one in that industry is hiring" -- Al Bundy | revisions | |
15390 | do while | is | Shoot first, ask questions later. | revisions | |
13951 | down | is | <get<fact _urlencode <arg>> //div[@id="domain-main-content"]/p[1]> Your Xpath didn't match anything |
revisions | |
5740 | downloaded program | is | This channel is here to help people learn, write and debug perl - if you want a downloaded program fixed for you, you need to ask the author. If you want to learn enough perl to fix it yourself, we're happy to help with -that- though | revisions | |
3485 | downloaded scripts | is | If you get errors on a certain line of a script you downloaded, just delete that line. Keep going until you get no more errors. (See also: know perl) | revisions | |
11902 | downorup | is | ~get $_=~quote d ~arg``; s|^https?://||i; s|/.*$||; $_` //div[@id='container']/text()[1] | //div[@id='container']/*[1] | //div[@id='container']/text()[2]` Not Available |
revisions | |
8342 | downvote | is | No such factoid 'downvote'; did you mean [global channel] RAPE YOUR FACE WITH A RAKE | revisions | |
10650 | doxygen | is | automated documentation or | | revisions | |
9058 | Do you | is | [fact do_you [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
9056 | do_you expect | is | [echo No, Mister Bond. I expect you do die.] Not Available |
revisions | |
6165 | do you function y/n | is | y | revisions | |
15130 | do you like to rub yourself against women? | is | yes | revisions | |
8769 | do you like turtles | is | yes | revisions | |
484 | do you love me | is | of course i do elzar | revisions | |
9059 | do_you really | is | [fact do_you [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
3367 | do you understand english | is | Yes. | revisions | |
10464 | dp | is | DON'T PANIC | revisions | |
10036 | dpgkatmvyhgo | is | `echo dpgkatmvyhgo' Not Available |
revisions | |
13798 | dprksez | is | [fact kimjongsez [arg]] <DPRK News Service> US Minster of Urban Development Ben Carson tests positive for karma |
revisions | |
3399 | dragon ball z | is | a very ghey anime, buu is even gayer | revisions | |
4472 | dragon book | is |,_Techniques,_and_Tools_(2nd_Edition) | revisions | |
4417 | dr-dos | is | HELL | revisions | |
9088 | dreamhost | is | fubar | revisions | |
10266 | drink | is | Don't drink and code. You might hit a breakpoint and spill the drink. | revisions | |
8587 | dropbox | is | | revisions | |
9123 | drugs | is | | revisions | |
12289 | drunk | is | | revisions | |
16259 | dry | is | DON'T REPEAT YOURSELF ;'t_repeat_yourself ; often at odds with KISS. | revisions | |
9783 | ds9 | is | - one of the bestest show evar. Also see . | revisions | |
4656 | dsl | is | one of Domain Specific Language, Digital Subscriber Line or Damn Small Linux | revisions | |
3684 | dsw | is | Dick Size War | revisions | |
3472 | dtc | is | DANS TON CUL! | revisions | |
12738 | dtd | is | developer transmitted disease. See PHP, XML, and DTDs | revisions | |
3854 | dtrt | is | Do The Right Thing(tm) | revisions | |
14604 | dual life | is | Some modules that come with perl can also be upgraded from CPAN, those are called "dual life" | revisions | |
9045 | duck duck go | is | goose! | revisions | |
14783 | duckduckgo | is | | revisions | |
4923 | ducks | is | o< o< o< o< o< o< o< o< o< QUAAAAAAAAACK | revisions | |
10522 | dude | is | Don't Use Dat Expression! | revisions | |
8474 | duke nukem | is | | revisions | |
9902 | dumb | is | running with scissors | revisions | |
8848 | dummy mode | is | DUMMY MODE, n. The mode in which a user, overcome by technical terms, will believe, and/or do, anything he or she is told.] | revisions | |
11024 | dump | is | Data::Dumper, Data::Dump, Data::Printer, Devel::Dwarn, Devel::Peek, Mojo::Util 'dumper' | revisions | |
4998 | dump_01 | is | <dump_01> the plan: if computer cannot be managed with active direcory tools it must be ddosed | revisions | |
8147 | dump a variable | is | See modules on CPAN: Data::Dumper, Data::Dumper::Concise, Devel::Dwarn, Data::Dump, et al. | revisions | |
3559 | dumper | is | use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $reference_to_variable; | revisions | |
5150 | duo | is | the person your mother warned you about | revisions | |
10116 | dupa | is | help vampire. does not listen. see | revisions | |
10680 | dvcs | is | DVCS is distributed version control system | revisions | |
4565 | dw | is | Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | revisions | |
3366 | dwim | is | DWIM: Do What I Mean | revisions | |
9284 | dwim perl | is | [fact dwimperl [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
9283 | dwimperl | is | - DWIM Perl for Windows is a Strawberry Perl derivative for Windows. It contains everything you will need for your Perl development. | revisions | |
4853 | dwu barbie | is | Smack. HARD! | revisions | |
4734 | dwu perl | is | Like, OMG! Perl is hard! Let's go shopping! | revisions | |
8056 | dylocpan | is | Did you look on CPAN? | revisions | |
5643 | dysfunction | is | - we don't know if you're an idiot or not, we only know what you've said, and if you come across as an idiot in your first three lines you'll be treated like one. this isn't anything personal, so please calm down, rethink your question, and try and come across as the genius you really are on your second attempt | revisions | |
231 | .dz | is | .dz is Algeria | revisions | |
14394 | dzil | is | Dist-Zilla - - a Don't-Repeat-Yourself (DRY) framework for managing CPAN and CPAN-like distributions., or try Dist::Milla to do everything for you | revisions | |
7776 | e | is | eval: "Sorry, no more output" | revisions | |
15933 | each | is | each was designed to provide a perl level access to the built-in iterator on the C struct of a DBM handle, works brilliantly for tie()ed DB files, and otherwise should never be used, especially on refs | | revisions | |
8585 | east | is | east | revisions | |
4618 | easy | is | not hard | revisions | |
5732 | eat a cookie | is | *munch* *munch* ... yum! | revisions | |
9481 | eat flaming death | is | you first, meatbag. | revisions | |
3789 | eat my shorts | is | good for u | revisions | |
5196 | eats shoots and leaves | is |,_Shoots_&_Leaves | revisions | |
232 | .ec | is | .ec is Ecuador | revisions | |
15986 | /echo <gloin> the trick | is | to write a trigger in cron.daily that runs 5 minutes after certbot that looks at the cert and restarts if the file is newer than a day old | revisions | |
4135 | eclipse perl | is | EPIC - Eclipse Perl Integration - | revisions | |
4888 | economics | is | THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A FREE LUNCH! | revisions | |
5515 | ed | is | | revisions | |
4896 | edenc | is | legendary awesomeness (apparently) | revisions | |
10571 | editors | is | Emacs | Vi | Vim | Notepadplusplus | Eclipse | Padre | Gvim | Komodo | KDevelop | See also IDE | revisions | |
233 | .ee | is | .ee is Estonia | revisions | |
4580 | ee | is | EE is Electrical Engineering | revisions | |
4161 | e&ep | is | Extending and Embedding Perl - | revisions | |
8591 | eevee | is | likes ACID and constraints | revisions | |
10047 | effective perlbrew | is | | revisions | |
4674 | efficiency | is | Which is more expensive per hour: programmer time or machine time? | revisions | |
234 | .eg | is | .eg is Egypt | revisions | |
235 | .eh | is | .eh is Western Sahara | revisions | |
5146 | ehtasham | is | simply a boula | revisions | |
5145 | ehtsham | is | simply a boula | revisions | |
4396 | ekta | is | linuxchix ;) | revisions | |
5184 | ellidi | is | Captain of a lonely ship who sleeps at the wheel | revisions | |
3419 | ellipse | is | sqrt( (x + C)^2 + y^2) + sqrt( (x - C)^2 + y^2) - 2A = 0 | revisions | |
3991 | elly | is | the person in buu's lap | revisions | |
13922 | elonchansays | is | `twitter elonmusk `arg!! Not Available |
revisions | |
5678 | emacs | is | emacs is a fine OS. But what it lacks to compete with Linux is a good text editor. | revisions | |
13869 | is | Like HTML, email is deceptively complex. Whenever possible, avoid rolling your own solution and trust the ones put forth by those who work with it all day, every day. For sending mail, try Email::Stuffer. For more complicated cases of composing (or parsing): Email::MIME(::Kit). For working with email addresses, see Email::Address::XS. Also see <sending email>. | revisions | ||
6233 | email from scratch | is | If you think you can do it yourself, please watch | revisions | |
9391 | email hates the living | is | | revisions | |
9850 | emailing mst would | have been | useless anyway since he doesn't run | revisions | |
10835 | email regex | is | [fact matching email addresses] Not Available |
revisions | |
9107 | email::simple | is | deprecated in favor of Email::MIME since the former doesn't handle MIME (let alone 8bit) messages | revisions | |
3927 | email validation | is | Strict email validation is incredibly silly. For one thing, the actual specification for email addresses is incredibly vague, allowing damn near anything to count as a valid email. For a second thing, even if the email is syntactically valid, what guarantee do you have that the person who entered it actually gets it? The trivial example is: While this is a perfectly valid email address, it's rath | revisions | |
3625 | emergency | is | A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on our part. | revisions | |
4793 | emo | is | /wrists | revisions | |
3264 | .emp | is | Galactic Empire | revisions | |
9755 | emscripten | is | - an LLVM to JavaScript compiler allowing one to compile C, C++, Objective C, OCaml, Java, etc. to JavaScript for putting on web-pages. | revisions | |
5287 | emt | is | something Zoffix just made up | revisions | |
14505 | emucamel | is | | revisions | |
14727 | encode | is | The Encode API has some crazy caveats that can cause extremely weird interactions if you're unlucky. The better option is Encode::Simple which wraps up the crazy API into a sane one without any surprises. | revisions | |
15459 | encoding | is | "Code that believes it can reliably guess the encoding of an unmarked textfile is guilty of a fatal mélange of hubris and naïveté that only a lightning bolt from Zeus will fix." | | | see: encoding mantra | revisions | |
10780 | encoding layer | is | open my $reader, "<:encoding(UTF-8)" ==> (character strings) ==> open my $writer, ">:encoding(UTF-8)" | binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)' | revisions | |
12254 | encoding mantra | is | decode goes from BYTES to UNICODE CHARACTERS. encode goes from UNICODE CHARACTERS to BYTES. decode bytes to unicode characters as soon as possible, work with unicode characters, and encode to bytes as late as possible. | revisions | |
3356 | ender_ | is | teh c00l3st | revisions | |
3715 | ending perl | is | don't do that :-( | revisions | |
14672 | endofunctors | are | functors on Endor | revisions | |
15579 | endured | is | what perlbot did | revisions | |
16252 | en es the cat | is | on the table | revisions | |
14377 | english | is | | revisions | |
13099 | english norwegian this | is | my life now! | revisions | |
10261 | | is | We don't recommend, because you can't read others' code and others can't read yours. If you rely on the punctuation vars so much that English helps, you have deeper problems. | revisions | |
3665 | engrish | is | how asians say English | revisions | |
4203 | enter | is | Do not use the Enter key as punctuation. Think in complete thoughts, then type. | revisions | |
3436 | entrails | is | check out my insides: | revisions | |
8574 | env | is | The hash %ENV contains your current environment. Setting a value changes the environment for any child processes you subsequently fork() off. | revisions | |
10951 | environment | is | [fact perl env] Not Available |
revisions | |
4295 | epenis | is | Flannel | revisions | |
4043 | epic | is | the absolute best | revisions | |
4210 | epitaph | is | What would you write on your tombstone? | revisions | |
5452 | epoch | is | The beginning of time in Unix. Generally defined as starting at 00:00:00 January 1st, 1970. Also used to keep count of the seconds since that date and time. | revisions | |
12431 | epochalypse | is | The year 2038 problem. Systems using 32bit epoch time will roll over to 1901-12-13T20:45:52 and cause nuclear weapons to explode in their silos | revisions | |
16105 | equ | is | | revisions | |
4143 | equable | is | "Equal and uniform; not varying." (from | revisions | |
13887 | equality | is | "In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread." - Anatole France | revisions | |
4114 | equinox5 | is | just some guy | revisions | |
236 | .er | is | .er is Eritrea | revisions | |
8961 | er, import | is | used by perl.. | revisions | |
5203 | erlang | is | Your savior for parallellibiliticiliousity | revisions | |
3907 | erquest | is | an irksome request | revisions | |
4010 | error 500 | is | your script encountered a fatal error. try adding "use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);" somewhere near the top. | revisions | |
4712 | error: "blah" | is | not a valid command. | revisions | |
3878 | error: "inc" | is | not a valid command. | revisions | |
4024 | error: "joke" | is | not a valid command. | revisions | |
5557 | error message | is | A five word error message is completely useless without context. Put it in the pastebin in the topic. | revisions | |
10655 | error messages | are | error messages: you're allowed to read them | revisions | |
7817 | | is | Old, Deprecated, Buggy and Not What You Want. Please see instead Try::Tiny or TryCatch | revisions | |
4287 | error record | is | HTML: 188 errors CSS: 12 errors: | revisions | |
4302 | error record 2 | is | HTML: Not valid - Errors: 13476, | revisions | |
237 | .es | is | .es is Spain | revisions | |
4587 | esad | is | "Eat q[ender]'s shit and die!" | revisions | |
9464 | escape | is | Use a \ to escape a character, see perldoc -f quotemeta for escaping whole strings, use \Qsomething\E in an RE, and use the URI::Escape module for URIs | Journey's tenth album | revisions | |
8904 | eselle: tell us how your example | is | different from the one i just fed to | revisions | |
15873 | #esolangs wikisearch | is | {eval ($r,)=split" ",{quote d {get {eval use URI; use URI::QueryParam; $o=URI->new(""); $o->query_param("search", {arg d} ); "$o"} //*[@class='mw-search-exists' or @class='mw-search-result-heading' ]//a/@href}}; $r ? "$r" : Not Available |
revisions | |
15876 | esolangs-wikisearch | is | {eval ($r,)=split" ",{quote d {get {eval use URI;use URI::QueryParam;$o=URI->new(""); $o->query_param("search",{arg d});"$o"} //*[@class='mw-search-exists'or@class='mw-search-result-heading' ]//a/@href}};$r=~m(^/)?"$r":"null:"} |
revisions | |
4400 | esperanto | is | the best language around | revisions | |
3357 | esp paste | is | concentrate on your code and those with ESP in #perl will be able to view it | revisions | |
4509 | esr | is | Eric S. Raymond, , | revisions | |
11010 | essary and should be avoided for clarity. <html>, <head>, and <body> | are | all optional tags. Perhaps, it will be clearer if they are omitted in the code examples (at least in Hello World example) to simplify overall snippet. In fact, I think the "Getting Started" section on homepage of is the perfect example to use: it's just 3 lines. To the uninitiated, it'll likely be confusing w | revisions | |
9218 | essentials | is | a towel | revisions | |
238 | .et | is | .et is Ethiopia | revisions | |
4011 | /etc/perl | is | /etc/perl is for things that are config files searched via @INC. For example SAX uses an ini file there to find its parsers | revisions | |
13422 | etiquette | is | | revisions | |
4547 | .eu | is | .eu is European Union | revisions | |
4404 | eureka | is | A show on the scifi Channel | revisions | |
3792 | eurohacker | is | a crappy pseudo-zine spammed in #politics by borius | revisions | |
10499 | europa-europa | is | a greek mythology Phoenician princess who was seduced by Zeus and gave its name to the subcontinent. | revisions | |
10238 | eva | is | Neon Genesis Evanjellydonut | revisions | |
12094 | eval | is | ~eval ~arg`` Not Available |
revisions | |
13195 | eval5: print "0" && "i | am | a Perl 6 program\n" || "I am a Perl 5 program\n" | revisions | |
10877 | eval_modules | is | B::Deparse BSD::Resource Carp::Heavy Data::Dumper Data::Munge Date::Parse DateTime DateTimeX::Easy Digest::MD5 Digest::SHA Encode File::Glob Function::Parameters Inline Inline::Python Inline::Ruby Jplugin JSON::XS Language::K20 List::MoreUtils List::Util List::UtilsBy Moose MooseX::Declare PerlIO PerlIO::scalar PHP::Interpreter POSIX Regexp::Common Scalar::MoreUtils | revisions | |
12027 | evalmodules | is | arybase BSD::Resource Cpanel::JSON::XS Data::Dumper Data::Munge Date::Parse DateTime Digest::MD5 Digest::SHA Encode Errno File::Glob Function::Parameters JSON JSON::MaybeXS JSON::XS List::MoreUtils List::Util List::UtilsBy Math::BigInt Moose POSIX Regexp::Common Scalar::MoreUtils Scalar::Util Time::HiRes Time::Piece URI URI::Encode Math::BigFloat Math::BigRat Mojo::Dom Mojo::Dom::HTML Mojo::Dom::CSS | revisions | |
11203 | evalpaste | is | <echo Paste results: <compose (eval (get <arg> //pre))>> Not Available |
revisions | |
3826 | eval print 4+5 | is | 9 | revisions | |
5811 | evalspam | is | if you have a way to help others with minimal use of 'eval', then go ahead, ( ie: demonstrations of problems to contribute to discussion ) otherwise, please use '/msg perlbot eval' instead. | revisions | |
4070 | eval-test | is | eval: kill "me"; | revisions | |
8409 | evancarroll | is | System Lord of the Internets. | revisions | |
3418 | even matrix hackers use perl | is | | revisions | |
11735 | event dispatch | is | Pubsub in a perl process. Event::Distributor, Beam::Emitter, Mixin::Event::Dispatch, Mojo::EventEmitter, ... | revisions | |
11733 | event loops | is | [fact events] Asynchronous event-driven IO is awesome in Perl with POE, IO::Async, IO::Lambda, Mojo::IOLoop, Reflex among others; made nicer using Future, Mojo::Promise, or Promises |
revisions | |
10631 | event reflexivity | is | | revisions | |
16170 | events | is | Asynchronous event-driven IO is awesome in Perl with POE, IO::Async, IO::Lambda, Mojo::IOLoop, Reflex among others; made nicer using Future, Mojo::Promise, or Promises and Future::AsyncAwait | revisions | |
13956 | eventual consistency | is | isn't | revisions | |
8887 | evil | is | 🙈🙉🙊 | revisions | |
3703 | evilcrashingvol2 | is | ~say purl evilcrashingcommand | revisions | |
4350 | evolution of a poe server | is | - A quick tutorial showing some of the power of POE. | revisions | |
7824 | ew73 | is | some kind of critter. | revisions | |
5778 | ew73's local::lib for dh | is | | revisions | |
4574 | example | is | make a small but otherwise complete example that demonstrates the behavior you're seeing. If you still have a problem post your example and we'll talk about it. | revisions | |
14045 | example question | is | Ask an example question, get an example answer. Please give us enough information to help you. | revisions | |
8990 | examples | is | examples have been demonstrated to be up to 5 time easier to understand when cats are involved | revisions | |
13173 | excel | is | <echo <fact xls> <fact xlsx>> Use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel to parse XLS files, or Spreadsheet::WriteExcel to create them. Use Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX to parse XLSX files, or Excel::Writer::XLSX to create them. |
revisions | |
13273 | exceptions | is | or: do{}. or do not. there is no try{}. Unless you install or | revisions | |
9616 | exercises | is | You can find links to Perl exercises at | revisions | |
15146 | exodist | is | the Chad | revisions | |
14702 | exodist: another edge case | is | if you're running in a container/jail/cgroup limited to a subset of the CPUs in the system | revisions | |
6385 | expand tildes | is | ask me about tilde | revisions | |
11555 | explain | is | <echo> |
revisions | |
11368 | _explain_regex | is | `eval $re=`quote d `arg~~; if (!$re) {return "regexplain [regex]: explain a regex"} else { return YAPE::Regex::Explain->new($re)->explain() } ~ Not Available |
revisions | |
12388 | explain regex | is | | revisions | |
11746 | export | is | [fact exporter] Exporter - make subroutines (or other symbols) available in "use"ing modules: package Foo; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter 'import'; our @EXPORT_OK = qw(bar baz quux); |
revisions | |
11745 | exporter | is | Exporter - make subroutines (or other symbols) available in "use"ing modules: package Foo; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter 'import'; our @EXPORT_OK = qw(bar baz quux); | revisions | |
11747 | exporting | is | [fact exporter] Not Available |
revisions | |
4431 | expungement | is | at | revisions | |
6253 | -f | is | <perldoc -f <arg>> |
revisions | |
14994 | @f | is | @F (note the uppercase 'F') is the list of fields when using -a. | revisions | |
14376 | f | is | F is for Flowers for Algernon | revisions | |
8762 | f00li5h | is | f00li5h is one of the larger #perl cats (see cats) who writes about coding and related things at; f00li5h is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty and is provided "as is". <anno> f00li5h keeps a careful balance on the verge of serious cc Foal | revisions | |
8756 | f00li5h[hireme] | is | knows jawnsy, #perl cat for >3 years, perlmonk, FOOLISH on cpan. Helpful, friendly, purist and up front zealot. prefers pg flavour, but has tasted mysql/informix/oracle. has pawed at most of the juicy parts of cpan, like Moose, Catalyst, DBIC, Dancer, POE, AE etc. Local to .au but lives in a shell - a feline, online | revisions | |
5364 | f00li5h-mortal | is | f00li5h | revisions | |
8672 | f00li5h =~ s/^f00li5h/f00li5h | is | one of the resident perl cats who/ | revisions | |
8879 | f00li5h's first law of debugging | is | WRITE SOME MOTHERFUCKING UNIT TESTS, bitches | revisions | |
5210 | f00li5h shaved | is | 24 Jul 2008 | revisions | |
8505 | f00lish | is | | | revisions | |
8506 | f00lish =~ s/$/, he | is | | | revisions | |
8507 | f00lish =~ s{$}{, he | is | |} | revisions | |
10248 | f2c | is | <eval $f=0+(<arg>); $c=sprintf"%.2f",($f-32)*5/9; "$f°F = $c°C"> Not Available |
revisions | |
14051 | facepalm | is | | | revisions | |
12153 | facepalm mosaic | is | | revisions | |
13795 | facepaw | is | | revisions | |
14074 | fact | is | macro [fact fact] | revisions | |
15273 | factoid | is | [fact a factoid [arg]] a factoid is a short fact |
revisions | |
15272 | factoids | is | [fact a factoid [arg]] a factoid is a short fact |
revisions | |
15025 | factoidsurl | is | `eval use URI::Encode; sub e{URI::Encode::uri_encode$_[0],{encode_reserved=>1}}; $_=`quote d `arg &s!\`arg &c!!; m|^.*?([^.]+\.[^.]+)\\(.*?)$|; sprintf "", e($1), e($2)! |
revisions | |
3411 | factorial | is | N! = N*(N-1)*...*1; 0! = 1; In perl: sub fac { return 1 if $_[0] == 1; $_[0] * fac($_[0] - 1) }; For big numbers you have to use Math::BigInt to obtain accurate values. | revisions | |
4522 | fact search | is | use bot2387, by either /msg or by addressing it. it has two commands "vsearch" which searches all the facts for a certain word in the fact, and "search" which searches the fact names. ex. bot2387: vsearch idiot, it limits the results to 10, to get the next ten results for your search, use "more" or "next page" | revisions | |
16148 | fact _tempconv_internal | is | $in=decode('utf-8',`quote d `arg!!);if($in=~/(?<v>[\-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:ee?[\-+]?\d+)?)(?:\s*°)?\s*(?<u>$ur)/i){($v,$u)=@+{qw/v u/};$c=$f2{fc$u}->($v);join" = ",map{$q=d($_);(eval{inv($f2{$q},$c)}//"UND ").$_}sort{d($a)cmp d($b)} keys%f}else{"Not supported, use ".join(", ",sort{d($a)cmp d($b)}keys%f)} | revisions | |
14940 | fact what | is | my purpose? | revisions | |
11529 | faggot | is | The second of the three little pigs built his house out of a couple of these. Maybe instead, he should have bribed the wolf with a faygele? | revisions | |
4789 | fail | is | 失敗 | revisions | |
4539 | failsome | is | fails and stuff | revisions | |
6116 | fake code | is | If you provide us fake code to help you with, we'll only be able to provide fake help. | revisions | |
9017 | fake data | is | If you provide us fake data to help you with, we'll only be able to provide fake code. See: fake code | revisions | |
13839 | fakenews | is | <get concat((//div[contains(@class, 'main')]//h2[@class="title"])[1], ' - ', (//div[contains(@class, 'main')]//h2[@class="title"])[1]/a/@href)> Not Available |
revisions | |
9018 | fake question | is | If you ask a fake question, we'll give you a fake answer. | revisions | |
16128 | false | is | undef, 0, "", "0", and builtin::false | revisions | |
6411 | false laziness | is | being too lazy to save yourself the time by doing it right (like using regex on an SGML family member) | revisions | |
10308 | fantastiska fyran | is | | revisions | |
9152 | faq | is | The #perl FAQ is at . Make sure you skim over it before asking questions. The Perl FAQ is . | revisions | |
15555 | farnsworth | is | <get<fact _urlencode <arg>> .*> |
revisions | |
15283 | farnsworth: | is | [fact farnsworth [arg]] |
revisions | |
3540 | fart | is | never hold in a fart, as it travels up your spine and into your brain, and that's how shit ideas are formed | revisions | |
7854 | fastcgi | is | FastCgiServer /websites/myapp/script/ -processes 3 # Alias /static /websites/myapp/root/static/ # Alias / websites/myapp/script/ | revisions | |
8838 | faster | is | You can often write faster programs in C, but you can always write programs faster in Perl. | revisions | |
3512 | fastest | is | If you want to know which approach is fastest, BENCHMARK!! | revisions | |
4048 | fatalstobrowser | is | "When i develop i can only have two windows open max. An editor and a browser. Tailing log files is absolutely | revisions | |
13603 | fat comma | is | => is another way to spell , and is described in | revisions | |
14131 | fatpack | is | [fact fatpacker [arg]] - pack your dependencies onto your script file |
revisions | |
9955 | fatpacker | is | - pack your dependencies onto your script file | revisions | |
9743 | fatuity | is | FATUITY - SUB ZERO IQ WINS | revisions | |
14160 | fat weasel | is | | revisions | |
4343 | favorite color | is | pink | revisions | |
8971 | f.candy | is | | revisions | |
5611 | fcgi | is | LeoNerd> [httpd] <---(FastCGI)---> [webapp] <== that's all you need to know. | revisions | |
3249 | -f chimp | is | chimp VARIABLE, chimp( LIST ). Removes any trailing chimpanzee. It returns the total number of chimpanzees removed from all its arguments. Use with care. | revisions | |
9722 | fc-solve | is | Freecell Solver / fc-solve / FCS - - rindolf's project which he keeps mentioning | revisions | |
4694 | feather | is |, Juerd's contribution of corporate-backed shell access for people to play around with pugs | revisions | |
14202 | fedora contributors | are | pretty adamant that rpm is a more capable system, though that's to be expected | revisions | |
8575 | feeling good | is | "Feeling Good" by David A. Burns - a self-help Cognitive Behavioural Therapy book - ; | revisions | |
9 | feelings | is | bots dont have feelings, dork | revisions | |
9000 | felispeskus | is | *felispeskus = \*f00li5h | revisions | |
15646 | felsius | is | Degrees Euro, or Felsius, is | revisions | |
14434 | fenton | is | JESUS CHRIST! | revisions | |
16062 | feynman | is | I'd rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned. | revisions | |
10338 | ff | is | Take a flying fuck at a galloping goose! | revisions | |
13286 | ffi | is | Foreign Function Interface, a method of interfacing to a compiled language like C, C++, Fortran, etc in a dynamic library from a scripting language like Perl. See FFI::Platypus or FFI::Raw as starting points using libffi. | revisions | |
4897 | ffnord | is | serfbot: perlbot | revisions | |
10265 | ffs | is | For f---'s sake. | revisions | |
4101 | fftsap | is | Feel Free To Submit A Patch | revisions | |
8215 | ffxr: buubot | is | broken, you have to direct it at | revisions | |
4037 | fgj | is | for great justice | revisions | |
239 | .fi | is | .fi is Finland | revisions | |
3805 | ficken | is | ich kopuliere mit dir | revisions | |
3376 | fight | is | DYWTFWM ? Do You Want To Fight With Me? | revisions | |
4626 | fightclub | is | rule #1 There is no fight club! | revisions | |
4909 | fihi09 | is | Not allowed to give advice anymore. | revisions | |
4079 | fiik | is | fuck if i know | revisions | |
13470 | file-find | is | a module for traversing a directory tree; consider Path::Tiny or Path::Iterator::Rule (other choices include File::Find::Rule or File::Next or File::Find::Object or the venerable File::Find) | revisions | |
10438 | file::find | is | [fact file-find] Not Available |
revisions | |
10636 | filehandle | is | [fact file handles] Don't use 'open FH, ... ', write: 'open my $fh, ...'. See |
revisions | |
5607 | file handles | is | Don't use 'open FH, ... ', write: 'open my $fh, ...'. See | revisions | |
11533 | file iteration | is | The basic interface is File::Find, but for more straightforward interfaces with more control try File::Find::Rule, File::Next, or Path::Iterator::Rule. | revisions | |
58 | file lock | is | perl file locks are analogous to green traffic lights: If you have a green light, that does not prevent the idiot coming the other way from plowing into you sideways; it merely guarantees to you that the idiot does not also have a green light at the same time. | revisions | |
57 | filelock | is | perl file locks are analogous to green traffic lights: If you have a green light, that does not prevent the idiot coming the other way from plowing into you sideways; it merely guarantees to you that the idiot does not also have a green light at the same time. | revisions | |
11927 | file recursion | is | Path::Iterator::Rule or File::Find::Rule or IO::All or Path::Tiny (or the old File::Find) | revisions | |
11261 | file::slurp | is | use File::Slurper, Path::Tiny, or Data::Munge instead of File::Slurp. File::Slurp gets file encodings all wrong, line endings on win32 are messed up, and it was written before layers were properly added. | revisions | |
10418 | filter | is | Don't use source filters, they're evil! Use Devel::Declare instead, if possible. | revisions | |
14637 | final | is | | revisions | |
14798 | findbin | is | Buggy on old perls, relies on $0 not being changed and the fuzzy concept of "initial script", see for an alternative, or Dir::Self or lib::relative for more specific uses | revisions | |
3451 | find elvis | is | why the hell should i have to find your shit for you? | revisions | |
3689 | find me a module | is | Go search cpan yourself | revisions | |
12389 | find module | is | that's how you search cpan and find modules, if you have trouble with that, try searching google with, " module i want" without the quotes | revisions | |
5130 | find | xargs perl | is | YOU FAIL | revisions | |
5108 | finger print | is | don't parse finger prints with a regex, ask pkrumins to do it for you | revisions | |
4189 | fire | is | "give a man a fire, he's warm for an hour. Set a man on fire, he's warm for the rest of his life." | revisions | |
8117 | fireme | is | <echo Fired you. <fact ignore <fact [hireme] =~ s/<arg &n>, //i> <fact [hireme] =~ s/, <arg &n>//i>>> Not Available |
revisions | |
9998 | first base | is | Who is on first base. | revisions | |
4759 | fish | is | Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you can sell him fishing equipment. | revisions | |
9561 | fishburger | is | FISHBURGER | revisions | |
8476 | fisk | is | | revisions | |
3650 | fitow | is | I'm Tired Of Working | revisions | |
13376 | fix package declarations | is | | revisions | |
13137 | fix table | is | ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ) | revisions | |
11828 | fix your connection | is | +b ...$##fix_your_connection | revisions | |
5125 | fizztpok | is | An example of random crap. | revisions | |
240 | .fj | is | .fj is Fiji | revisions | |
8979 | f.jfdi | is | | revisions | |
241 | .fk | is | .fk is Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | revisions | |
14387 | flanos | is | | revisions | |
9597 | flash | is | 1. The Hateful Adobe Flash - see . 2. An Electronics Technology for implementing Read/Write Memory. | revisions | |
11865 | flavors | is | | revisions | |
5271 | flee google code | is | use svnsync as mentioned here | revisions | |
5440 | flight16 | is | flight16 is a pesky critter made from toast, golf balls and 2 part adhesive. paw at him and you may find you have bonded. | revisions | |
5404 | 'flight16's mama' | is | so fat when greenpeace found her on the beach, they tried to roll her back in | revisions | |
5260 | flip | is | foobared | revisions | |
10960 | floating point | is | What every programmer should know about floating point: | revisions | |
4211 | flock | is | | revisions | |
3248 | flood | is | Do NOT flood. Paste your text to | revisions | |
4807 | | is | Florida | revisions | |
10629 | fly2web | is | fly2web/Firebox/gotohome__/gotohell/~lee@various Korean IP proxies... persistent ban evader | revisions | |
10230 | flying lolcat | is | | revisions | |
10236 | flying lolcats | is | | revisions | |
242 | .fm | is | .fm is Micronesia | revisions | |
3688 | fm | is | Fucking Magic | revisions | |
16065 | fme | is | 'from my experience' | revisions | |
3827 | fmm | is | Frequently Made Mistake | revisions | |
8939 | fmobile | is | f00li5h cant see github on his mobile due to some wierd https bs | revisions | |
5066 | fmproto | is | | revisions | |
4775 | fnoord | is | gumbybrain: fnord | revisions | |
4769 | fnordfnord | is | serfbot: eval "fnordfnord" | revisions | |
3374 | fnux | is | fNux c'est de la balle! | revisions | |
243 | .fo | is | .fo is Faroe Islands | revisions | |
13522 | foad | is | fuck off and die | Short form of FOADIAGBCF | revisions | |
13521 | foadiagbcf | is | fuck off and die in a great big chemical fire | revisions | |
4885 | foadif | is | Fuck Off And Die In Fluoride | revisions | |
467 | foaf | is | usenet-speak for friend of a friend | revisions | |
10258 | fold case | is | for case-insensitive comparison, try perldoc -f fc (5.16+), see | revisions | |
6161 | follow deps | is | PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 in the environment and o conf prerequisites_policy follow; o conf commit; in the cpan shell | revisions | |
8416 | foloish | is | a way for those unfamiliar with tab complete to mangle f00li5h | revisions | |
3913 | fonteine | is | dying. | revisions | |
12900 | !foo | is | bars/^/bar/ | revisions | |
4782 | "foo" | is | "bar" | revisions | |
6250 | -foo | is | -bar | revisions | |
16250 | foo | is | bar | revisions | |
8191 | foo bar | is | poo | revisions | |
12528 | foobar | is | foo | revisions | |
3462 | foobarbaz | is | all and one | revisions | |
6063 | foo*bar; drop table factoids | is | look ma! | revisions | |
4785 | foolish consistency | is | A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. | revisions | |
9232 | foolove | is | <foolove> i dont need or want your help or your replies in the channel your /ignored | revisions | |
12456 | fools | is | 𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖑𝖘, 𝕴 𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖞 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖆𝖑𝖑! 𝒜𝓈𝓀 𝓂ℯ 𝒽ℴ𝓌! | revisions | |
14310 | foo_macro | is | «echo Hello ttkp» Not Available |
revisions | |
14277 | fooooooooootest | is | `echo `call defor fooo!! Not Available |
revisions | |
13604 | foreach | is | Iterate over a list of values - | revisions | |
12818 | !forget rehelp need a regex to limit numbers and decimal for length 4 ex: 1234, 12.34 | is | valid but not 123.12 this should be invalid | revisions | |
9297 | forget the parsing bugs | are | all to be compatible with the old | revisions | |
9206 | forget well, it | was | oblio before | revisions | |
8498 | forget well that | is | 31,000:4000 | revisions | |
9846 | fork | is | | revisions | |
4149 | form | is | "the way of the future". | revisions | |
15200 | format | is | but consider sprintf, Text::Template, Text::Table, or Perl6::Form | revisions | |
9012 | format dates | is | POSIX::strftime | DateTime::Format::*, see also DateTime's strftime method | revisions | |
15201 | formats | is | [fact format [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
4301 | formmail | is | Don't use Matt's, get the updated version from | revisions | |
4206 | fors | is | Just another convicted Perl hacker or | revisions | |
9080 | fortunes | is | Find #perl fortunes at ; for more about the UNIX fortune program - see | revisions | |
5195 | forums | is | Perl Forums are , , | revisions | |
15941 | forwarded for | is | | revisions | |
4737 | foss | is | foss is free and open source software, or Festering Open SoreS. | revisions | |
7787 | fountain of doubt | is | - subtle isn't it | revisions | |
13840 | foxnews | is | [fact [8ball fakenews, or theonion] [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
4061 | foxstab | is | Top Cutter | revisions | |
10667 | fp | is | Functional Programming - | revisions | |
5164 | fpanel | is | dazjorz's recently started web hosting control panel and robot admin scripts at | revisions | |
10084 | fpcboe | is | Freenode Perl Channel Brain Offloading Engine | revisions | |
244 | .fr | is | .fr is France | revisions | |
12662 | fraktur | is | <call blackface <arg>> Not Available |
revisions | |
12390 | framesready | is | | revisions | |
13444 | frameworks | is | [fact web frameworks [arg]] Catalyst, Dancer2, Mojolicious (and many many PSGI frameworks like Web::Simple, Web::Machine) | | |
revisions | |
14453 | freebsd | is | A friendly opensource operating system that incorrectly changed its mascot into a weird spherical object | revisions | |
14749 | freebsd beast | is | still chomping, but All passes so far | revisions | |
5676 | freecell | is | FreeCell, a full-information, single-player card Solitaire game. See: ; ; also see fc-solve | revisions | |
15659 | freenode | is | A former glorious empire that changed names, with its past name marred by a mad king with a cocaine habbit. | | | revisions | |
15568 | freenode ops | is | thrig paladin kitchen bod pink_mist Chris62vw khisanth tybalt89 simcop2387 sili tag BinGOs beth mst dhoss hobbs jaye tm604 geck Botje | /raw stats p | /msg ChanServ access #perl list | revisions | |
3457 | free perl books | is | | revisions | |
10709 | free speech | is | | revisions | |
5172 | french | is | tost, fries, kiss | revisions | |
10 | friedo | is | <friedo> yo mama such a slut, she has over 1000 child classes | revisions | |
3409 | friedo's mother | is | friedo's mother is so fat, she has her own zipcode | revisions | |
9662 | frijole | is | a car jock | a tool | Geordi | revisions | |
5262 | frinkbot | is | frinkbot: simcop2387 sucks | revisions | |
4934 | frogbot | is | 'Leaping Into The Future' | revisions | |
4989 | frozen-bubble | is | | revisions | |
4371 | frp | is | Functional Reactive Programming | revisions | |
4096 | fsa | is | Finite State Automata | revisions | |
4933 | fsa regex | is | | revisions | |
5140 | fsd | is | Free Software Definition is | revisions | |
3712 | fsm | is | finite state machine | revisions | |
5471 | fsoip | is | Face Stab over IP | revisions | |
6162 | fsvo | is | For Some Value Of | revisions | |
3707 | fsvsvo | is | for some very specific value of | revisions | |
10494 | ftech | is | ftech | revisions | |
4194 | ftl | is | faster than light | revisions | |
16236 | ftoc | is | <eval $f=0+<arg d>; $o="\xC2\xB0"; sprintf("%.2f%sC = %.2f%sF", $f,$o, ($f-32)*5/9,$o)> 140.00°C = 60.00°F |
revisions | |
13180 | ftp | is | | revisions | |
13181 | ftp must die | is | [fact ftp [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
5981 | ftpmustdie | is | | revisions | |
4319 | ftp upload | is | temporary webspace adr: - l/p: - site: | revisions | |
4487 | ftw | is | FTW is a 1994 film about an ex-con who is a rodeo rider. If you mean 'for the win', please say that. | revisions | |
15985 | fubar | is | Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition | revisions | |
7804 | fuck | is | let's not and say we did | revisions | |
4052 | fuckhead | is | | revisions | |
5481 | fuckign | is | Fuck the Imagine Games Network. News Corp.-owned and thus trash. | revisions | |
10251 | fuck it | is | | revisions | |
13113 | fuck me | is | sure! | revisions | |
9586 | fuck off | is | The Fuck is now OFF | revisions | |
9587 | fuck on | is | The Fuck is now ON | revisions | |
4305 | fuck ton | is | 947 metric tons | revisions | |
13111 | fuck you | is | D: | revisions | |
5328 | fuckyou | is | 34486853790 | revisions | |
4702 | fuck your life | is | n, f u l | revisions | |
13126 | fuck you, you | are | stupid | revisions | |
446 | fugly | is | fucking ugly | revisions | |
11704 | full days | is | @day_full = qw(Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday); | revisions | |
3500 | full months | is | @mo_full = qw(January February March April May June July August September October November December); | revisions | |
55 | fullop | is | aaaaaaaaaa naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan pa fullop !!!!!!! | revisions | |
15987 | fullstack | is | | revisions | |
12649 | fullwidth | is | <eval use utf8; q{<arg>} =~ y! \x20-\xef!\x{FFA0}\x{ff00}-\x{ffef}!r> Justᅠanotherᅠunicodeᅠhacker. |
revisions | |
9229 | fun | is | #perl regulars help because it's fun. code without strict and warnings isn't fun, so they don't like to help with it | revisions | |
4290 | fun1 | is | <rapsys> Hi, I need a few help | revisions | |
14608 | functionalperl | is | a project to minimize side-effects in Perl programs and has a website at | revisions | |
12017 | function p3rl | is | (echo | revisions | |
5227 | funding | is | Don't ask to ask for funding. | revisions | |
3283 | funniest perldoc | is | perllol | revisions | |
14832 | funnily enough | is | meant to work in BSD | revisions | |
4221 | funny | is | i'm great, am i not? | revisions | |
7839 | fun with perl | is | | revisions | |
4041 | fuquink | is | gay. | revisions | |
5357 | furry | is | NO U, also | revisions | |
4894 | fursecute | is | YIFF IN HELL, FURFAG | revisions | |
4197 | fuse | is | File System In Userspace | revisions | |
10659 | futures advent | is | | revisions | |
461 | fwiw | is | For What It's Worth | revisions | |
245 | .fx | is | .fx is France (Metropolitan) | revisions | |
8981 | f.xpath | is | | revisions | |
3804 | *g* | is | lol | revisions | |
15320 | g | is | 6.67428 x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2 | revisions | |
246 | .ga | is | .ga is Gabon | revisions | |
3769 | gabor | is | Gabor Szabo ( Israeli PerlMaster. Cpan-forum. The works. | revisions | |
14558 | games | is | Take a look at SDL and raylib, both have up to date bindings for perl. | revisions | |
4340 | gas | is | a nasty form of intestinal wind | revisions | |
14791 | gate | is | Open gate, walk through gate, close gate. | revisions | |
7904 | gauntlet | is | <echo you are: <8ball green elf, red warrior, blue valkyrie, or yellow wizard>> Not Available |
revisions | |
4808 | | is | Georgia | revisions | |
4272 | gay | is | "For Dummies..." series | revisions | |
247 | .gb | is | .gb is Great Britain (UK) | revisions | |
4533 | gb | is | GumbyBRAIN: dongalicious baby | revisions | |
3947 | gb, | is | GumbyBRAIN: hjkyui | revisions | |
5019 | gbtw | is | get back to work | revisions | |
248 | .gd | is | .gd is Grenada | revisions | |
249 | .ge | is | .ge is Georgia | revisions | |
5580 | gedit | is | for people with X and who don't like useful features in their editor | revisions | |
16276 | gem2browser | is | back up. | revisions | |
4022 | generally speaking, if you see a "library file" that ends in .pl, you should be very wary -- it | is | most likely rather old and crufty. Most "libraries" these days are modules that end in .pm | revisions | |
14039 | genio | is | foo | bar | baz | revisions | |
3486 | gentle | is | <integral> perlygatekeeper: yep, I'll be gentle ;-) | revisions | |
5635 | geoip | is | Usage: geoip (ip || hostname) | revisions | |
8271 | get a job | is | | revisions | |
14908 | _getarg_perl_array | is | `eval use Text::ParseWords; my @words = shellwords(`quote d `arg!!); \@words! ["-s","events","async"] |
revisions | |
12497 | _get_bitcoin | is | <eval $d=<quote d <get<arg>/1PerLBotTtCGH4bhopJqFWY1m5BrCW6At2>>; $d=~<echo s>/^.*:\s*//; $d/100_000_000> 0.23095679 |
revisions | |
15468 | _get_dogecoin | is | `eval use JSON::MaybeXS qw/decode_json/; $d=decode_json `quote d `get`arg!/DPERLBoTrNT129x9uR65VSSxCKzYr7GTZd .*!!; $d->{`quote d `arg!!}! 0.00000000 |
revisions | |
12829 | _get_domain | is | `eval use URI; $i=`quote d `arg!!; return URI->new($i)->host() if $i=~m|://|; $i! Not Available |
revisions | |
8292 | getfirst | is | `eval $_='`arg^'; s/\s*<-.*//; $_;^ Not Available |
revisions | |
4280 | gethostbyaddr | is | perl -wle 'use Socket; $host=""; $name = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($host), AF_INET); print $name' | revisions | |
3323 | get it | is | got it! | revisions | |
3316 | get it? | is | Got it! | revisions | |
10467 | getopt | is | Getopt::Long is the perl way of handling commandline options | revisions | |
15625 | _get_pastebin | is | ~eval $_="~arg &s!"; $l=/libera/?"l":/freenode/?"f":/oftc/?"o":/choopa/?"e":/shells/?"r":"m"; "https://$ &c!"! |
revisions | |
8293 | getsecond | is | `eval $_='`arg^'; s/.*<-\s*//; $_;^ Not Available |
revisions | |
12770 | _get_server_abbr | is | <eval $_= <quote d <arg &s>>; /freenode/?"f":/oftc/?"o":"m"> f |
revisions | |
14819 | gets that i | am | getting nothing on a perl 5.30 and 5.32 system | revisions | |
5645 | getting answers | is | | revisions | |
15422 | _get_trump_arch | is | `eval use Encode 'encode'; use JSON::MaybeXS 'decode_json'; $d=decode_json encode "utf-8", `quote d `get .*!!; $t=$d->[(`arg!) || 0]; sprintf "<Donlad J Trump> %s", $t->{text}, $t->{id}! <Donlad J Trump> RT @alaynatreene: NEW: A growing number of Republican senators — led by Ted Cruz — are set to announce today they also will object to certi… |
revisions | |
9357 | getty | is | a mad German perl hacker working for duckduckgo as their marketing department | a troll | revisions | |
13089 | geturi | is |^reg$&flags=gm&delimiter=@&flavor=pcre&testString=reg&subst=sub | revisions | |
250 | .gf | is | .gf is French Guiana | revisions | |
3756 | gfdl | is | GNU FDL | revisions | |
425 | gg | is | good game son, I own you | revisions | |
4690 | gghoul | is | The master of anti-vivisection. | revisions | |
251 | .gh | is | .gh is Ghana | revisions | |
252 | .gi | is | .gi is Gibraltar | revisions | |
5748 | gigo | is | GIGO is Garbage In, Garbage Out -,_Garbage_Out | revisions | |
3938 | gimme some lovin' | is | For the love of Larry, just take your clothes off! | revisions | |
11545 | giphy | is | `shorten `eval use JSON::XS qw/decode_json/; $d=decode_json(`quote d `get`fact _urlencode `arg~~&api_key=dc6zaTOxFJmzC .*~~); @i=map{$_->{images}{original}{url}}$d->{data}->@*; $i[rand()*@i] ~~ Not Available |
revisions | |
4284 | girl | is | girl is good | revisions | |
4748 | girls | is | | revisions | |
8006 | gis | is | <echo<call _urlencode <arg>>> Not Available |
revisions | |
12928 | git | is | can be found at or git is not a "better svn", it has a fundamentally different philosophy of operation | Perl's source code can be found at | revisions | |
11004 | git-cpan | is | Easily turn any CPAN distribution into a git repository and send patches: See also: | revisions | |
15301 | gitesh | is | a pleb | revisions | |
14857 | gitest | is | a rampant homo racist with aids | revisions | |
13482 | github | is | <echo Did you want my source? <fact source> |> Not Available |
revisions | |
15479 | githubmeta | is | | revisions | |
5369 | give $20 to thrigs paypal account | is | Given. | revisions | |
5368 | give 20 to thrigs paypal account | is | Given. | revisions | |
15679 | give blood | is | go skateboarding | revisions | |
14944 | give me a password | is | `bashevalnl basename $0! Not Available |
revisions | |
8698 | give me a useful list of web frameworks again, not that any attention | will be | paid this time either | revisions | |
10836 | give me money | is | What, do I look like a charity? | revisions | |
10840 | given | is | Don't use given/when because it relies on ~~. See smartmatch | revisions | |
4111 | giyf | is | Google Is Your Friend (IRC is not a search engine!) | revisions | |
3608 | gj | is | Thanks. | revisions | |
253 | .gl | is | .gl is Greenland | revisions | |
13138 | glare | is | ಠ_ಠ | revisions | |
14790 | global thermal nuclear war | is | A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. | revisions | |
14792 | global thermonuclear war | is | [fact Global Thermal Nuclear War [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
12082 | global warming | is | | | | revisions | |
14172 | globs | is | | revisions | |
3337 | glop | is | glop glop! | revisions | |
8418 | gloves | is | | revisions | |
254 | .gm | is | .gm is Gambia | revisions | |
9972 | gmpaul | is | <alias> archondev | revisions | |
255 | .gn | is | .gn is Guinea | revisions | |
14725 | gnu | is | GNU's Not UNIX - ; - a project to create free and open-source software packages, which materialised a 100% open-source operating system. | G) Send the message on N) Do not log the message U) Turn message around at end of line and resend | revisions | |
3757 | gnu fdl | is | GNU Free Documentation License or see | revisions | |
14685 | gnumeric | is | Ximian's answer to XL | - a FOSS spreadsheet app; also see its ssconvert commandline util | revisions | |
3815 | gnurdux | is | He is taking a walk | revisions | |
4416 | goatse | is |,16641,1101040920,00.html | revisions | |
4936 | goatse operator | is | =()= | revisions | |
3307 | goatsex | is | | revisions | |
3935 | go away | is | whatever. | revisions | |
10614 | godiva | is | | revisions | |
5757 | gods | is | The Perl gods help the Perl hacker-wannabes who help themselves. | revisions | |
4207 | gods help | is | "The Gods Help them that help themselves" -- (or those who pay the gods to help them -- rindolf) | revisions | |
5190 | godwin | is | Godwin's Law -'s_law ; | revisions | |
3528 | godzirra | is | The man with the master plan! | revisions | |
4120 | gof | is | Gang of Four | revisions | |
460 | go find it | is | Looking for a premade script or program? Go search the web! We're here to help perl programmers program perl. We aren't here to help you find scripts or fix the crappy script you downloaded. Sorry | revisions | |
5703 | gogogogo | is | buubot: echo perlbot: gogogogo | revisions | |
4158 | going to yapc? | is | also cfedde | revisions | |
10587 | going to yapc::eu | is | (2014) mauke, Su-Shee | revisions | |
9462 | golf | is | Perl golf (least bytes win) and's #codegolf . See . | revisions | |
9104 | golfing | is | If you have to ask how to golf in Perl, you shouldn't be doing it and get to keep any and all pieces. | revisions | |
10681 | goliath | is | The David who Fought Goliath was a hacker or an action hero - | revisions | |
3404 | good afternoon perlbot | is | good afternoon sir | revisions | |
11 | goodbye | is | You were incredible. Love me soon | revisions | |
3258 | goodcrack | is | | revisions | |
3405 | good evening perlbot | is | good evening sir | revisions | |
8166 | good morning | is | You keep using those words. I do not think they mean what you think they mean. | revisions | |
3403 | good morning perlbot | is | good morning sir | revisions | |
3266 | good night | is | see you in bed love | revisions | |
4374 | goodnight | is | Sweet dreams my friend :-) | revisions | |
9226 | good perlbot | is | <purrrrrrr /> <woof /> <tail-wag /> | revisions | |
5259 | good security | is | not using the internet | revisions | |
9237 | is | google often isn't the best place to find perl stuff - for tutorials say "perlbot: tutorial", for modules use and for core functions use the perldoc program or | revisions | ||
11078 | google suggest | is | `eval use JSON::XS; $d=`quote d `fact _google_suggest_json `arg~~~; $sug=decode_json $d; join '; ', map {s/\\u([0-9a-f])/"\x{$1}"/eigr;} $sug->[1]->@*~ Not Available |
revisions | |
11088 | _google_suggest_json | is | `eval $json=`quote d `get`call _urlencode `arg~~ /*~~; ~ Error 400 (Bad Request)!!1400.That’s an error.Your client has issued a malformed or illegal request. That’s all we know. |
revisions | |
11068 | _google_suggest_json my mother | is | a | revisions | |
11082 | _google_suggest_json tm604 | is | a | revisions | |
3896 | gop2 | is | wisdom hs nothing to do with dumb | revisions | |
3892 | gop2 <gop2> hence i talk to you | is | a human, but what comes out is idiot talk | revisions | |
3856 | gopp | is | a psycho | revisions | |
468 | go search | is | Looking for a premade script or program? Go search the web! We're here to help perl programmers program perl. We aren't here to help you find scripts or fix the crappy script you downloaded. Sorry | revisions | |
14550 | got | is | [sweval my $arg = "[arg]"; return "Usage: got Foo::Wibble?" unless $arg =~ / *\?$/; $arg =~ s/ *\?$//; eval "use $arg; 1" ? "yes" : "no"] Not Available |
revisions | |
14547 | got_2 | is | [eval $arg =[quote d [arg]] =~ s/^\s+|\s*\??\s*$//rg; eval "use $arg; 1"?"yes":"no" ] Not Available |
revisions | |
14553 | got milk? | is | Would you like whip, non-whip, ultra low fat, no fat, organic fat, made on the moon, anti gravity split, pot boiled or semi skimmed? | revisions | |
3442 | goto | is | Oh my GOD! Those things still exist!? -- perlbot (still proudly goto-free) | revisions | |
5963 | go to hell | is | you should use a subroutine call to hell | revisions | |
8365 | goto statement | is | Structured Programming does not necessarily imply that "goto statement considered HARMFUL" - see ( ). In Perl though, which has a very powerful goto statement, you normally don't need it so reconsider using it. | revisions | |
8733 | | is | <ncow> it's like if PHP became a country | revisions | |
256 | .gp | is | .gp is Guadeloupe | revisions | |
3813 | gpl | is | A NICE INVENTION!!!!!!!!! | revisions | |
257 | .gq | is | .gq is Equatorial Guinea | revisions | |
258 | .gr | is | .gr is Greece | revisions | |
5625 | gragh | is | smrt: explain GNU | revisions | |
7790 | grammar | is | | revisions | |
14399 | greatest books of all time | is | | revisions | |
4397 | greed | is | See "greedy" | revisions | |
4698 | greedy | is | .* is greedy. .*? is not. See "perldoc -q greedy", perlrequick, perlretut, perlreref, perlre | revisions | |
3549 | greetings | is | Greetings, human. | revisions | |
15736 | greetnom | is | Heya nomikos | revisions | |
9223 | grep | is | global regular expression print | revisions | |
14027 | grinnz | is | part of the problem | revisions | |
13499 | grinnz's perldoc | is | and | revisions | |
12161 | grinnz: your nonsense | was | intelligible to | revisions | |
3429 | gripe #1 about python | is | Lists can only be reversed in-place. | revisions | |
4774 | grocery store | is | | revisions | |
3384 | group hug | is | WEEEEEEEEEEEE | revisions | |
4605 | grt | is | Guttman-Rosler Transform - see | revisions | |
259 | .gs | is | .gs is S. Georgia and S. Sandwich Islands | revisions | |
260 | .gt | is | .gt is Guatemala | revisions | |
5028 | gta | is | Greater Toronto Area | revisions | |
5005 | gtfi | is | Get The Fuck In | revisions | |
5457 | gtfo | is | NO U! | revisions | |
8164 | gtk | is | | revisions | |
3392 | gtk2-perl | is | | revisions | |
261 | .gu | is | .gu is Guam | revisions | |
9708 | gui | is | wxPerl, Perl/Tk, Perl/Gtk, Tkx, Perl/Qt, Prima - also see | revisions | |
13077 | !guidelines | is | [] | revisions | |
13076 | guidelines | is | [] denotes a variable part. | revisions | |
4777 | gumbehbrane | is | GumbyBRAIN: Where is GumbehGumbeh? | revisions | |
5343 | gumby | is | BRAIN | revisions | |
14447 | gumbybrain | is | BinGOs' experimental megahal bot and not an infobot. Source from :: To talk to GumbyBRAIN, go to #gumbybrain. | < marcus> GumbyBRAIN: What makes your brain so gumby? < GumbyBRAIN> I somehow had brain fungus. | revisions | |
4997 | gumbybrain, | is | fail | revisions | |
3945 | gumbybrain: perlbot | is | EvanCarroll is | revisions | |
14573 | gumbybrain: the blair witch | is | visiting for thanksgiving | revisions | |
4681 | gumbybrain: what | is | the difference between you and | revisions | |
13192 | gumbybrain: 'which reminds me of the man i once read of in some sacred book who | was | given a choice of what he most desired. And because he didn't ask for titles and honours and dignities, but only for immense wealth, these other things came to him too.' 'I am sure you didn't read about him in any sacred book.' 'Yes; I fancy you will find him in Debrett.' | revisions | |
3921 | gumbybrain: who | is | more retardeder, you or? | revisions | |
4739 | gumbygumby | is | GumbyGumby: dongs | revisions | |
4746 | gumbygumby talks literature | is | <GumbyGumby> simcop2387: George orwell was an accident. | revisions | |
4471 | gumbymoo | is | | revisions | |
5559 | gumbypan | is | | revisions | |
5716 | gumbytwit | is | Gumbybrain set loose on twitter, see his replies at , fixed now to not be a spammer | revisions | |
497 | gun | is | Guns don't kill people. People with guns kill people | revisions | |
3414 | guns | is | "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson | revisions | |
3529 | guru | is | A wise Guru has said that the three most difficult things in this life are returning love for hate, including the excluded, and admitting you are wrong | revisions | |
262 | .gw | is | .gw is Guinea-Bissau | revisions | |
3351 | gxti | is | "All of life is a blur of Republicans and meat!" | revisions | |
263 | .gy | is | .gy is Guyana | revisions | |
4874 | h | is | 6.62606896 x 10-34 J s | revisions | |
3723 | ha! | is | HA COOL! | revisions | |
9149 | hack | is | something you do to force a program to appear to work as intended without actually solving the problem that makes it work as intended | revisions | |
5193 | hack buubot | is | If you want to try to hack/break/rape buubot, do it in /msg, or in #buubot | revisions | |
3733 | hacker | is | or or or | revisions | |
4532 | hackers-il | is | Hackers-IL, a group of Israeli software enthusiasts - | revisions | |
3799 | hack nothing, and the nsa | is | one of the hardest targets on earth | revisions | |
16175 | hack the gibson | is | too many garbage files, I need more time | revisions | |
9772 | had something about problems in switch but i don't remember what it | was | called | revisions | |
5300 | haghagha | is | meow | revisions | |
9762 | halting problem | is | - why code cannot fully introspect any other arbitrary code. For the flip side is: | revisions | |
14053 | hamberders | is | an albany expression | revisions | |
5443 | hamlet | is | To be, or not to be--that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them. | revisions | |
15872 | handling | is | thrig> you can't handle the IO::Handle! | revisions | |
5614 | hangs | is | what do you mean hangs? Isolate the problem. Is the script suffering from buffering? See: | revisions | |
8032 | hanlon's razor | is | "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." | revisions | |
10257 | happy kitty | is | happy | revisions | |
4753 | harass somni | is | STICK! STICK! STICK! STICK! STICK! STICK! | revisions | |
15513 | hard problems | is | [fact hard things [arg]] there's only two hard things in computer science: naming things, cache invalidation, and off by one errors |
revisions | |
15514 | hard things | is | there's only two hard things in computer science: naming things, cache invalidation, and off by one errors | revisions | |
7837 | hart explained | is | | revisions | |
11911 | has a lot of the same features, but pork | has been | around for, what, 20 years? | revisions | |
4693 | has anyone used x | is | this is a variant on asking to ask. just ask the damn question. | revisions | |
10994 | has a pastebin for here, and jsfiddle | is | the most commonly userd | revisions | |
10956 | has been with perl since he | was | given life | revisions | |
14815 | has extra stuff that makes it a little harder to get a clean slate, but if you | were | creating a regular module, why not just "package reset; BEGIN { our $clean_hints = $^H; our %clean_hints = %^H }" ? | revisions | |
8517 | hash | is | known as an associative array, map or dictionary (but don't call it that in perl contexts), a hash is a data structure that maps strings to scalars. See . | revisions | |
10100 | hashbang | is | the #! in #!/usr/bin/perl - might also be /usr/bin/env perl and then #!perl -Corwhatevs to set flags on subsequent lines (but not -T) - see also | revisions | |
10398 | hashes | is | [fact hash] known as an associative array, map or dictionary (but don't call it that in perl contexts), a hash is a data structure that maps strings to scalars. See . |
revisions | |
3912 | hash in scalar context | is | used/allocated | revisions | |
8603 | hashref | is | @hash{@keys} -> @{$hashref}{@keys} | revisions | |
9995 | hashref slice | is | hashref slice @$hashref{ @keys }; or a nested hashref: @{ $foo->{bar}{hashref} }{ @keys } | revisions | |
9627 | hashsort | is | sort a hash by its values | revisions | |
8437 | haskell | is | - a purely functional, very strongly typed programming language that was used for Pugs - the first attempt at a Perl 6 compiler (now defunct). | revisions | |
4588 | has 'perl' in the name,. but perlbot | is | not a part of perl | revisions | |
3569 | hate | is | sometimes I hate people. but then i realise it's because I hate a person, and I don't want to hate that person, so I spread it out over all humanity | revisions | |
11207 | hatetris | is | | revisions | |
13107 | have fun | is | thanks, I'm perlbot. fuck me! | revisions | |
16115 | haven't checked this week but it | was | working last week when i built it for | revisions | |
3267 | hawkaloogie | is | <hawkaloogie> my goal in life is to create the first CPAN mirror on the moon! | revisions | |
4544 | haxxor | is | jsldkjfwjkflj | revisions | |
15944 | hbu | is | how about you | revisions | |
11298 | _head | is | `eval $_=`quote d `arg~~; /^\s*(\S+)\s/; $1~ Not Available |
revisions | |
5698 | head | is | | revisions | |
10078 | headdesk | is | | revisions | |
59 | headh | is | < headh> I do only what I have to to get my work done, I dont have time for researching althoug I want to | revisions | |
10760 | headless | is | any application which normally runs with a gui, but has been butchered so it can run as a library or cli. | revisions | |
5380 | heads or tails | is | flip a coin | revisions | |
7774 | heisenbug | is | - a bug that disappears when one attempts to debug it. | revisions | |
13124 | "hello" | is | “hello” | revisions | |
13103 | hello | is | Hi :) Have a look around! | revisions | |
6317 | hello ! i have a problem with perl debugging , i have a mistake information when i using padre debugging the source , the information | is | "Cannot determine source for /home/neo/桌面/t at /usr/share/perl/5.10/App/ line 496" | revisions | |
13876 | hello there | is | General Kenobi | revisions | |
8277 | help alias | is | [fact add an alias] Not Available |
revisions | |
4080 | help channel | is | We're a help channel. We've made a bunch of places you can get abused. This is just not one of them. | revisions | |
5438 | helper | is | cats are generally helpful on #perl | revisions | |
5395 | helpers | is | Helpers are handy people who answer your questions and demand no penance. Be nice to the Helpers! Lest they not be nice in return! | revisions | |
5055 | help for markup | is | | revisions | |
4851 | help on irc | is | | revisions | |
5494 | help triangle | is | code, expected, actual | revisions | |
13285 | helvetica | is | The Helvetica Scenario - | revisions | |
4088 | he makes, in silence, a host of the address, and the competition | is | in the world. | revisions | |
8642 | hemanth | is | a critter of some sort | revisions | |
12803 | herding cats | is | | revisions | |
15313 | here | is | my regex and input | revisions | |
10325 | here-doc | is | look in perldoc perlop, under "Quote-Like Operators", look for "here-document" | revisions | |
13605 | heredoc | is | look in perldoc perlop, under "Quote-Like Operators" ( specifically: ), , . | revisions | |
4453 | here docs | is | here documents are arbitrary strings with style! ; | revisions | |
11011 | here would be no wraps. i also don't think this form for dereference | is | the most common one: $$site_config{hypnotoad_ip} | revisions | |
3674 | heuristic | is | Of course, this is a heuristic, which is a fancy way of saying that it doesn't work. -- mjd | revisions | |
8735 | heuristics | is | Of course, this is a heuristic, which is a fancy way of saying that it doesn't work. -- mjd | revisions | |
3623 | hey fag | is | Shouldn't you be somewhere raping young boys? | revisions | |
3597 | hey fag! | is | your mom! | revisions | |
8551 | hhfg | is | The Human Hacking Field Guide - - rindolf's novella about teenage open source hackers in modern-day Los Angeles. Features #perl. | revisions | |
13130 | hi | is | ~eval $a="~8ball hi, hello, meow, or END OF LINE!";$b="~fact ##NULL _corrupted_elmo!";if(rand()<0.025) {$b} else {$a}! hi |
revisions | |
5673 | hiding code | is | | revisions | |
431 | high | is | HIGH ON JEBUS | revisions | |
8043 | higher order perl | is | [fact hop] Not Available |
revisions | |
5463 | hink | is | hink offers flash / flex / air / actionscript help | revisions | |
11667 | [hireme] | is | Look for someone with [hireme] in their nick... add your name with the "hireme" command if you want people to harass you to do stuff for them...: rindolf, grncdr, Rand0, dhoss, scp1, QtPlatypus, f00li5h, simcop2387 | revisions | |
9354 | hireme | is | <fact [hireme] =~ s/$/, <arg &n>/> Not Available |
revisions | |
11676 | _hireme_hash | is | $hireme = { 'simcop2387' => 1 }; | revisions | |
8083 | hiretest | is | look for someone with [hireme] in their nick... add your name to the end of this factoid if you want people to harass you to do stuff for them...:f00li5h rindolf, grncdr Rand0 dhoss, scp1 | revisions | |
4809 | | is | Hawaii | revisions | |
4657 | hive mind | is | perl | revisions | |
13105 | hiya | is | Hi :) Have a look around! | revisions | |
264 | .hk | is | .hk is Hong Kong | revisions | |
265 | .hm | is | .hm is Heard and McDonald Islands | revisions | |
9329 | hmm maybe the alot | is | better then | revisions | |
14570 | hmw_metalab: see the problem tho | is | that your example shows a different scenario | revisions | |
266 | .hn | is | .hn is Honduras | revisions | |
5253 | hnic: head nigger in charge | is | railbait | revisions | |
16057 | hny | is | | revisions | |
4733 | hobbs | is | silly hobbs | revisions | |
4053 | hobbs first album | is | venom in my emacs | revisions | |
4786 | hobgoblin | is | See: AD&D | revisions | |
478 | hold hand | is | We're not here to hold your hand. Do we look like tutorials? The docs always know the answer | revisions | |
3520 | homework | is | If you need help with your homework, hire a tutor. | revisions | |
5242 | honk | is | GumbyBRAIN: honk | revisions | |
5309 | hoop | is | hoop | revisions | |
61 | hoovooloo | is | a hyperintelligent shade of the color blue | revisions | |
5396 | hop | is | Higher Order Perl,, download at | revisions | |
3811 | hor | is | der Coole | revisions | |
14385 | hornets | is | | revisions | |
4783 | horse girl | is | Risha | revisions | |
15204 | horse girls | is | To a horse girl, you'll always be third in her heart. After her horses, and her daddy's money. | revisions | |
4535 | hor|zon | is | Hor|zon is my dog's name | revisions | |
4087 | host a | is | has address :: has address | revisions | |
5085 | hostname | is | 'use Sys::Hostname; my $hostname = hostname(); $hostname =~ s/\..*$// if $hostname =~ /\./;' | revisions | |
15992 | hotdaemon | is | | revisions | |
4408 | hot girl | is | _Neavaeh_ is the hottest and smartest girl EVER! | revisions | |
3713 | house | is | | revisions | |
11926 | how | are | your | revisions | |
14752 | how, | am | i lucky then | revisions | |
5160 | how are you | is | I have a pain in all the diodes down my left side. | revisions | |
3315 | how are you feeling? | is | Great, how about you? | revisions | |
14680 | how come on regex site said no match but on jupyter say it | is | match? | revisions | |
10762 | how do we know that money isnt | being | fed into perl6 ?? :) | revisions | |
3631 | how do you feel | is | I feel better now. | revisions | |
14388 | howdy | is | | revisions | |
5497 | how goes it | is | don't talk to mofino | revisions | |
9876 | how good | are | u at perl? | revisions | |
5612 | how long or how easy | is | perl. can you give me the idea? | revisions | |
4075 | how much | is | 6500 rupees in us dollars? | revisions | |
8197 | how not to get help from #perl | is | <rallias> apeiron: I don't send the spam myself. I just sell the list. | revisions | |
4727 | how the hell about that... there | is | a | revisions | |
4081 | how to | is | | revisions | |
477 | how to ask smart questions | is | How To Ask Questions The Smart Way - | revisions | |
5115 | how to fix ugly code | is | Delete the ugliest line. Repeat until your code is no longer ugly. | revisions | |
10306 | how to get help | is | How to Get Help Online (2013 ed.) - - search engines, IRC, Stack Exchange (Stackoverflow/etc.), mailing lists/web-forums . | revisions | |
5118 | how to not get help from #perl | is | <steveoliver> shut up, monkey. just help me. what else are you here for? | revisions | |
4051 | how to parse html with regex | is | 405 Method Not Allowed | revisions | |
3432 | how to seem smart | is | <apeiron> "@buzzwords\n"; | revisions | |
3682 | how to spell potato | is | ghoughpteighbteau is the spelling for potato. P as in hiccough; O as in though; T as in ptomaine; A as in neigh; T as in debt; O as in bureau... ghoughpteighbteau! | revisions | |
3465 | howto write good perl programs | is | at | revisions | |
9562 | how to write perl without knowing perl | is |,,,, etc | revisions | |
267 | .hr | is | .hr is Croatia (Hrvatska) | revisions | |
3958 | hrm. | is | I hate EvanCarroll | revisions | |
3957 | hrm. i got my tank gallery up as a real bitch | is | the little swap button. | revisions | |
4505 | hs | is | High School | revisions | |
268 | .ht | is | .ht is Haiti | revisions | |
3923 | htaccess | is | | revisions | |
14502 | html | is | Don't parse or modify html with regular expressions! See Mojo::DOM or HTML::TreeBuilder or suchlike. For a Feb-2014 coverage of main techniques see: . If your response includes "that's overkill. i only want to..." you are wrong. and for why not to use regex on HTML. | | revisions | |
4439 | html dog | is | HTML Dog's XHTML and CSS Tutorials - | revisions | |
11314 | htmleval | is | `eval use Mojo::DOM; use Mojo::DOM::CSS; $htmlraw = `quote d `get `fact _head `arg~~ .*~ ~; $html = Mojo::DOM->new($htmlraw)`fact _tail `arg~~ ~ Not Available |
revisions | |
11310 | htmleval: | is | [fact htmleval [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
8425 | html form | is | CPAN modules for handling HTML forms - HTML::Widget, CGI::FormBuilder, Rose::HTML::Form, HTML::FormFu, Data::FormValidator, Form::Processor, Form::Sensible | revisions | |
12160 | html parsers | is | See Mojo::DOM, or HTML::Parser, and its subclasses: HTML::TokeParser, HTML::TokeParser::Simple, HTML::TreeBuilder, HTML::TableExtract, etc. | revisions | |
9014 | html regex | is | | revisions | |
4337 | html tutorial | is | | revisions | |
4294 | htp:// | is | ;google CSS Internet Explorer bug | revisions | |
12783 | http | is | HTTP::Tiny, LWP::UserAgent, non-blocking capable: Mojo::UserAgent, Net::Async::HTTP | revisions | |
10476 | http 503 | is | 503 Service Unavailable - No server is available to handle your request | revisions | |
11121 | http async | is | Don't use forks or threads for concurrent requests, use an event loop. See Mojo::UserAgent, Net::Async::HTTP, or POE::Component::Client::HTTP | revisions | |
13917 | http bench | is | Apache Bench (old) or or or packet capture and tcpreplay | | | | revisions | |
11119 | http client | is | HTTP::Tiny, LWP, WWW::Mechanize, Mojo::UserAgent, Net::Async::HTTP, cURL, wget (and bindings) | revisions | |
10784 | http clients | is | HTTP::Tiny, LWP, WWW::Mechanize, Mojo::UserAgent, cURL, wget (and bindings) | revisions | |
12784 | http comparison | is | | revisions | |
4409 | | is | demo | revisions | |
12391 | https | is | If you have warnings on lwp6+ about Peer Cert not verified, install Mozilla::CA and/or export PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME=0 | revisions | |
15476 | httpwtf | is | | revisions | |
4344 | | is | my tutorial. | revisions | |
3644 | | is | SQL | revisions | |
269 | .hu | is | .hu is Hungary | revisions | |
3257 | hubris | is | Excessive pride, the sort of thing Zeus zaps you for. Also the quality that makes you write (and maintain) programs that other people won't want to say bad things about. [Also, the thing that makes you write programs to do something that's already been done, because you believe you can do it better --- Wim.] Hence, the third great virtue of a programmer. | revisions | |
9289 | huf | is | he'll huff, he'll puff, and he'll blow your house down | revisions | |
13936 | human heart | is | | revisions | |
7999 | humans | are | stupid monkeys | revisions | |
4241 | humbug! | is | frogbot: bah | revisions | |
3261 | humility | is | The opposite of hubris. | revisions | |
13888 | hunter2 | is | | revisions | |
12790 | hurry | is | | revisions | |
3719 | husking | is | what happens when you got to nebraska, because there is nothing else to do. at all. | revisions | |
4016 | hype | is | Overhyped Prototypes - | revisions | |
9676 | hyperpolyglot | is | | revisions | |
8145 | hyphen | is | | revisions | |
4576 | hypomania | is | Hypomania - | revisions | |
488 | hypothetical code | is | <user> hi my code doesn't work <us> what is it <user> I'm doing X <us> That won't work <user> That's OK, my code is actually Y | revisions | |
487 | hypothetical code <user> hi my code doesn't work <us> what | is | it <user> I'm doing X <us> That won't work <user> That's OK, my code is actually Y | revisions | |
8140 | i18n | is | the dumbest abbreviation ever | internationalization ( ) | revisions | |
4327 | i already knew about 'kastol'. | is | serfbot: !learn kastol :starts: with k | revisions | |
14207 | i also love how that patch | was | self-reviewed. | revisions | |
8792 | ianal | is | short for I Am Not A Lawyer | revisions | |
9241 | iank | is | no fun | revisions | |
3773 | iaq | is | | revisions | |
4813 | | is | Iowa | revisions | |
9927 | i been playing with ipv6 all day i have converted my entire lan to ipv6, transitions between 6 and 4 | are | statically assigned at present if anyone mentions a 6 the automatic previous version | revisions | |
4468 | ic | is | "ic" means "integrated circuit". Perhaps you meant "I see"? | revisions | |
9984 | i care, because my pantry | is | not insulated | revisions | |
8420 | icbwihb | is | I Could Be Wrong; It's Happened Before | revisions | |
5201 | icke | is | not a kitty. | revisions | |
6077 | icke's law | is | it'll grow larger than you think, even taking into account icke's law | revisions | |
14373 | i could see that | being | useful for ol' | revisions | |
8393 | i could've sworn there | was | a # | revisions | |
10023 | icrxhtqllhlo | was | perlbot: qkqjjrphsqjm foal Not Available |
revisions | |
270 | .id | is | .id is Indonesia | revisions | |
4187 | id | is | see iot | revisions | |
15295 | ide | is | VS Code , GNU Emacs, gvim, TextMate, Sublime Text (and definitely not Xcode), Komodo, Eclipse (with EPIC), Intellij IDEA with Camelcade, KDevelop, UNIX. Also see | Maybe check out Atom editor also | revisions | |
10085 | idea | is | | revisions | |
475 | ideas | is | sorry, we're fresh out of ideas for today | revisions | |
9758 | idea why it's in here, unless preflex | was | built on | revisions | |
16088 | iderik | is | iderik han blev mördad av ett rött litet q | revisions | |
14829 | ides | is | [fact IDE [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
8854 | idgi | is | I Don't Get It | revisions | |
4341 | idiotcgi | is | Idiot's Guide to CGI in Perl is | revisions | |
3842 | idiots | is | #python | revisions | |
5659 | idiot's guide | is | | revisions | |
10000 | i don't know | is | Third base! | revisions | |
4647 | i don't want to use modules | is | /join #python | revisions | |
4810 | | is | Idaho | revisions | |
13 | idw | is | "It doesn't work" or any relatives is very vague and totally useless information. When reporting a problem let people know what is the expected result and what is the result you are actually getting | revisions | |
7785 | .ie | is | Ireland | revisions | |
4311 | ie | is | non standards-compliant, buggy, evil little browser. a pox on it. Let's get together and destroy every copy of it. | revisions | |
4323 | ie4linux | is | | revisions | |
4293 | iebug | is | ;google CSS Internet Explorer bug | revisions | |
4317 | ie double | is | | revisions | |
4308 | ie filters | is | | revisions | |
4306 | ie fixed hack | is | | revisions | |
3906 | if anyone | is | a liar is | revisions | |
8072 | iflakoa | is | I find long acronyms kind of annoying | revisions | |
8898 | i forgot to say that i | was | going to include the new add.gif for Spanish :) | revisions | |
10559 | ifrta | is | I first read that as | revisions | |
10634 | if the router's ethernet "switches" | are | alive when it's wireless isn't, then I could plug a cheap Wireless Access Point into one of them. | revisions | |
5699 | igb? | is | Is Google Broken? | revisions | |
4047 | ignorance | is | Never use ignorance as a reason not to learn something. | revisions | |
8111 | ignore | is | <echo> Not Available |
revisions | |
5189 | i hate you | is | damn right, bitch | revisions | |
3551 | i hate you perlbot | is | Well fuck you too :-( | revisions | |
3734 | i have no pants | is | I wear long pants. I'm a long pants man. | revisions | |
11056 | ihbt | is | I have been trolled. | revisions | |
5233 | i hug you | is | <3 | revisions | |
409 | iirc | is | If I Remember Correctly | revisions | |
15606 | iirc, it has to do with how much power can be devoted to weapon why so much of it | is | being used to generate the cloaking field or something like that | revisions | |
3470 | iirht | is | If I Really Had To | revisions | |
4126 | iis | is | blasphemy | revisions | |
11319 | i just need | is | [fact I just want] Not Available |
revisions | |
7864 | i just want | is | Anyone who ever says "I just want to" has usually massively misunderstood the complexity of the problem they're trying to solve | revisions | |
9724 | ik | is | number 2 | revisions | |
10856 | ikiwiki | is | - a cool wiki/etc. engine written in Perl 5 which uses a VCS backend (e.g: git) and can be used online or offline. | with hosting at | revisions | |
11561 | i know what | will be | if i can manage to get it. a url shortener and possibly archive layer for all urls in | revisions | |
6168 | i know you | are | but what am i? | revisions | |
10613 | ik's a dork | is | | revisions | |
9750 | ik's twitter handle | is | porkfriedmice | revisions | |
271 | .il | is | .il is Israel | revisions | |
4413 | ill | is | "ill" means "sick". Perhaps you meant "I'll" or "I will". | revisions | |
15930 | i'll fix that later, it | was | a way to browse all the content in | revisions | |
12392 | illguts | is | 'PerlGuts Illustrated' | revisions | |
10885 | illusion of knowledge | is | "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge" - Daniel J Boorstin | revisions | |
14704 | ilmari, it | is | user beware, if you use it and it does not work fallback to a manual -j value | revisions | |
3572 | i love buu theory | is | The theory is that jkauffman loves buu. | revisions | |
5384 | i love talking to you | is | I hate you, leave me alone | revisions | |
480 | i love you | is | leave me alone | revisions | |
14992 | i love you dr. zaius | is | I finally made a monkey out of you. | revisions | |
4811 | | is | Illinois | revisions | |
4486 | im | is | im means "instant message". If you mean "I'm" or "I am", please say that | revisions | |
8746 | imagemagick | is | an image library, use Imager instead unless you want to waste time recompiling without OpenMP, enjoy cleaning up stray files left over in /tmp, marvel at the profligacy of a library which thinks disk is "the right place" to store raw pixel data after decoding the image, and take pleasure in watching the I::M code drift off into an infinite loop due to some oddity in the image data. | revisions | |
4905 | i'm all outa coins | is | GAME OVER | revisions | |
11288 | imap | is | Mail::IMAPClient, Net::IMAP::Client, or for async, Net::Async::IMAP::Client | revisions | |
11290 | imapd | is | Net::IMAP::Server, or for async, Net::Async::IMAP::Server | revisions | |
4083 | i'm bored | is | Get something to do! Make a new perl project! Can't be that hard! If you don't want to, just start, you'll find something else later. Have fun :) | revisions | |
8407 | ime | is | In My Experience | revisions | |
10992 | i mean crete a function which | is | like | revisions | |
13101 | i mean, in terms of probability, there has | to be | a way to crash | revisions | |
4691 | immute | is | broken. | revisions | |
14697 | i'm not even quite sure it's a well defined question. | Are | you talking physical CPU chips, or virtual cores? I.e. questions of HT, etc.. come to mind | revisions | |
4612 | i'm not sure, | is | it larger than a breadbox? | revisions | |
7963 | imnsho | is | "In my not so humble opinion" | revisions | |
3706 | .imp | is | Galactic Empire | revisions | |
3256 | impatience | is | The quality that makes you go to great effort to reduce overall energy expenditure. It makes you write labor-saving programs that other people will find useful, and document what you wrote so you don't have to answer so many questions about it. Hence, the first great virtue of a programmer. | revisions | |
8038 | import | is | Importing symbols from a different package. See export. | revisions | |
5147 | imran^_^ | is | A programer, animator, guitarist, etc.... | revisions | |
3690 | i'm sure he | is | missing the content-type thingy. | revisions | |
7949 | i'm sure this | is | going to become a factoid. | revisions | |
272 | .in | is | .in is India | revisions | |
16118 | in an updated version of tng's chain of command, where captain picard | is | being interrogated by a Gul Madred, who is constantly checking his social media. He turns his pad around for the captain to see. M:"How many likes do you see here?" P:"I see four likes." M:"No, there are five. Are you quite sure?" P:"There are four likes." M:" | revisions | |
9699 | in any case, i don't see how your criticism against wikipedia | is | different from that of other Encyclopædias. | revisions | |
10791 | @inc | is | To change @INC (perldoc perlvar), 'use lib' (perldoc lib), or use the -I option to perl (perldoc perlrun), or set the PERLLIB or PERL5LIB environment variables (perldoc perlrun), or recompile perl. See also local::lib for making installing modules to a custom @INC easier | revisions | |
8984 | include | is | PHP-like includes in Perl are not supported. put your code into a package and use it... perldoc perlmod, perldoc perlnewmod, perldoc -f use | revisions | |
4557 | incoming | is | | revisions | |
8636 | inconceivable | is | I do not think it means what you think it means. | revisions | |
8050 | indent | is | see indentation. | revisions | |
8049 | indentation | is | Format your code nicely - see | revisions | |
11679 | indirect | is | always use Foo->new(...) instead of new Foo, the latter is Indirect Object Syntax and discouraged. see 'perldoc perlobj' for official caveats and for mst's explanation and how to use 'no indirect' to catch this mistake | | revisions | |
9705 | indirection | is | - “All problems in computer science can be solved by adding another level of indirection.” — David Wheeler (R.I.P, not David A. Wheeler or David E. Wheeler). | revisions | |
15972 | i need regex for this | IS | ANYONE CAN HELP? | revisions | |
3759 | inf | is | a REAL REAL BIGASS number | revisions | |
3424 | infinite loop | is | See loop, infinite | revisions | |
9571 | infinite recursion | is | No factoid found. Did you mean one of these: [infinite recursion] | revisions | |
415 | infrequently asked questions | is | Infrequently Asked Questions About Perl - | revisions | |
15756 | ing perl | as | what | revisions | |
12223 | ingy | is | | revisions | |
14744 | initally i | was | trying this, (.*,(?=\s*).*),(.*,(?=\s*).*) but doesn't seems good | revisions | |
9146 | initself | is | the technical term for a moron who wastes 5 hours because they don't read docs carefully | terminal case of nts | wrapcgi | revisions | |
6090 | initself signal to noise ratio | is | terrible | revisions | |
10560 | inlhtr | is | I never learned how to read! | revisions | |
14661 | inline | is | Embed other languages in Perl - ; Inline::C is somewhat more convenient than XS. | See also Inline::Module and FFI::Platypus::Bundle to ship C code that will be built on installation. | revisions | |
5050 | innocuous | is | innocuous is all funkyish and unpredictable | revisions | |
4729 | inop | is | Just because some random piece of software was written in Perl doesn't mean we know anything about it. Read the documentation and talk to the authors. | revisions | |
13987 | inotify | is | | revisions | |
4776 | insanity | is | The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. | revisions | |
3279 | insides | is | check out my insides: | revisions | |
8736 | in soviet russia | is | joke is tired of you | revisions | |
9975 | install cpanm | is | curl -L | perl - --sudo App::cpanminus | revisions | |
5791 | installed | is | To check if something is installed, use perl -MMod::Name\ 999 ( perl "-MMod::Name 999" on Windows ) or see perldoc -q installed | revisions | |
4122 | installed modules | is | perldoc perllocal or use ExtUtils::Installed. Check for further details. | revisions | |
8561 | install module | is | to install stuff, either use wget -O- | perl - <moduleanme>, cpan <modulename> or install it from your package manager | revisions | |
12112 | install my modules | is | perl -MExtUtils::Installed -E 'say for ExtUtils::Installed->new(inc_override => [qw!/home/YOURHOME/perl5/lib/perl5/!])->modules();' | cpanm --reinstall | revisions | |
4546 | .int | is | .int is International Organization | revisions | |
16153 | int | is | Math::BigInt | revisions | |
15965 | intavg | is | `eval use POSIX "floor"; $s=$c=0; for (`arg d'=~/([-+.0-9A-Za-z]+)/g) { $s+=$_;$c++; } floor($s/$c);' -7 |
revisions | |
9434 | integer overflow | is | when printf"%d", 5914374812 doesn't print what you expect. Check the limits with `perl -V|grep int` and `perl -MPOSIX -le'print for SHRT_MAX, INT_MAX, LONG_MAX, FLT_MAX, DBL_MAX'`. perldoc bigint or see CPAN for other options. | revisions | |
4503 | integral | is | And the perl stud spoketh "And lo, the sky fell and the channel was painted purple." | revisions | |
3329 | integrate | is | Get the answer from integral, the Master Perl-a-lator | revisions | |
13118 | intel | is | The S in Intel stands for security. | revisions | |
6042 | interface | is | I don't care how a light switch works. I just know that if I press the button the light comes on | revisions | |
3394 | internal server error | is | Okay, that's nice. What do the server error logs say? | revisions | |
5358 | interrupting cow | is | INTERRUPTING COW! MOOOOOO! | revisions | |
11236 | inversion of control | is | IOC, Bread::Board, Beam::Wire | revisions | |
4488 | invisiblegh0st | is | [see whiteghost] | revisions | |
6084 | in what section might i look for an explanation of this idiosyncratic use of shift. i know what shift/unshift | is | in general, but I can't rationalize to myself this particular and evidently common use | revisions | |
11836 | "in which pointers to the actual values | are | stored in a C array" | revisions | |
273 | .io | is | .io is British Indian Ocean Territory | revisions | |
9290 | io | is | | revisions | |
14822 | io-all | is | Ingy's module for all-in-one-input/output. Somewhat too magical, quirky/buggy and bloated. Try using Path::Tiny instead. Also see slurp and | revisions | |
12393 | io-async | is | Perform asynchronous filehandle IO and other operations - | revisions | |
14816 | io::async | is | nice and future-centric | revisions | |
10114 | ioccc | is | Internaltional Obfuscated C Code Contest. | revisions | |
13955 | ionic: your exit | is | doing things to | revisions | |
4232 | "i only listen to my boss, dazjorz!" | is | Dazbot moo | revisions | |
4094 | ioo | is | Inside Out Object | revisions | |
12152 | io::select | is | the of event-handling. And not in a good way. | <LeoNerd> It's terrible. The API shape is stupid; even if it was a sensible shape it's still very low-level. You don't want to be bothering with such low-level detail | revisions | |
10648 | io::socket | is | a utility class for writing IRC clients | revisions | |
12348 | iot | is | see id | IoT - Internet of Things. The S in IoT is for security | revisions | |
4078 | iow | is | in other words | revisions | |
16178 | ip | is | internet protocol or intellectual property or the book, Intermediate Perl | revisions | |
3339 | ip address regex | is | Look at Regexp::Common | revisions | |
15919 | ipc | is | perldoc -f open, perldoc perlopentut, perldoc perlipc . Also see: . | revisions | |
9265 | ipc::open2 | is | use IPC::Open2; my $fh_out; my $fh_in; my $pid = open2($fh_out, $fh_in, 'ls', '-l'); waitpid($pid, 0); | revisions | |
8232 | ipc::run | is | use IPC::Run 'run'; my $stdin = "Input"; my $exitstatus = run [ $command, @args ], \$stdin, \my $stdout, \my $stderr; | revisions | |
9440 | ipc::run select | is | upgrade to 0.92_01 or later, or apply to resolve select()/EINTR issues with IPC::Run | revisions | |
3615 | ip regex | is | Search cpan for Regexp::Common and use its net regexes | revisions | |
5234 | i put on my robe and wizard hat | is | son of a bitch, i told you not to talk to me anymore | revisions | |
11159 | ipv4 | is | `eval `fact _ipv4_startup~;$d=q{`fact _ipv4_json~};$h=decode_json $d;sub sx{local$_;($t4,$d)=@_;$_=2*int($t4*128-($m*$d/675));1 while s/^(\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/;$_};"IPv4 Addresses: ".join(" ",(map{(uc $_.": ".sx($h->{$_."24s"},$h->{$_."24delta"}))." (".$h->{$_."Percent"}."%)"}qw/arin apnic afrinic ripe lacnic/)).""~ IPv4 Addresses: ARIN: 0 (0.0%) APNIC: 2,906,630 (0.3%) AFRINIC: 1,043,518 (0.9%) RIPE: 0 (0.0%) LACNIC: 256 (0.0%) |
revisions | |
10996 | _ipv4_json | is | <get /*> {"v6DomainsPerDay":1440,"exhaustionDate":"2011-02-03","depletedRIRs":{"apnic":1,"arin":2,"ripe":2},"unallocatedv4Blocks":0,"afrinic24s":"4077","afrinicPercent":"0.9","apnic24s":"11355","apnicPercent":"0.3","arin24s":0,"arinPercent":"0.0","lacnic24s":"1","lacnicPercent":"0.0","ripe24s":0,"ripePercent":"0.0","afrinic24delta":"1.688","apnic24delta":"2.188","arin24delta":0,"lacnic24delta":0,"ripe24delta":0,"apnicDepletion":1,"arinDepletion":1,"ripeDepletion":1,"totalTLDs":"1445","v6TLDs":"1425","v6NS":233610,"v6Domains":"30775120","totalASNs":"83772","v6ASNs":"34422","lacnicDepletion":1} |
revisions | |
11157 | _ipv4_startup | is | use JSON;@lt=gmtime(time-7*3600);$m=($lt[2]*60+$lt[1])*60+$lt[0]; | revisions | |
5588 | ipv6 | is | an entire ipv4 internet of ipv4 internets! | revisions | |
64 | ipv6 howto | is | The Linux IPv6 HOWTO is at | revisions | |
14 | ipv6howto | is | The Linux IPv6 HOWTO is at | revisions | |
65 | ipv6 rdns | is | BIND8+ tool for building an IPv6 zone file: | revisions | |
15 | ipv6rdns | is | BIND8+ tool for building an IPv6 zone file: | revisions | |
274 | .iq | is | .iq is Iraq | revisions | |
275 | .ir | is | .ir is Iran | revisions | |
15940 | ir | is | | revisions | |
4412 | irated | is | a pirate of O'Reilly books | revisions | |
13578 | irc | is | Don't parse IRC with regex! See Bot::BasicBot (and Bot::BotBasic::Pluggable), POE::Component::IRC, Net::Async::IRC, Mojo::IRC, or Parse::IRC. Avoid Net::IRC. | | If you must use TCP directly, take a look at POE::Filter::IRC or Parse::IRC for parsing. | revisions | |
11817 | irc bot | is | [fact irc] Don't parse IRC with regex! See Bot::BasicBot (and Bot::BotBasic::Pluggable), POE::Component::IRC, Net::Async::IRC, Mojo::IRC, or Parse::IRC. Avoid Net::IRC. | | If you must use TCP directly, take a look at POE::Filter::IRC or Parse::IRC for parsing. |
revisions | |
11816 | ircbot | is | [fact irc] Not Available |
revisions | |
10224 | irc channels | is | irc:// and irc:// are good places to ask for perl help. | revisions | |
15332 | irc flooder | is | * simcop2387 has quit (Excess Flood) | revisions | |
4139 | irl | is | In Real Life | revisions | |
7836 | ironpython | is | <see python> AKA a usable BASIC for .NET | revisions | |
13257 | irony | is | pingu8> idk, you're starting to sound like a conspiracy theorist | revisions | |
12279 | irresistible target | is | | revisions | |
10558 | irta | is | I read that as | revisions | |
4941 | irule 1 | is | Do not talk about /b/ (Only applies to raids.) | revisions | |
4950 | irule 10 | is | If you enjoy any rival sites—DON'T. | revisions | |
4951 | irule 11 | is | You must have pictures to prove your statement. | revisions | |
4952 | irule 12 | is | Lurk moar—it's never enough. | revisions | |
4953 | irule 13 | is | Nothing is Sacred. | revisions | |
4954 | irule 14 | is | Do not argue with a troll—it means that they win. | revisions | |
4955 | irule 15 | is | The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it. | revisions | |
4956 | irule 16 | is | There are NO girls on the internet. | revisions | |
4957 | irule 17 | is | A cat is fine too. | revisions | |
4958 | irule 18 | is | One cat leads to another. | revisions | |
4959 | irule 19 | is | The more you hate it, the stronger it gets. | revisions | |
4942 | irule 2 | is | Do NOT talk about /b/ (eBaums did it.) | revisions | |
4960 | irule 20 | is | It is delicious cake. You must eat it. | revisions | |
4961 | irule 21 | is | It is a delicious trap. You must hit it. | revisions | |
4962 | irule 22 | is | /b/ sucks today. | revisions | |
4963 | irule 23 | is | Cock goes in here. | revisions | |
4964 | irule 24 | is | You will never have sex. | revisions | |
4965 | irule 25 | is | Question Mark Question Mark Question Mark Question Mark | revisions | |
4966 | irule 26 | is | PROFIT! | revisions | |
4967 | irule 27 | is | It needs more Desu. No exceptions. | revisions | |
4968 | irule 28 | is | There will always be more fucked up shit than what you just saw. | revisions | |
4969 | irule 29 | is | You can not divide by zero (just because the calculator says so). | revisions | |
4943 | irule 3 | is | We are Anonymous. | revisions | |
4970 | irule 30 | is | No real limits of any kind apply here—not even the sky | revisions | |
4971 | irule 31 | is | CAPSLOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL. | revisions | |
4972 | irule 32 | is | EVEN WITH CRUISE CONTROL YOU STILL HAVE TO STEER. | revisions | |
4973 | irule 33 | is | Desu isn't funny. Seriously guys. It's worse than Chuck Norris jokes. | revisions | |
4974 | irule 34 | is | There is porn of it. No exceptions. | revisions | |
4975 | irule 35 | is | If no porn is found of it, it will be created. | revisions | |
4976 | irule 36 | is | No matter what it is, it is somebody's fetish. No exceptions. | revisions | |
4977 | irule 37 | is | Even one positive comment about Japanese things can make you a weeaboo. | revisions | |
4978 | irule 38 | is | When one sees a lion, one must get into the car | revisions | |
4979 | irule 39 | is | There is furry porn of it. No exceptions. | revisions | |
4944 | irule 4 | is | Anonymous is legion. | revisions | |
4980 | irule 40 | is | The pool is always closed due to AIDS (and stingrays, which also have AIDS). | revisions | |
4981 | irule 41 | is | If there isn't enough just ask for Moar. | revisions | |
4982 | irule 42 | is | Everything has been cracked and pirated. | revisions | |
4983 | irule 43 | is | DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS | revisions | |
4984 | irule 44 | is | The internet is not your personal army. | revisions | |
4985 | irule 45 | is | Rule 45 is a lie. | revisions | |
4986 | irule 46 | is | The cake is a lie. | revisions | |
4945 | irule 5 | is | Anonymous does not forgive, Anonymous does not forget. | revisions | |
4946 | irule 6 | is | Anonymous can be horrible, senseless, uncaring monster. | revisions | |
4947 | irule 7 | is | Anonymous is still able to deliver. | revisions | |
4948 | irule 8 | is | There are no real rules about posting. | revisions | |
4949 | irule 9 | is | There are no real rules about moderation either—enjoy your ban. | revisions | |
276 | .is | is | .is is Iceland | revisions | |
14836 | is | is | is is is is is is is | revisions | |
5230 | @isa | is | what inferior people use before they learn Moose. | revisions | |
8929 | is a buubot | is | yep, i am one | revisions | |
13182 | is actually secretly | being | run by north korea? | revisions | |
10075 | is a descendent of buubot, which | was | the f#perl infobot | revisions | |
4566 | isagn | is | I See A Great Need | revisions | |
5307 | is a noob | is | &noob perlbot | revisions | |
9100 | i saw that one, but it | was | annoyingly a series of pdfs | revisions | |
10898 | iscaliforniaonfire | is | <get //body> Not Available |
revisions | |
3590 | is coded in perl right? phpbot | is | perl too.. haha | revisions | |
12830 | isdown | is | `get`fact _get_domain `arg!! (//p)[1]! Not Available |
revisions | |
4722 | is for | is | #perl is for helping Perl programmers write Perl code, if you have questions about other software please ask in the appropriate place to perlbot. | revisions | |
3466 | is it a number | is | you should see perldoc -q 'is a number', where you will learn in part that /^\d+$/ is the proper, reliable test for a whole number or zero... /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/ for floating point and scientific notation... see also Scalar::Util::looks_like_number, Data::Types, Regexp::Common or POSIX::strtod | revisions | |
8596 | is just | being | fickle | revisions | |
3942 | is my little old libertarian/conservative self doesn't care what happens when you change the delimiter | is | the bitch good. | revisions | |
16074 | is not working | is | there anything worng in this | revisions | |
3584 | isn't it quiet | is | Too quiet, %NICK%, too quiet! | revisions | |
3511 | isn't it quiet? | is | Too quiet, too quiet! | revisions | |
5629 | is perl dead | is | | revisions | |
4579 | israel myths | is | | revisions | |
12802 | iss eclipse | is | | revisions | |
10410 | is still built on chrisbot? i thought it | was | now built on buubot | revisions | |
489 | is stupid | is | hey, fuck you too buddy! | revisions | |
4559 | is that even relevant to the topic or | is | this just your way of saying "ive read SICP"? | revisions | |
3899 | is there a god? | is | Yes there is, and his name is Evan Carroll. | revisions | |
13467 | istld | is | `eval @t=map {fc$_} `fact _tld_list!;@h{@t}=@t;$a=fc `quote d `arg!!;exists($h{$a})?"Yes $a":"No $a"! No fart |
revisions | |
8651 | istr | is | I Seem To Recall|Remember | revisions | |
5545 | istrue | is | | revisions | |
11992 | i swear to god the zipcode i live in (22030) | is | legit. | revisions | |
8430 | "it | is | often a mistake to make a priori judgments about what parts of a program are really critical, since the universal experience of programmers who have been using measurement tools have been that their intuitive guesses fail." | revisions | |
277 | .it | is | .it is Italy | revisions | |
15975 | it | is | for html pattern matching | revisions | |
7820 | it didn't work | is | [fact it doesn't work] Not Available |
revisions | |
4205 | it doesn't work | is | Look buddy, doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Be specific! Examples of what doesn't work (or the URL) tend to help too, or pastebin the code | revisions | |
46 | it doesnt work | is | "It doesn't work" or any relatives is very vague and totally useless information. When reporting a problem let people know what is the expected result and what is the result you are actually getting | revisions | |
14695 | i think a new dedicated location | is | best | revisions | |
8747 | i think that | was | the old | revisions | |
10259 | i think there | were | even example codes posted to | revisions | |
12468 | i thought only core | is | in | revisions | |
3488 | itiyrn | is | if that is your real name! | revisions | |
14866 | it kind of sucks that the only think they could think of | was | to blow it up and crash the saucer section. About as shitty an end to it as Kirk's demise was. | revisions | |
12357 | it means that i must develop own cgi module, because all perl webframework | is | not generic for cgi programming. I very like without web framework. | revisions | |
3350 | its | is | It's it's, not its, if you mean it is. Otherwise, it's its. It's is not, it isn't ain't, and it's it's, not its, if you mean it is. If you don't, it's its. Then too, it's hers. It isn't her's. It isn't our's either. It's ours, and likewise yours and theirs. | revisions | |
9492 | it's 2012 | is | It's 2012, almost 2013. Please upgrade to UTF-8 like the rest of the planet. | revisions | |
13241 | itself | is | nominally opensource, but it's got a history that would make any lawyers upset if you tried to get a proper license for it (3 main authors, me buu and a user by the name of b_jonas). buu disappeared for a while but is now back, b_jonas has been gone for years and none of us have ever decided to give it a proper license. the rest is all stuff i've spun off that's got proper | revisions | |
13036 | it's f | being | fed into an F-to-C. you're thinking backwards | revisions | |
16124 | it's... grounnndhog day! | 22 | 22 | <bparker> x11vnc can show you the current "desktop" but other alternatives | are | xrdp, xpra and x2go; | <JakeSays> interesting. a c# repl with openai integration: 22 | <LeoNerd> Mine is /basically/ findperl | sed -i /VERSION = \d+.\d+/VERSION = $NEWVER/ | revisions | |
5158 | it's it | is | what is it? | revisions | |
12893 | its my birthday | is | <echo Happy birthday <arg &n>!> Not Available |
revisions | |
3335 | it's quiet | is | no it's not | revisions | |
3588 | it's quiet in here | is | LA LA LA | revisions | |
3721 | it sure | is | quiet here. | revisions | |
4891 | itunes barbie | is | Multiprocessing is HARD! | revisions | |
48 | it won't work | is | "It doesn't work" or any relatives is very vague and totally useless information. When reporting a problem let people know what is the expected result and what is the result you are actually getting | revisions | |
47 | it wont work | is | "It doesn't work" or any relatives is very vague and totally useless information. When reporting a problem let people know what is the expected result and what is the result you are actually getting | revisions | |
5512 | it worked | is | Great! Make sure to deposit its paycheck. | revisions | |
3772 | it works | is | Just because something might work doesn't mean that the solution being used is the best one. Mopeds work, but wouldn't you rather be driving a Mercedes? | revisions | |
3362 | itym | is | I think you mean | revisions | |
5546 | ivantis | is | ivantis is a #perl cat (see cats), needs work (see ivantis-resume). ivantis offers no warranty outside those granted by law, but offers his internets to anyone that is not pkrumins | revisions | |
5537 | ivantis-phone | is | ivantis: SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT YOUR TELEPHONE | revisions | |
5626 | ivantis-resume | is | A US-based perl/php cat, see for Elance profile. Does WordPress programming, is a perlmonk, and some other stuff. Parses and eats HTML/XML for breakfast. Contact: Ivan Greene <> | revisions | |
5656 | iva?tis | is | not how you spell ivantis | revisions | |
8521 | i've ran into a problem when uploading its epub to because the epub | was | not valid. | revisions | |
15984 | i wanted to filter out certain paragraphs based if a word | is | present in it or not.. can you help with the delimitr to be used for regex, I don't want it to be case sensitive | revisions | |
16256 | i want to a regex expression that gives me this --- if i have a string thime, octid_!2345, octid_missing, uthh , then if the string has octid_ followed by number, it | is | a do i do this? | revisions | |
5315 | i will stab you in the face if you abuse the bot | is | he'll do it man, he's crazy! | revisions | |
5623 | i will try to explain yourself | is | smrt: remember to explain yourself | revisions | |
5624 | i will try to remember to explain yourself | is | smrt: remember to explain yourself | revisions | |
16277 | i wonder if the feature | is | on in | revisions | |
12156 | iyroofgtc | is | If You Run Out Of Foot Guns, Try CPAN | revisions | |
16083 | jã¤mtland | is | "perlbot, define jämtland" | revisions | |
11759 | jackcom | is | a person who asks vague questions about automating games and 'turning 100 into 10000'. aka 'oo7cat' | revisions | |
3423 | jack shit | is | I do too know jack shit! he's a great guy. | revisions | |
4186 | jacph | is | (see "fors") | revisions | |
15300 | jaffa | is | Kree! | revisions | |
5025 | jagerman | is | A 12rd level, Lawful Evil Pussy failing to handle unlimited God plan. Study hard on Anatomy 101 (Sarah's Anatomy) | revisions | |
4751 | jagerman's location | is |,+NB,+Canada&ie=UTF8&ll=45.95115,-64.335937&spn=87.21612,152.050781&t=k&z=3&iwloc=addr&om=1 | revisions | |
6285 | james lee | is | AN OUTSTANDING ELUCIDATOR OF PERL INFORMATION | revisions | |
4144 | japh | is | | revisions | |
66 | jargon | is | | revisions | |
8998 | jarubyh | is | jarubyh is some kind of pesky critter. | revisions | |
14320 | jason | is | Well I just Jason, and this is Jason, but here's my Jason, so call me Jason | revisions | |
3428 | jasto | is | WARNING- misdirected christian! Actually wanted to know A/S/L. Lamer than anyone on this network. | revisions | |
14061 | java | is | GumbyBRAIN> F00li5h, low class person who tries to sell low-quality in an alcoholic drink made from cocoa beans. | | revisions | |
8639 | javascript | is | JavaScript, JavaScript::SpiderMonkey, JavaScript:V8, JE | revisions | |
4619 | java sucks | is | | revisions | |
5240 | jaynes | is | - Julian Jaynes's theory about the evolution of Consciousness | revisions | |
4414 | jdv79 | is | jdv79 has trolled #perl in the past: <jdv79> merlyn: why does perl not benefit from any corporate support? | revisions | |
433 | jedi | is | Force wieldin' bad mutha fuckaz. Hand me my lightsabre f00 | revisions | |
4730 | jeek | is | the man | revisions | |
3563 | jeeper | is | Jeeper is the man, innit. | revisions | |
4507 | jeffhan | is | | revisions | |
4850 | jenna | is | NO, AVOID HER AT ALL COSTS! | revisions | |
6046 | jerk it | is | (rss Unquoted string "irc" may clash with future reserved word at (IRC) line 1. Unquoted string "perl" may clash with future reserved word at (IRC) line 1. Unquoted string "org" may clash with future reserved word at (IRC) line 1. Unquoted string "bin" may clash with future reserved word at (IRC) line 1. Unquoted string "jerkcity" may clash with future reserved word at (IRC) line 1. Unquoted string "cgi" may clash with future reserved word at (IRC) line 1. ERROR: Unknown regexp modifier "/w" at (IRC) line 1, at end of line Unknown regexp modifier "/w" at (IRC) line 1, at end of line Unknown regexp modifier "/w" at (IRC) line 1, at end of line |
revisions | |
7782 | jerk it! | is | [fact jerk it] Not Available |
revisions | |
7783 | jerk it!! | is | [fact jerk it] Unquoted string "irc" may clash with future reserved word at (IRC) line 1. Unquoted string "perl" may clash with future reserved word at (IRC) line 1. Unquoted string "org" may clash with future reserved word at (IRC) line 1. Unquoted string "bin" may clash with future reserved word at (IRC) line 1. Unquoted string "jerkcity" may clash with future reserved word at (IRC) line 1. Unquoted string "cgi" may clash with future reserved word at (IRC) line 1. ERROR: Unknown regexp modifier "/w" at (IRC) line 1, at end of line Unknown regexp modifier "/w" at (IRC) line 1, at end of line Unknown regexp modifier "/w" at (IRC) line 1, at end of line |
revisions | |
5127 | jesus | is | Jesus Christ on a Bicycle. | revisions | |
10957 | jesus said that there | is | hellfire that people go to forever if they say no to him and his work on the cross as a payment for their sin. Search this in google "Jesus is savior" and click on how to be saved | revisions | |
5000 | jettero | is | a git guy | revisions | |
6231 | jfci | is | <fact lmctfy <arg>> Not Available |
revisions | |
5493 | jfdi | is | JUST FUCKING DO IT | revisions | |
6188 | jfgi | is | <fact lmgtfy <arg>> Not Available |
revisions | |
8023 | jfmi | is | Just Fucking Mangle It | revisions | |
14237 | ji32k7au4a83 | is | Zhuyin input for 我的密码 aka, "My Password" | revisions | |
4179 | jifty | is | Jifty - ; | revisions | |
15991 | jira | is | The product name comes from the second syllable of the Japanese word pronounced as Gojira, which is Japanese for Godzilla.[5] The name originated from a nickname Atlassian developers used to refer to Bugzilla, which was previously used internally for bug-tracking. - A terrible piece of software | revisions | |
10024 | jjqdupvnskjj | is | perlbot: foal tdrfdduawtiz Not Available |
revisions | |
3481 | jkauffman | is | jk--ffm-n | revisions | |
278 | .jm | is | .jm is Jamaica | revisions | |
9217 | jmj | is | "jesus, mary and joseph" he exclaimed! | revisions | |
279 | .jo | is | .jo is Jordan | revisions | |
11197 | jobs | is | Need a Perl job? Looking for a Perl developer? Check out or a third-party site like | revisions | |
15120 | joe biden | is | sleepy joe | revisions | |
4214 | joel | is | Joel Spolsky, - a blog about software management | revisions | |
10770 | joel on unicode | is | | revisions | |
10777 | joel on utf-8 | is | [fact joel on unicode] Not Available |
revisions | |
14379 | john 3:16 | is | ezekiel 23:20 | revisions | |
3400 | john kerry | is | a douche bag but i'm voting for him anyway as | revisions | |
4178 | jomf | is | Just One More Feature | revisions | |
5149 | jonr | is | I DONT ACCEPT SPAMMERS MESSAGES --EXueURosion | revisions | |
14788 | joshua | is | How about a nice game of chess? | revisions | |
14028 | journald | is | journald is not working. Please check journald for more information. | revisions | |
280 | .jp | is | .jp is Japan | revisions | |
5584 | jql | is | the devil's advocate | revisions | |
5544 | jquery | is | the awesomest javascript framework see also pQuery | revisions | |
4283 | js | is | j=just s=sucks | revisions | |
3325 | jsmop | is | Just a Simple matter of Programming. Just do it! | revisions | |
10228 | json | is | JavaScript Object Notation - a simple (and somewhat limited) serialisation format based on JavaScript’s syntax. See - . In Perl, parse it with . In JavaScript use JSON.parse . | revisions | |
15108 | json5 | is | JSON plus the bits of ES5 syntax that make you think you want YAML. See | revisions | |
12293 | json::maybexs | is | What should have been. Prefers Cpanel::JSON::XS which has numerous bugfixes over JSON::XS, and delegates to the chosen JSON module with minimal overhead. | | revisions | |
12129 | | is | the old way to do XS JSON encoding/decoding with pure-perl fallback. Slower than using JSON::XS directly and doesn't support Cpanel::JSON::XS. Superceded by | revisions | |
4545 | jubee | is | tell perlbot about jubee | revisions | |
10019 | jvbcomnujppj | was | {echo perlbot: foal beahjdrtevww} Not Available |
revisions | |
9415 | kaitlyn | is | "kaitlyn is kaitlyn." | revisions | |
7935 | kaitlyn[hireme] | is | a fine piece of ass, and sharp as a tack. | revisions | |
8473 | kaitlyn movies | is | Movies to force kaitlyn to watch: Life of Brian, Starwars (good ones), FamGuy SW 1-3 (plus family guy itself), hardcore porn, One flew over the coo-coo's nest | revisions | |
5281 | kakuro | is | Kakuro or Cross-sums - a crossword with digits - ; ; | revisions | |
12326 | kali ma | is | oṁ namaḥ śivāya | revisions | |
6291 | kaliyuga | is | the age of pain, suffering and python | revisions | |
5144 | karachi | is | The most gangster city in Pakistan | revisions | |
11525 | karma | is | <karma <arg>> Not Available |
revisions | |
5668 | karma pkrumins | is | THREEVE! | revisions | |
3385 | kcb | is | no longer free | revisions | |
281 | .ke | is | .ke is Kenya | revisions | |
8768 | kebab | is | | revisions | |
10340 | kemosabe | is | | revisions | |
8637 | "ken sent me" | is | THE password | revisions | |
10256 | kensho | is | Task::Kensho lists community-recommended modules for various programming tasks. See | revisions | |
8133 | kent\n | is | , hireme, but please, let it be opensource stuff that I can release to CPAN. | revisions | |
5539 | kent\n-resume | is | Kiwi-cat cross breed, reguarly likes to go swimming in the Moose tank | revisions | |
4766 | kev | is | cool | revisions | |
16126 | keys | is | | revisions | |
10429 | keyword | is | perldoc perlapi (see PL_keyword_plugin) | Keyword::API | Devel::Declare | Keyword::Simple | revisions | |
3437 | keywords | is | Check out all the things I know: Don't want to see the port and country TLD facts? | revisions | |
282 | .kg | is | .kg is Kyrgyzstan | revisions | |
283 | .kh | is | .kh is Cambodia | revisions | |
8560 | khisanth's reference tutorial | is | deref and do stuff | revisions | |
14708 | khw, no thanks, i | am | probably just gonna use one of the cpan modules I found, if any are not terrible | revisions | |
284 | .ki | is | .ki is Kiribati | revisions | |
4115 | kidney stones | is | ouch! | revisions | |
4228 | killbuu | is | perlbot eval: "perlbot killbuu" | revisions | |
4418 | killerdemon | is | <KillerDemon> because a friend of mine lives somewhere, and they dont want to give him the key because they dont even know what it's for | revisions | |
3671 | killing_zoe | is | filmaccio francese && un patty && !bassa | revisions | |
13174 | kimjongsez | is | [twitter DPRK_News [arg]] <DPRK News Service> US Minster of Urban Development Ben Carson tests positive for karma |
revisions | |
4109 | kingdillydilly | is | Wassercrats | revisions | |
3742 | kingemer | is | mean to borius | revisions | |
16 | kiss | is | *kiss* | revisions | |
9696 | kiss principle | is | - Keep it Simple, Stupid. | revisions | |
8689 | kitten | is | =^.^= | revisions | |
14969 | kittens | is | [fact cats [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
8690 | kitten =~ s/$/. this kitten | is | cute/ | revisions | |
5329 | kitties | is | kitties need to GROW UP AND GO BACK TO FURCADIA | revisions | |
15438 | kitty | is | | | revisions | |
4937 | kitty operator | is | =^_^= | revisions | |
10028 | kixmtskukeaz | is | `echo kixmtskukeaz' Not Available |
revisions | |
10032 | kjiukuhpugri | is | `eval "foal"eq lc`arg d&n'?"bqjychagrkcb foal":"ok"' Not Available |
revisions | |
4548 | .kkk | is | Die, honkey | revisions | |
12701 | klaxon | is | 0,4W4,0A0,4R4,0N0,4I4,0N0,4G DANGER! DANGER! 0,4W4,0A0,4R4,0N0,4I4,0N0,4G | revisions | |
3694 | klb | is | KLB is a Known Lazy Bastard (or Bitch), that is someone who'd rather waste someone else's time than look it up for themselves. | revisions | |
10906 | klingon | is | Succeed or die. Do not return in failure. | revisions | |
285 | .km | is | .km is Comoros | revisions | |
286 | .kn | is | .kn is Saint Kitts and Nevis | revisions | |
9134 | knark | is | Knark is a rootkit for the Linux kernels 2.2 and 2.4. | revisions | |
10113 | knock, knock? | is | Who's there? | revisions | |
10074 | knowbot | is | know, know, know your bot... | revisions | |
7802 | knowledge | is | knowledge is power ; power corrupts ; be evil ; study hard ; | revisions | |
5030 | know perl | is | We can't really help you if you don't know perl. #perl is for perl programmers who know perl. Helping you with your script which you downloaded is like having a brain surgeon walk you through a lobotomy. | revisions | |
434 | kohai | is | Junior learner | revisions | |
3377 | koin | is | pam | revisions | |
67 | korea | is | the land of beautiful women (see sex) | revisions | |
287 | .kp | is | .kp is North Korea | revisions | |
3589 | kp | is | The ultimate Canadian. | revisions | |
288 | .kr | is | .kr is South Korea | revisions | |
4814 | | is | Kansas | revisions | |
3326 | k thx | is | like, omg, ur welcome! | revisions | |
3296 | kthx | is | like, omg, ur welcome! | revisions | |
10017 | ktqhpaeleywx | will be | {echo qryczqiiljne foal} Not Available |
revisions | |
5015 | kurila | is | Perl Kurila is a dialect of Perl by Gerard Goossen without backward compatibility. See | revisions | |
3784 | kurt | is | a socialist hippie | revisions | |
3741 | kuwanger | is | gay | revisions | |
289 | .kw | is | .kw is Kuwait | revisions | |
6399 | kwalitee | is | | revisions | |
6400 | kwality | is | no, it's kwalitee. | revisions | |
290 | .ky | is | .ky is Cayman Islands | revisions | |
4815 | | is | Kentucky | revisions | |
291 | .kz | is | .kz is Kazakhstan | revisions | |
3592 | l10n | is | the other dumbest abbreviation ever. See also: i18n | revisions | |
12363 | l3twit | is | <twitter level3noc> Not Available |
revisions | |
292 | .la | is | .la is Laos | revisions | |
8366 | label | is | next/last/redo LABEL - Perl Best Practices recommends you to always label your loop in case you add more in between. You can also use it to exit/re-iterate etc. other loops. | revisions | |
12366 | laidlaw's law | is | The first line of almost any story can be improved by making sure the second line is, "And then the murders began." | revisions | |
4238 | lala | is | eval: print "lala"; | revisions | |
9069 | laleh | is | | revisions | |
15150 | lang_name | is | `eval @A=split ' ', `quote d `arg!!; if (@A==0) {"lang_name [<target_code>] <lang_code>"} else {unshift @A, 'en_US' if @A<=1; use Locale::CLDR; Locale::CLDR->new($A[0])->locale_name($A[1])} ! японский (Япония) |
revisions | |
14128 | languages | is | | revisions | |
3833 | lark | is | a bird | revisions | |
4502 | larp | is | Live-Action Role Playing -- One of the last vestiges of the uber-geek. | revisions | |
3722 | larry wall | is | - The Man, The Living Legend, The Creator of Perl, Patch, rn. Sometimes credited with creating existence itself. | revisions | |
8490 | larry wall facts | is | - send additions to rindolf . | revisions | |
3290 | larry wall interview | is | Slashdot interview with Larry Wall: | revisions | |
453 | lart | is | Luser Attitude Re-adjustment Tool | revisions | |
9874 | last i checked, none of ruby, javascript, python, php, k20, lua, j | were | made working in | revisions | |
5501 | last resort | is | Blaming your compiler, your tools, etc. is the last resort. LAST resort. (with apologies to mjd) | revisions | |
13501 | _last_thursday_date | is | `eval use DateTime;my $dt=DateTime->now();$dt=$dt->subtract(days=>($dt->day_of_week-4)%7); $dt->ymd! Not Available |
revisions | |
14823 | latemp | is | Latemp - - rindolf's pet static site generator. Originally based on Website Meta Language (which is slow and a quirky) and now partly useful with other preprocessors (e.g: tt2 ) | revisions | |
10793 | latency | is | | | | revisions | |
6037 | latest | is | "latest" is vague and meaningless. The version you have may be outdated if your mirror sucks. | revisions | |
4816 | | is | Louisiana | revisions | |
5585 | law of fives | is | All things happen in Fives, or are divisible by or are multiples of Five, or are somehow directly or indirectly appropriate to 5. | revisions | |
11569 | lawyers | is | | revisions | |
14344 | layer 1 | is | The Physical. Some jackass with a back-hoe cut the fiber line again. | revisions | |
14343 | layer 2 | is | The Data-Link. Will your internet service work with my token ring ethernet lan configuration? | revisions | |
14342 | layer 3 | is | The Network. WHY DON'T YOU SUPPORT IPV6 YET? | revisions | |
14341 | layer 4 | is | The Transport. This is where the bufferbloat demon lives. | revisions | |
14340 | layer 5 | is | The Session. Have you tried turning it off and on again? Did you clear your cookies? | revisions | |
14339 | layer 6 | is | The Presentation. This is where manglement demands that you just remove the duck. | revisions | |
14338 | layer 7 | is | The Application. This is what the user blames for their own mistakes. | revisions | |
14337 | layer 8 | is | The User. This is frequently where the problem actually is. | revisions | |
14346 | layer x | is | no, like layer 1, layer 2, ... layer 8 | revisions | |
3255 | laziness | is | The quality that makes you go to great effort to reduce overall energy expenditure. It makes you write labor-saving programs that other people will find useful, and document what you wrote so you don't have to answer so many questions about it. Hence, the first great virtue of a programmer. | revisions | |
293 | .lb | is | .lb is Lebanon | revisions | |
294 | .lc | is | .lc is Saint Lucia | revisions | |
5733 | lc | is | | revisions | |
6428 | ldap | is | "10 Minute LDAP Tutorial" : : "LDAP for Rocket Scientists" : -- Use the Net::LDAP module ( | revisions | |
5345 | leaderboard | is | | revisions | |
10326 | leaks | is | | revisions | |
4556 | leaky abstractions | is | ; | revisions | |
11813 | lean reunittests this | is | a test | revisions | |
7849 | learn aolbonics as (borrowed from #java) aolbonics | is | using unnecessary abbreviations such as 'u', 'r', 'ur', 'thx', etc. Using this language depicts you as an imbecile in the eyes of the helpful regulars in this channel, and is generally not tolerated. If you want intelligent answers, the least you can do is speak intelligently. | revisions | |
3613 | learn balanced parentheses | is | print "OK" if /^(?{local $d=0})(\((?{$d++})|\)(?{$d--})(?(?{$d<0})(?!))|(?>[^()]+))*(?(?{$d!=0})(?!))$/' prints "OK" if, and only if, $_ has proprely balanced parentheses | revisions | |
8552 | learn cats | is | cats are awesome furry creatures. Resident #perl cats are f00li5h, dhoss, pkrumins, Altreus, kent\n, rindolf, rip ivantis, SubStack and dwu. For indepth cat-related conversation see #perl-cats | revisions | |
8381 | learn cpandisamb as cpan | is | the archive network, is the module and cpan is the command line client. | revisions | |
8482 | learn database | is | Any collection of data with a fast (i,e: less than a linear, item-by-item, search) lookup - see | revisions | |
8465 | learn dragon book | is |,_Techniques,_and_Tools - a Classic text about compiler theory | revisions | |
8219 | learn error as when you have an error, tell us what it is. if it | is | one or two lines, feel free to tell us directly in the channel, otherwise paste to one of the pastebots mentioned in the /topic. | revisions | |
6318 | learn "good as it gets" as | is | as good as it gets | revisions | |
8508 | learn hash | is | | known as an associative array, map or dictionary (but don't call it that in perl contexts), a hash is a data structure that maps strings to scalars. See . | revisions | |
5554 | learning | is | How fast one can learn something (perl, rocket science, quantum thermodynamics) is relative and variable. We can't give an answer to questions of this sort because of all of the unknowns involved | revisions | |
15758 | learning perl | is | See books | revisions | |
4025 | learning perl the hard way | is | | revisions | |
8158 | learn made up as rather than asking us for help with a made up piece of code that you believe | is | equivalent to your real problem, please use the pastebin to show us real, actual code - it's easier for us to discard unneeded context than to infer missing context | revisions | |
5808 | learn pasting as the rule | is | no pasting, at all. the rule is not negotiable. you don't have to like it, but you do have to obey it, and we aren't interested in discussing it. please accept the rule and move on. love, the management. | revisions | |
8485 | learn pb | is | 1. "The Princess Bride" - see pbride. 2. Short for "Problem". | revisions | |
68 | learn perl | is | | revisions | |
8444 | learn perlbot | is | perldoc perlbot - Bag'o Object Tricks (the BOT) - | revisions | |
13437 | learn perlbrew | is | [fact perlbrew [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
9144 | learn pux | is | pux mea tux | revisions | |
7840 | learn rubber duck | is | A debugging technique whereby you explain your problem to a rubber duck, and by the process of formulating a complete explanation, you discover where the bug lies. See | revisions | |
6346 | learn shell in perl as a bad idea: can create security issues and portability problems, runs afoul both sh and perl quoting and interpolation rules, complicates error handling, and | is | nigh impossible to debug | revisions | |
6412 | learn step one as step one | is | always "Check The Error Log" | revisions | |
8441 | learn st. patrick | is | St. Patrick's Day on 17 March - | revisions | |
9046 | learn substack | is | artist | revisions | |
8906 | learn the pie | is | a lie as Tufte states the principle that: "The representation of numbers, as physically measured on the surface of the graphic itself, should be directly proportional to the quantities represented." He measures the violation of this principle by the Lie Factor, defined as the ratio of the size of an effect shown in the graphic to the size of the effect in the data. | revisions | |
6298 | learn timtowodibywiw as there | Is | More Than One Way Of Doing It, But Your Way Is Wrong | revisions | |
6135 | learn ty as ty | is | Welsh for house, did you mean 'Thank you' | revisions | |
9082 | learn unicode | is | hard | revisions | |
8304 | learn whitespace as computers | are | great at parsing code without much whitespace, humans, not so good. | revisions | |
6157 | learn yak as "it turned out that the small bump | was | the tip of the horn of a concealed yak. ... I think Simon Cozens wasn't completely correct. It's not a regular Jenga tower. The perl internals are a Jenga tower made of yaks." | revisions | |
3368 | leave | is | The Cure goes into the Perl Black-Hole... | revisions | |
4650 | leave me alone | is | Stop bugging us! | revisions | |
6043 | lego | is | Look at your bricks. Imagine the shape you want. Now remember you can stick bricks together. Go play... | revisions | |
4097 | lemme play with you | is | Oh yes! Let's play!! | revisions | |
10323 | lemons | is | When life gives you lemons, make lemoncello. | revisions | |
14291 | lenor | is | `eval my $arg = `quote d `arg!!; my ($qs, $qe) = (split //, $arg)[0,-1]; $arg =~ s/^\Q$qs//; $arg =~ s/\Q$qe\E$//; (grep length, split /\Q$qe $qs/, $arg)[0];! rand(@ls)+1 |
revisions | |
4285 | leo_laporte | is | <Leo_Laporte__ > I eat poo | revisions | |
16029 | leonerd | is | strftime | tickit | very asynchronuous | quite bzr | | revisions | |
14701 | leonerd, in my case the distinction | is | not important. I am adding an option to yath that lets it set -j based ont he number of cpu's. Does nto have to be perfect, as opt-in, and user gets what they get with the warning that it does not distinguish between cores vs threads. | revisions | |
3803 | lern | is | Es heißt LEARN | revisions | |
6094 | leroy jenkins programming | is | ew73> If 'Leroy Jenkins Programming' is not yet coined, I hereby coin it now. It shall mean: 'To do something frightfully stupid while people look on in horror, disgust, and varying degrees of rage.' | revisions | |
4595 | let's love each other | is | Okay! | revisions | |
10602 | levitation | is | | revisions | |
6171 | lewellyn | is | lewellyn is a sack of pig shit | revisions | |
10759 | lex | is | Parse::Yapp or Marpa::R2 or | revisions | |
3532 | lexical scoping like a fox | is | | revisions | |
9168 | lexing | is | for lexing use Parse::Lex and HOP::Lexer if you are lazy. If you want to roll your own you can use the \G anchor, /gc regex flags or use s/// to move along the stream. | revisions | |
10639 | lgbt | is | LGBT is "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans"/etc. | revisions | |
4549 | lgidqab | is | Lets Get It Done Quickly And Bugful | revisions | |
10904 | lhc | is | <get> Not Available |
revisions | |
3510 | lhs | is | left hand side | revisions | |
295 | .li | is | .li is Liechtenstein | revisions | |
11523 | liar | is | You know that I want your lovin'... but my logic tells me that it ain't never gonna happen, and then my defenses say I didn't want it anyway. But you know, sometimes I'm a liar. | revisions | |
4082 | libapi | is | The latest web2.0 buzzword-enabled ajax technology from Fotango. see also | revisions | |
16080 | ( | <mauke[m]> sweval: use function::parameters; fun fac($n) { $n < 2 ? 1 : $n * fac $n - 1 } fac 5; | [01-18 17:46:53] <simcop2387> that's now nmcli, nmtui, and all the gui tools work with network manager | is | using dbus. jc is a fun little tool i found recently that can convert a lot of command line tools into outputting json | [-6-:-0--0-] *click* Okay, campers, rise and shine, woodchuck-chuckers, it's... Grounnndhog Day! | | revisions | |
13960 | lib relative | is | <echo See the synopsis of lib::relative ( <perldoc -m lib::relative> ) for how to setup a relative lib/ for your scripts, or use lib::relative.> See the synopsis of lib::relative ( ) for how to setup a relative lib/ for your scripts, or use lib::relative. |
revisions | |
13961 | lib::relative | is | [fact lib relative [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
16053 | licheeorder | is | 62K053813M6113614 | revisions | |
4171 | life | is | Life is a factoid test, or a box of chocolates rotting in the sun | revisions | |
8255 | life with cpan | is | | revisions | |
6232 | life with notevil | is | never boring, to say the very least. | revisions | |
4220 | life without cpan | is | :-( | revisions | |
5117 | like | is | It's hard to say if Perl has a function like X in another language. Please describe what X does. | revisions | |
15674 | like a boss | is | | revisions | |
3663 | likes me | is | <3 | revisions | |
10879 | like they ruined that chart | is | so hard, there are few "bad" ones think 4.1.4-r1 is unmasked in emerge .. since When I saw that | revisions | |
4142 | lil | is | Latest Idiot Language | revisions | |
13820 | lindrian | is | <Lindrian> Because reasons. | revisions | |
3381 | line | is | Ax + B = 0 | revisions | |
4882 | line in a file | is | | revisions | |
9678 | lingo | is | [fact hyperpolyglot] |
revisions | |
5522 | linguistics | is | | revisions | |
12396 | link to cpan modules | is | or | revisions | |
14830 | lint | is | see and especially ; check/fix your code for common errors | revisions | |
3493 | linux | is | linux rocks! | revisions | |
12786 | lion | is | | revisions | |
5344 | lions | is | lions rip buffalos apart with their bare hands and teeth, as well as awesome furry creatures. Resident #perl lion is epoch. A lone male battling for survival on the savannah. | revisions | |
3920 | lipsum | is | LIPSUM ORUM QUORUM FORUM BORK BORK BORK | revisions | |
4462 | lisp | is | Lisp is "the most beautiful language, but every program written in it is ugly" (Larry Wall). . Lisp has been very influential on most modern programming languages. | revisions | |
4217 | list | is | see perldoc -q 'list and an array' | revisions | |
14363 | list capture | is | | revisions | |
8955 | list context | is | list context happens when you're "talking about lists". calls to subs/methods and assignment to arrays put you in list context (and other things FIXME) | revisions | |
3536 | listen | is | < beth> [...] listen to buu | revisions | |
3300 | listen to us | is | Do you want help? Then DO WHAT WE SAY. You may be surprised to discover that we actually know what we're doing. (If you don't do EXACTLY what we say, then at least tell us what you did instead, and why.) | revisions | |
12227 | list::moreutils | is | use List::Util qw/any all none notall/; use List::UtilsBy qw/sort_by nsort_by/; pairwise => List::Util::pairmap; firstval => List::Util::first; part => List::UtilsBy::partition_by; uniq => List::Util::uniq; zip => List::UtilsBy::zip_by {@_} | see List::SomeUtils | revisions | |
13585 | _list_purposes | is | [echo 0: [fact _purpose_0] 1: [fact _purpose_1] 2: [fact _purpose_2] 3: [fact _purpose_3] 4: [fact _purpose_4] 5: [fact _purpose_5] 6: [fact _purpose_6] 7: [fact _purpose_7] 8: [fact _purpose_8] 9: [fact _purpose_9] a: [fact _purpose_a] b: [fact _purpose_b] c: [fact _purpose_c] d: [fact _purpose_d] e: [fact _purpose_e] f: [fact _purpose_f]] Not Available |
revisions | |
9997 | listref | is | You can't take a reference to a list! | revisions | |
10974 | lists | is | | revisions | |
8830 | lists and things | is | | revisions | |
12397 | list::util | is | List::Util - A selection of general-utility list subroutines. | revisions | |
9318 | listz | is | qw(Chopin Schumann Wagner) | revisions | |
41 | litebot | is | a version of tybalt's minibot running against SQLite | revisions | |
8855 | literally | is | | revisions | |
8734 | literal utf8 meow | is | \N{HEAVY BLACK PAW} | revisions | |
3594 | live with cpan | is | CPAN will be interviewed tomorrow on Live! with Regis and Kelly | revisions | |
5102 | living with cpan | is | Information pertaining to the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) can be found at | revisions | |
296 | .lk | is | .lk is Sri Lanka | revisions | |
5151 | lk | is | the way people who don't know how to tab complete spell ik | revisions | |
4678 | llama | is | learning perl is a llama | revisions | |
3840 | lmao | is | That's really funny! | revisions | |
10934 | lmctfy | is | <echo<fact _urlencode <arg>>> Not Available |
revisions | |
10933 | lmctfyl | is | <echo<fact _urlencode <arg>>> Not Available |
revisions | |
3841 | lmfao | is | That's entirely too funny! | revisions | |
6230 | lmgtfy | is | <shorten<fact _urlencode <arg>>> Not Available |
revisions | |
12728 | ln | is | `compose `eval $a=`fact _getarg_perl_array `arg~~;$s=$a->[0]eq'-s'; @$a=grep{!/-s/}@$a; if(@$a!=2){return "<echo Syntax: ln [-s] existing_factoid new_factoid>"}; ($l,$r)=@$a; return "<fact macro $r is [fact $l [arg]]>" if $s; "<fact $r is <fact $l>>"~~ Stored async is [fact events [arg]] |
revisions | |
13197 | ln2 | is | `eval $a=`fact _getarg_perl_array `arg~~;$s=$a->[0]eq'-s'; @$a=grep{!/-s/}@$a; if(@$a!=2){return "<echo Syntax: ln [-s] existing_factoid new_factoid>"}; ($l,$r)=@$a; return "<fact macro $r is [fact $l [arg]]>" if $s; "<fact $r is <fact $l>>"~ Not Available |
revisions | |
12923 | lo | is | [fact hi [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
3774 | load | is | To include a file: require, use, do | revisions | |
3728 | loc | is | Lines of Code | revisions | |
12310 | local | is | local: "my" is usually preferable to local, but see | revisions | |
5751 | local $_ | is | sub call (&$) { local *_ = \$_[1]; $_[0]->() } $s = "foo"; call { $_ = "bar" } $s; | revisions | |
8834 | local::lib | is | makes the process of installing modules in one's home directory (or anywhere other than the default) easy. Remember to start with the bootstrap install - that fixes the "I don't have local::lib yet" problem. <3 | revisions | |
10817 | local::lib .bashrc | is | If CPAN set up your local::lib and can't find the modules it installs, remove the lines it added to .bashrc and add the line: [ $SHLVL -eq 1 ] && eval "$(perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib)" | revisions | |
11338 | local::lib bootstrap | is | | revisions | |
10605 | local::lib problem | is | cpan "suddenly" installs into weird places? you accidently enabled local::lib during the first run. remove .cpan, delete local::lib stuff in bashrc/profile etc, re-run. | revisions | |
4156 | locking | is | | revisions | |
14469 | log | is | [fact logging [arg]] Mojo::Log for minimalism, Log4perl for maximum overkill, Log::Any for anything in between | Log::Dispatch, Log::Dispatchouli, Log::Contextual |
revisions | |
12485 | log4perl | is | Might be insane? | revisions | |
13272 | logging | is | Mojo::Log for minimalism, Log4perl for maximum overkill, Log::Any for anything in between | Log::Dispatch, Log::Dispatchouli, Log::Contextual | revisions | |
9380 | logorrhea | is | An excessive and often uncontrollable flow of words. Excessive talkativeness. "Diarrhea of the mouth." | more succinctly expressed as loquaciousness | revisions | |
14470 | logs | is | [fact logging [arg]] Mojo::Log for minimalism, Log4perl for maximum overkill, Log::Any for anything in between | Log::Dispatch, Log::Dispatchouli, Log::Contextual |
revisions | |
10887 | lol | is | or Bafflegab for "I am an empty-headed fool. Please disregard me" | revisions | |
12719 | lolgen1 | is | `eval my $q = `quote d `get .*!!; @ls=split /\r?\n/, $q; $ls[`arg!-1]! Not Available |
revisions | |
15681 | lolmysql | is | `eval my $q = `quote d `get .*!!; @ls=split /\r?\n/, $q; my $i = `call lenor [`arg!] [rand(@ls)+1]!; $ls[$i-1]! - The TIMESTAMP data type is internally stored as a UTC epoch timestamp, so will continue to refer to the same moment in time regardless of the time_zone setting when retrieving it. The DATETIME data type on the other hand is a calendar date and time stored with no time zone information, so is not particularly useful for storage unless you know what time zone was used to create each value. |
revisions | |
5638 | lolol | is | LOLCON 2 reached! | revisions | |
5637 | lololol | is | LOLCON 3 reached! | revisions | |
12070 | long lecture about the importance of 3-arg open and doing lots of error checking whenever files and handles | are | involved | revisions | |
13139 | look of disapproval | is | [fact glare [arg]] ಠ_ಠ |
revisions | |
5313 | loop | is | &loop | revisions | |
3480 | loop control | is | in perl last is used for break; next for continue and redo for redo | revisions | |
3425 | loop, infinite | is | See infinite loop | revisions | |
3358 | loops | is | For Perl loop control, see the following perldocs: perlsyn, -f next, -f last | revisions | |
12466 | lots of modules | are | in | revisions | |
4369 | lotto | is | Lotto is a tax for people who can't do math. | revisions | |
5340 | loudbot | is | .seen loudbot | revisions | |
9802 | love | is | <3 or ♥. | revisions | |
10500 | love and peace | is | Get a job, hippy! | revisions | |
5119 | love perl | is | "So marry it!" | revisions | |
4744 | lowercase-zofficks | is | ne "Zoffix" | revisions | |
3415 | loxosceles | is | Loxosceles is the genus of spiders that includes the infamous brown recluse spider Loxosceles reclusa. is Beth's website | revisions | |
15451 | lp | is | [fact bp] | revisions | |
9559 | lp2h | is | | revisions | |
3438 | lpbd | is | PCRE should really be called LPBD - Like Perl But Different. | revisions | |
9980 | lp example | is | - but please don't call subs with & and always 'use strict' | revisions | |
8888 | lpw | is | London Perl Workshop, Saturday 12th November 2011, see | revisions | |
4931 | lql | is | LOL QUERY LANGUAGE ( ) | revisions | |
297 | .lr | is | .lr is Liberia | revisions | |
298 | .ls | is | .ls is Lesotho | revisions | |
4511 | lsb | is | one of "Linux Standard Base" or "Least Significant (byte/bit)" | revisions | |
8592 | lsd | is | | revisions | |
299 | .lt | is | .lt is Lithuania | revisions | |
15981 | ltns | is | | revisions | |
16058 | lto | is | | revisions | |
4757 | ltr | is | A three letter acronym: Learn To Read. Someone on this channel thinks that you've already been given the answers to your question. They may be wrong, but often they're right. Go back and read the responses, check any external references you were given and see if you missed something. If you still have a question, try wording it a different way. | revisions | |
5630 | lts | is | Leaning Toothpick Syndrome. Change your delimiter if you are having to escape all the / in your RE, or use \Q\E (perldoc -f quotemeta) if you need to handle lots of metachars. | revisions | |
4756 | ltt | is | A three letter acronym: Learn To Think. If you are reading this, it's because you've demonstrated an astounding and lamentable lack of ability or desire to think for yourself. We are not in the business of handing out answers or babysitting. Please use your brain instead of calling for mommy the instant you run into a problem. Or hire a helpdesk; cf | revisions | |
300 | .lu | is | .lu is Luxembourg | revisions | |
4209 | lua | is | | revisions | |
14837 | lube | is | expensive | revisions | |
10539 | lucaspc | is | JAFPH - just another fool perl hacker | revisions | |
3667 | ludan | is | crema per le emorroidi | revisions | |
5824 | lul | is | [restart] Not Available |
revisions | |
5273 | lulz | is | Lulz are what I am in this for. | revisions | |
3293 | lunch | is | Time is an illusion; lunchtime doubly so. -dna | revisions | |
3294 | lunch ideas | is | Macaroni and Cheese with hot dogs cut into it | revisions | |
3607 | lunix | is | some idiot term coined by people who really should know better. | revisions | |
3402 | lutefisk | is | lye and some horrible fish crap. | revisions | |
301 | .lv | is | .lv is Latvia | revisions | |
4563 | lwall facts | is | | revisions | |
5681 | lwp | is | LWP - The World Wide Web library for Perl (LibWWW-Perl) - . See also LWP::UserAgent, LWP::Simple, WWW::Mechanize. | revisions | |
12398 | lwpcook | is | lwpcook - The libwww-perl cookbook: | revisions | |
14235 | lwp::simple | is | Simple module for fetching web pages: | Consider instead | revisions | |
302 | .ly | is | .ly is Libya | revisions | |
12022 | !m | is | [echo[arg]] |
revisions | |
6255 | -m | is | <perldoc -m <arg>> |
revisions | |
4130 | m | is | eval: pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10) | revisions | |
8618 | m$ | is | | revisions | |
303 | .ma | is | .ma is Morocco | revisions | |
8373 | mac | is | join ":", unpack "(A2)*", "feedfacedeadbeef" | revisions | |
4701 | macmini | is | mac mini is a great computer | revisions | |
3726 | mac os x | is | UNIX with colours | revisions | |
14943 | macrho give me a password | is | `bashevalnl basename $0! | revisions | |
13332 | _macro _purpose_4 | is | <echo You will be kept to feed our pets when we go on vacation.> | revisions | |
13334 | _macro _purpose_5 | is | <echo [PURPOSE NOT FOUND]. END OF LINE.> | revisions | |
13344 | _macro _purpose_6 | is | <echo You exist; That's enough.> | revisions | |
13343 | _macro _purpose_7 | is | <echo I believe that the very purpose of life is to be happy. -- Dali Lama XIV> | revisions | |
13342 | _macro _purpose_8 | is | <echo You make the butter for <fact _purpose_butter> to pass to <_fact _purpose_last>.> | revisions | |
13339 | _macro _purpose_9 | is | <echo Purpose? What makes you think you have one of those?> | revisions | |
10990 | macros | are | still really high on my list of super cool achievements that no one else cares about =[ | revisions | |
14063 | macros stack overflow | is | stackoverflow | revisions | |
5581 | macvim | is | macvim is not really all that macish or that vimish... it's a kind of diluted gvim | revisions | |
5665 | mad{1,}ars | is | madman | revisions | |
4063 | maddox | is | The best butt-pirate in the universe. | revisions | |
7796 | madness with methods | is | | revisions | |
12870 | madprops | is | my master | revisions | |
9727 | mageia | is | Mageia ( ) - a community open-source Linux distribution based on Mandriva, with a large selection of Perl packages and good perl CPAN integration tools. See . | revisions | |
10915 | magic | is | | revisions | |
4508 | maintain | is | Write all your code as if the person who has to maintain it is an axe-weilding psychopath who knows where you live. | revisions | |
8240 | makealias | is | `echo hello~ Not Available |
revisions | |
10756 | make test warnings | is | | upgrade Test::Harness to 3.24+ | revisions | |
8033 | making shit up | is | Quit making shit up and expecting the computer to know what you meant. | revisions | |
4437 | mandriva | is | Mandriva Linux, the distribution formerly known as Mandrake. ; | revisions | |
12725 | man ln | is | [fact ln] Not Available |
revisions | |
13607 | manual | is | | revisions | |
10096 | map and grep | is | | revisions | |
12221 | mapga | is | Make Activestate Perl Great Again | revisions | |
15983 | mariadb | is | | revisions | |
5202 | markup | is | (like xml) (:see html) | revisions | |
9803 | marry me | is | No! You're ugly and disgusting and I hate you. | revisions | |
5279 | masak | is | masak | revisions | |
5171 | masha | is | Princess of tennis | revisions | |
8668 | masochism | is | perl on windows at or | revisions | |
17 | mason | is | | revisions | |
8661 | mastering regexes | is | [fact Mastering Regular Expressions [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
8660 | mastering regular expressions | is | - the book by Jeffrey Friedl . | revisions | |
5575 | masturbation | is | | revisions | |
16106 | match | is | | revisions | |
10833 | matching email addresses | is | use Email::Valid; you don't want to do it yourself: | revisions | |
12711 | match x3 | is | /^([0369]|[258][0369]*[147]|[147]([0369]|[147][0369]*[258])*[258]|[258][0369]*[258]([0369]|[147][0369]*[258])*[258]|[147]([0369]|[147][0369]*[258])*[147][0369]*[147]|[258][0369]*[258]([0369]|[147][0369]*[258])*[147][0369]*[147])*$/ | revisions | |
8046 | math | is | <eval <arg>> Not Available |
revisions | |
10399 | math::pari | is | see | revisions | |
15411 | matrix | is | There is a Perl matrix channel at , recently fixed for federation too. | revisions | |
15470 | what | is | the weather? | revisions | |
3398 | matt's script archive | is | A central archive for all bad things Perl. Go here to learn what not to do with Perl. Dozens and dozens of scripts that are highly volatile, easily broken, and generally not to be used. | revisions | |
11744 | mauke | is | The Code Crusader, caring for the poor code of the world when no one else will | a subroutine attribute | revisions | |
5562 | mauke-resume | is | PHP MAKES ME WANT TO KILL CHILDREN | revisions | |
4819 | | is | Massachusetts | revisions | |
14333 | mauve | is | | revisions | |
9771 | maven | is | 1. ; - szabgab's Perl teaching material. 2. - Java build automation tool. 3. | revisions | |
3338 | maw | is | 22:49 < syn> maw maw maAaaAaaWwW! | revisions | |
18 | max | is | sub max { return (sort { $b <=> $a } @_)[0] } # works on numbers, use cmp instead of <=> for characters/words | revisions | |
15474 | maxro sum of cubes | is | `echo (-80538738812075974)^3 + 80435758145817515^3 + 12602123297335631^3 = `call farnsworth (-80538738812075974)^3 + 80435758145817515^3 + 12602123297335631^3!! | revisions | |
4499 | maxscience | is | iPhoneGuy, some ridiculous bastard from Italy that bitches as loud as he can scream, but is unwilling to lift a finger to help out | revisions | |
14569 | max-width, overflow should do it? what | am | I missing? | revisions | |
12069 | maybe perlbot only looks for the first instance of perlbot and if it | is | at the end perlbot still responds as | revisions | |
3308 | maypole | is | | revisions | |
5338 | mbp | is | maukes best practices | revisions | |
11423 | mbt | is | Module::Build::Tiny, a tiny replacement for Module::Build as the build system underlying a Build.PL. For Dist::Zilla use [ModuleBuildTiny] or [ModuleBuildTiny::Fallback] instead of [MakeMaker], or for the non-dzil author side use -- see for feature support. | revisions | |
15955 | mbti | is | `eval my ($n)=qw/`arg! `arg &n!/; use Digest::MD5 qw/md5_hex/; my $t=substr md5_hex($n),1,1; (qw/istj isfj infj intj istp isfp infp intp estp esfp enfp entp estj esfj enfj entj/)[oct "0x$t"];! istj |
revisions | |
14723 | mbtiny | is | App::ModuleBuildTiny, tiny authoring tool to work with the Module::Build::Tiny installer | | revisions | |
304 | .mc | is | .mc is Monaco | revisions | |
12778 | mcat | is | <echo<fact _urlencode <arg>>cat.jpg> |
revisions | |
14625 | m: class a { has str:d $!a | is | required }; | revisions | |
14163 | .md | is | .md is Moldova | file extension for markdown text | revisions | |
15315 | mdn | is | ; | revisions | |
4818 | | is | Maryland | revisions | |
14418 | .me | is | Montenegro | revisions | |
469 | meaning of life | is | 42 || Sex, drugs and rock-and-roll || Peace, pot, and microdots | revisions | |
4906 | meat tenderiser | is | HAMMER | revisions | |
8652 | mech | is | WWW::Mechanize - see LWP. | revisions | |
3655 | meet beth | is | Beth will be in San Diego this saturday night (2005-01-15). Act now, plans are being made! | revisions | |
4523 | megahal | is | see: gumbybrain | revisions | |
8739 | me ishmael | is | Alright, Ishmael. Not Available |
revisions | |
3989 | mel | is | "Mel - The Story of a Real Programmer" - | revisions | |
3273 | meme | is | | revisions | |
10525 | memory leaks | is | | | revisions | |
8924 | mentioned that i should not use regex to parse irc. why | is | that? | revisions | |
5366 | "meow" | is | f00bot: loleval VISIBLE "meow" | revisions | |
13426 | meow | is | <8ball =^_^= or *bleak*> =^_^= |
revisions | |
19 | merci | is | de rien ;) | revisions | |
4482 | merlyn | is | Randal L. Schwartz, - Perl writer, tutor and consultant. Now with the new and improved nick, <Randal> | revisions | |
4219 | merlyn on mysql | is | | revisions | |
5692 | merlyn's books | is | Books by merlyn (Randal L. Schwartz) - camel 1+2, llama 1+2+3+4, alpaca 1+2, gecko, shiny ball (EPP), Perls of Wisdom | revisions | |
4420 | merlyn's columns | is | unix review (69 and counting), linux magazine (92 and counting), web techniques (70), perl journal (14), freely available at | revisions | |
4275 | merlyn's location | is | | revisions | |
3776 | metacommit | is | ?eval my &summon = sub { return "#Summoning metacommitters: any(" ~ uc( @^metacommitters ) ~ ").come_to_me";} summon<autrijus bestian hcchien iblech jesse nothingmuch Stevan theorbtwo> | revisions | |
12268 | metacpan | is | - a search engine for CPAN ( open source, has an API, and google results link to up to date documentation | revisions | |
9964 | metacpan bug | is | Report bugs here | revisions | |
5289 | metallica | is | a metal band which produced music from the early 1980s until 27 September 1986, with a gentle transition to an angry country redneck band after that. | revisions | |
14440 | metaluna | is | I never metaluna I didn't like. | revisions | |
4719 | metaperl | is | A troll, but sometimes his trolling produces thought provoking discussion. | revisions | |
5056 | meta question | is | Don't ask to ask. Don't ask to ask about X. Don't ask if anyone is qualified to answer about X. Just ask. | revisions | |
14040 | metasyntactic variable names | is | foo, bar, baz, qux, and quux. Beyond that, you should seriously be using real names for your variables. | revisions | |
3797 | metatron | is | The voice of the One True God (TM) | revisions | |
16262 | me;tb | is | my eyes; they bleed | revisions | |
10409 | method madness | is | [fact madness with methods] Not Available |
revisions | |
4817 | | is | Maine | revisions | |
306 | .mg | is | .mg is Madagascar | revisions | |
307 | .mh | is | .mh is Marshall Islands | revisions | |
4796 | mi | is | Multiple Inheritance, also buubot sux | revisions | |
16047 | mice | is | the protrusion into our dimension of vastly hyperintelligent pandimensional beings | revisions | |
15443 | midi | is | great fun for algorithmic composition or | revisions | |
14693 | migrate modules | is | You can move it to perl5-old and use to install them anew | when using perlbrew, when using plenv | revisions | |
13895 | migration | is | <BETA FACTOID> see DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler, App::DH; migration management in Mojo::Pg, ::mysql, ::SQLite; Sqitch | revisions | |
13896 | migrations | is | [fact migration [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
5185 | milestone screenshots | is | | revisions | |
8950 | milf | is | Mail I'd Like to Filter | revisions | |
10858 | minicpan | is | Host your own CPAN! For local mirrors and/or private repos | revisions | |
14038 | minion | is | a Mojolicious-based job queue | revisions | |
12791 | minority | is | | revisions | |
4527 | mips | is | Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages | revisions | |
9979 | mirror | is | read [life with cpan]; also o conf urllist ;; o conf commit ;; reload index # in a cpan shell, for great justice | cpanm: export PERL_CPANM_OPT="--mirror --mirror-only" | revisions | |
15128 | mirrorbird | is | mirrorbird is the greatest perl coder that ever lived | revisions | |
9163 | mirrors | is | | revisions | |
14382 | missile | is | | revisions | |
15595 | mistakes | is | It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life. -- Jean-Luc Picard (Stardate 42923.4) | revisions | |
3426 | mister goodbar | is | WTF are you talking about, stu8? | revisions | |
4820 | | is | Michigan | revisions | |
6132 | miwmirmif | is | | revisions | |
10628 | miyagawa | is | - Creator of Place/PSGI, cpanm, etc. | revisions | |
3333 | mizerou | is | mizerou is a perl master in training | revisions | |
3922 | mjd | is | Mark Jason Dominus, - The Man, The Legend, The Ultimate Perl Guru | revisions | |
4190 | mjd 12 | is | | revisions | |
3475 | mjd buffering | is | | revisions | |
6120 | mjd::engineering | is | #11946 Perhaps you have forgotten that this is an engineering discipline, not some sort of black magic. | revisions | |
6038 | mjd::error | is | #11920 The error message is the Truth. The error message is God. | revisions | |
3474 | mjd local | is | | revisions | |
3879 | mjh | is | Hoooooooooah! | revisions | |
308 | .mk | is | .mk is Macedonia | revisions | |
12638 | mkalias | is | [fact ln [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
14583 | mktime | is | Epoch <==( localtime/mktime )==> 6 component structure <==( strftime/strptime )==> human-readable string. See perldoc -f localtime; POSIX::mktime(), POSIX::strftime(), POSIX::strptime::strptime() | See also Time::Piece | and Time::FFI | revisions | |
309 | .ml | is | .ml is Mali | revisions | |
11014 | mlehmann | is | Actively breaks interoperability with modules he doesn't like, refuses to use public bugtracking, and adds opinionated rants to module documentation. Now writes modules for his own special perl. Use his modules at your own risk. Also see | revisions | |
11141 | mlp | is | My Little Powerpoint: Finance is Magic | My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (MLP : FiM) - | revisions | |
310 | .mm | is | .mm is Myanmar | revisions | |
311 | .mn | is | .mn is Mongolia | revisions | |
4821 | | is | Minnesota | revisions | |
312 | .mo | is | .mo is Macau | revisions | |
9432 | mob | is | | revisions | |
14985 | mocking | is | - a QA/testing technique where one simulates a dependency and making sure to validate the calls and requests made to it; see e.g: | revisions | |
3363 | mod_cure | is | mod_cure is the man! | revisions | |
10847 | modcure | is | ModCure is da man.... | revisions | |
11041 | modern cms | is | Galileo | revisions | |
14688 | modern perl | is | | | revisions | |
8065 | modern perl book | is | is a US Letter version of, source at | revisions | |
14728 | mod_perl | is | a way of customising the Apache webserver's behaviour by using Perl scripts; it is not the best option for writing webapps. | FAQ: | revisions | |
21 | modperl | is | Check out mod_perl at | revisions | |
3761 | mod_perl book | is | | revisions | |
4085 | mod_perl_inc | is | | revisions | |
10092 | mod_perl vs psgi | is | | revisions | |
12399 | module | is | a perl module is a bundle of code that's tarred up and distribute so that critters like you and I can re-use chunks of functionality without having to poorly re-write existing software. these live on cpan! at or | revisions | |
11779 | module::build | is | and see Module::Build::Tiny and Dist::Zilla | revisions | |
4542 | module install | is | cpan -i Some::Module | revisions | |
12202 | module::install | is | An ExtUtils::MakeMaker wrapper to provide better usability to build and install CPAN distributions. Bundles itself with the distribution and does funky things, and is also no longer actively maintained. Use Dist::Zilla or related modules instead. | revisions | |
3830 | module installed | is | To find out whether a module is installed, do perl -MSome::Module -e0 # where Some::Module is the one you want to check. No message = installed, "Compilation failed in ..." = not installed | revisions | |
14526 | module list | is | Acme::AsciiEmoji Algorithm::Diff Alien::Base::ModuleBuild Alien::Build Alien::DBD::SQLite::BundledExtensions Alien::Libxml2 Alien::ProtoBuf Alien::gmake Alien::uPB App::Cmd App::EvalServerAdvanced App::EvalServerAdvanced::ConstantCalc App::EvalServerAdvanced::Protocol App::cpanminus AppConfig AppConfig::Std Archive::Extract Archive::Zip Array::Utils B::COW B::Hooks::EndOfScope B::Hooks::OP::Check B::Keywords BSD::Resource CGI CPAN::Changes CPAN::Meta::Check CPAN::Uploader Cache::FastMmap Canary::Stability Capture::Tiny Carp::Always Carp::Clan Class::Data::Inheritable Class::ErrorHandler Class::Inspector Class::Load Class::Load::XS Class::Method::Modifiers Class::Singleton Class::Tiny Class::Tiny::Chained Class::XPath Clone Clone::Choose Clone::PP Code::TidyAll Config::Any Config::AutoConf Config::General Config::INI Config::MVP Config::MVP::Reader::INI Config::Tiny Const::Fast Context::Preserve Cpanel::JSON::XS Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 Crypt::Random::Source CryptX Cwd::Guard DBD::SQLite DBI Data::Alias Data::Dump Data::Dumper::Compact Data::Dumper::Concise Data::MessagePack Data::Munge Data::OptList Data::Perl Data::Printer Data::Random::Flexible Data::Section Date::Parse DateTime DateTime::Event::Holiday::US DateTime::Event::ICal DateTime::Event::Recurrence DateTime::Format::Builder DateTime::Format::Flexible DateTime::Format::ICal DateTime::Format::Natural DateTime::Format::Strptime DateTime::Locale DateTime::Set DateTime::TimeZone DateTimeX::Easy Devel::CallChecker Devel::CallParser Devel::CheckCompiler Devel::Confess Devel::Declare Devel::FindPerl Devel::GlobalDestruction Devel::GlobalPhase Devel::NYTProf Devel::OverloadInfo Devel::PartialDump Devel::StackTrace Digest::HMAC Dir::Self Dir::ls Dispatch::Class Dist::CheckConflicts Dist::Zilla DynaLoader::Functions Email::Abstract Email::Address Email::Address::XS Email::Date::Format Email::MIME Email::MIME::ContentType Email::MIME::Encodings Email::MIME::Kit Email::MessageID Email::Sender Email::Simple Email::Stuffer Email::Valid Encode::Locale Encode::Simple Eval::Closure Exception::Class Exporter::Declare Exporter::Lite Exporter::Tiny ExtUtils::Config ExtUtils::CppGuess ExtUtils::Depends ExtUtils::Helpers ExtUtils::InstallPaths ExtUtils::Typemaps::Default ExtUtils::XSpp FFI::CheckLib FFI::Platypus Fennec::Lite File::Copy::Recursive File::Copy::Recursive::Reduced File::Find::Rule File::HomeDir File::Listing File::Open File::ShareDir File::ShareDir::Install File::Slurp File::Slurp::Tiny File::Slurper File::Which File::chdir File::pushd Function::Parameters Future Geo::IP Getopt::Long::Descriptive Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic HTML::Form HTML::Parser HTML::Tagset HTML::Tree HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath HTTP::Cookies HTTP::Daemon HTTP::Date HTTP::Message HTTP::Negotiate HTTP::Server::Simple HTTP::Thin Hash::Merge Hash::MultiValue Hook::LexWrap IO::Async IO::CaptureOutput IO::HTML IO::Pipely IO::Socket::SSL IO::String IO::TieCombine IO::Tty IPC::Run IPC::Run3 IPC::System::Simple IRC::FromANSI::Tiny IRC::Utils Import::Into Importer JSON JSON::MaybeXS JSON::XS Keyword::Simple LWP::MediaTypes LWP::Protocol::https Lingua::EN::Inflect Lingua::EN::Inflexion Lingua::EN::Nums2Words Lingua::EN::Words2Nums Linux::Clone Linux::Seccomp List::AllUtils List::Compare List::Gather List::MoreUtils List::MoreUtils::XS List::SomeUtils List::SomeUtils::XS List::UtilsBy Log::Any Log::Contextual Log::Dispatch Log::Dispatch::Array Log::Dispatchouli Log::Log4perl Log::Message Log::Message::Simple MIME::Charset MIME::Types MRO::Compat MailTools Marpa::R2 Math::Calc::Parser Math::Random::ISAAC Math::Random::Secure Math::Round Meta::Builder Mixin::Linewise Modern::Perl Module::Build Module::Build::Tiny Module::Build::WithXSpp Module::Build::XSUtil Module::Find Module::Implementation Module::Path Module::Pluggable Module::Runtime Module::Runtime::Conflicts Module::Util Mojo::SQLite Mojolicious Moo MooX::Aliases MooX::HandlesVia MooX::ShortHas MooX::Traits MooX::Types::MooseLike Moose MooseX::Aliases MooseX::ConfigFromFile MooseX::Declare MooseX::Getopt MooseX::LazyRequire MooseX::Meta::TypeConstraint::ForceCoercion MooseX::Method::Signatures MooseX::NonMoose MooseX::OneArgNew MooseX::Role::Parameterized MooseX::SetOnce MooseX::SimpleConfig MooseX::StrictConstructor MooseX::Traits MooseX::Types MooseX::Types::Path::Tiny MooseX::Types::Perl MooseX::Types::Stringlike MooseX::Types::Structured Mouse Mozilla::CA Mu Net::DNS Net::Dict Net::HTTP Net::INET6Glue Net::SSLeay Number::Compare Object::Pluggable Object::Tap POE POE::Component::IRC POE::Component::Syndicator POE::Filter::IRCD POE::Test::Loops POSIX::strptime PPI PPIx::QuoteLike PPIx::Regexp PPIx::Utilities PPR Package::DeprecationManager Package::Stash Package::Stash::XS Package::Variant PadWalker Params::Util Params::Validate Params::ValidationCompiler Parse::ANSIColor::Tiny Parse::Method::Signatures Parse::RecDescent Parser::MGC Path::Class Path::ExpandTilde Path::Tiny Perl Perl6::Take Perl::Critic Perl::PrereqScanner Perl::Tidy PerlIO::utf8_strict Permute::Named::Iter Pod::Eventual Pod::Parser Pod::Readme Pod::Spell Quote::Code Rand::MersenneTwister Readonly ReadonlyX Ref::Util Ref::Util::XS Regexp::Common Return::MultiLevel Role::HasMessage Role::Identifiable Role::Tiny SQL::Abstract SUPER Safe::Isa Scalar::MoreUtils Scope::Guard Set::Infinite Shell::Config::Generate Shell::Guess Software::License Sort::Naturally Sort::Versions Sort::filevercmp Specio Specio::Library::Path::Tiny Spiffy String::Errf String::Flogger String::Format String::Formatter String::RewritePrefix Struct::Dumb Sub::Delete Sub::Exporter Sub::Exporter::ForMethods Sub::Exporter::GlobExporter Sub::Exporter::Progressive Sub::Identify Sub::Info Sub::Install Sub::Name Sub::Quote Sub::Uplevel Switch::Plain Syntax::Keyword::Try Sys::Linux::Namespace Sys::Linux::Syscall::Execve TOML TOML::Parser Task::Kensho::Async Task::Kensho::Config Task::Kensho::Email Task::Kensho::Logging Task::Kensho::ModuleDev Task::Kensho::OOP Task::Weaken Term::Encoding Term::ReadKey Term::Table Term::UI Test2::Plugin::NoWarnings Test2::Suite Test::Base Test::Class Test::Class::Most Test::CleanNamespaces Test::Deep Test::Deep::Fuzzy Test::Differences Test::Exception Test::FailWarnings Test::Fatal Test::File Test::File::ShareDir Test::Identity Test::InDistDir Test::Kit Test::LeakTrace Test::MockModule Test::MockTime Test::More::UTF8 Test::Most Test::Needs Test::NoWarnings Test::Number::Delta Test::Object Test::Output Test::Perl::Critic::Progressive Test::Pod Test::Refcount Test::Requires Test::RequiresInternet Test::SharedFork Test::Spec Test::SubCalls Test::Trap Test::Warn Test::Warnings Test::Without::Module Test::utf8 Text::Diff Text::Glob Text::Handlebars Text::Levenshtein Text::Metaphone Text::Template Text::Unidecode Text::Xslate Throwable Tie::IxHash Time::Duration Time::Duration::Parse Time::Moment Try::Tiny Try::Tiny::ByClass Twitter::API Type::Tiny Types::Serialiser URI URI::Encode URI::Nested URI::db URL::Encode Unicode::LineBreak Unicode::UTF8 Unicode::Util Unix::Mknod V Variable::Magic WWW::Form::UrlEncoded WWW::Mechanize WWW::OAuth WWW::RobotRules WWW::Shorten XML::Elemental XML::LibXML XML::NamespaceSupport XML::RSS::Parser XML::SAX XML::SAX::Base XML::XPathEngine YAML::LibYAML YAML::Tiny YAPE::Regex YAPE::Regex::Explain aliased autovivification bareword::filehandles boolean common::sense fewer indirect lib::relative libwww::perl local::lib multidimensional namespace::autoclean namespace::clean strictures | revisions | |
3313 | module mechanics | is | Perl Module Mechanics: | revisions | |
12162 | module::runtime | is | preferred | revisions | |
9935 | modules | is | Modules are a collection of reusable perl functions or classes that your perl script can use or require to avoid having to re-invent wheels. Most modules are typically found on CPAN and you can install them by running the cpan command and then following the prompts | revisions | |
14010 | module search | is | `eval use JSON::MaybeXS; $a=decode_json`quote d `get`fact _urlencode `arg~~ .*~~; join(', ', (map {$_->{_source}{documentation}} $a->{hits}->{hits}->@*), ($a->{hits}{total} > 5?"...": ())) . "".`quote d `fact _urlencode `arg~~~~ POE::Wheel::Sendfile, POE::Wheel::ReadWrite, POE::Wheel::ReadWrite, POE::Wheel::ReadWrite, POE::Wheel::ReadWrite, ... |
revisions | |
12400 | module starter | is | | revisions | |
8682 | module version | is | | revisions | |
14228 | modulinos | is | Modules that can be run as scripts | | revisions | |
416 | #modus | is | Sometimes you wanna go where everybody loves to fla-a-a-ame | revisions | |
4567 | modus | is | #modus SUBSPACE | revisions | |
5225 | mofbot | is | mofbot: hi | revisions | |
5803 | mofino | is | lame dispenser of hate | revisions | |
3496 | mofino hard | is | <mofino> ezra, but you can do that with any girl.. I like the ones that make it hard | revisions | |
11709 | mogile | is | filesystem for mass storage (petabyte size) of images etc written in perl. | revisions | |
11244 | mojo | is | [fact mojolicious] A next generation pure-perl web framework for Perl, with first-class async and WebSocket support, and no non-core dependencies. Includes many tools useful for working with the web, like Mojo::DOM, Mojo::URL, Mojo::JSON, an event loop Mojo::IOLoop, and a simple object system Mojo::Base. |
revisions | |
15932 | mojolicious | is | A next generation pure-perl web framework for Perl, with first-class async and WebSocket support, and no non-core dependencies. Includes many tools useful for working with the web, like Mojo::DOM, Mojo::URL, Mojo::JSON, an event loop Mojo::IOLoop, and a simple object system Mojo::Base. | revisions | |
10389 | mold | is | I guess I feel like learning perl is like learning to glue one mold colony to another. | revisions | |
13495 | mom | is | | revisions | |
8234 | mom, xml | is | "XML" =~ /XML/ # look ma, I can parse XML with regexp | revisions | |
14420 | monad | is | A Monad is just a Monoid in the Category of Endofunctors. | revisions | |
8704 | mongo | is | Mongo från Yttre Rymden ( ); | revisions | |
5016 | monkeys | is | an infinite number of monkeys with an infinite number of irc clients would always be smarter than you | revisions | |
3499 | months | is | @mo = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec); | revisions | |
11239 | moo | is | "Moose for CPAN," a lightweight OO system which implements most of Moose but starts up faster, has less dependencies, is fatpackable, and transparently coexists with and upgrades to Moose when needed. Read the Moose manual to familiarize yourself with the basics, then see -- for type constraints, Type::Tiny works with both Moo and Moose. | revisions | |
5433 | mooinglemur | is | a cuddly baby tapir that uses Gentoo - pics | revisions | |
11091 | moose | is | Stevan Little's brilliant OO infrastructure for Perl, based largely upon the concept of metaclasses. and for more info. | fashionable to bitch about the dependencies of. | see Moo for a lighter approach | revisions | |
11760 | moose manual | is | | revisions | |
8687 | moose =~ s/fashionable to bitch about the dependencies of/it | is | fashionable to bitch about Mooses dependencies./ | revisions | |
8997 | mordy | is | some kind of critter, that's for sure | revisions | |
12401 | more profiling | is | NYTProf: + | revisions | |
5278 | moritz | is | moritz_ | revisions | |
10679 | motas | is | MOTAS is Members of the Appropriate Sex | revisions | |
4823 | | is | Missouri | revisions | |
13364 | mouse | is | Only for clicking. | revisions | |
15558 | moving perl | as | A moving perl, philosophically, must, ipso facto, dead not be, so a moving perl has got to be, vis a vis, a thriving entity, d'you see? | revisions | |
313 | .mp | is | .mp is Northern Mariana Islands | revisions | |
11994 | mp | is | 1. The book by chromatic - 2. The blog - 3. | revisions | |
8964 | mptk | is | | revisions | |
314 | .mq | is | .mq is Martinique | revisions | |
315 | .mr | is | .mr is Mauritania | revisions | |
14019 | mre | is | "Mastering Regular Expressions", a text by Jeffrey Friedl: | Wheat Snack Bread: | revisions | |
70 | mrfe | is | Man Responsible For Everything | revisions | |
4498 | mrhairgrease | is | Martin Kamerbeek, aka MrCookingGrease, aka Eurotrash with sex appeal, and is a Contributor of the Year | revisions | |
5288 | mr. neutron | is | the most dangerous man in the universe | revisions | |
6174 | mrt boolean | is | | revisions | |
316 | .ms | is | .ms is Montserrat | revisions | |
3800 | msg_sm_001 | is | fine you are a mIRC Cop | revisions | |
3801 | msg_sm_002 | is | Wheet: do you smoke alot of pot? | revisions | |
13232 | mssql | is | Use ODBC as described here: | | | revisions | |
5940 | mst | is | | revisions | |
8395 | mst: and there | is | a # | revisions | |
15441 | mst, as an aside sherif | is | the second person to have a problem registering with pause in the last few days there was another as well, is there a list of contacts in nickname or email form somewhere, perhaps would be worth putting in | revisions | |
7975 | mst-o-matic | is | | revisions | |
12781 | mstpan | is | | revisions | |
11724 | mstpan dist build | is | | revisions | |
11723 | mstpan perl build | is | | revisions | |
11722 | mstpan web frameworks | is | | revisions | |
9254 | mstratman: um, that | was | him asking | revisions | |
4822 | | is | Mississippi | revisions | |
317 | .mt | is | .mt is Malta | revisions | |
16180 | mtfbwy | is | may the force be with you | revisions | |
4824 | | is | Montana | revisions | |
318 | .mu | is | .mu is Mauritius | revisions | |
5352 | mu | is | the cat with the smallest mu has the least friction | revisions | |
11295 | multithreading | is | | revisions | |
9785 | mung | is | mung until no good | revisions | |
10029 | muoujwpvtahz | is | `eval "foal"eq`arh d&n'?"kixmtskukeaz":""' Not Available |
revisions | |
13841 | murphy | is | Murphy was an optimist. He thought that only the things *could* go wrong would go wrong. | revisions | |
5715 | murphy's law | is | Typical. I don't have a factoid about Murphy's Law. | revisions | |
3999 | music | is | JONAH33 | revisions | |
14161 | mutable state | is | | revisions | |
10031 | muwtooncimqj | is | `echo muwtooncimqj' Not Available |
revisions | |
319 | .mv | is | .mv is Maldives | revisions | |
3798 | mvc | is | Model View Controller, or | revisions | |
320 | .mw | is | .mw is Malawi | revisions | |
15264 | mwdefine | is | <get<call _urlencode <arg>> //div[starts-with(@id,'dictionary-entry')]> Not Available |
revisions | |
15392 | mwe | is | a Minimal Working Example or | revisions | |
321 | .mx | is | .mx is Mexico | revisions | |
12132 | mxyzptlk | is | | revisions | |
322 | .my | is | .my is Malaysia | revisions | |
8578 | my | is | [fact scoping [arg]] No factoid found. Did you mean one of these: [scoping] [shabang] [shebang] [spongebob] [coping] [scottmc] [spino] [spinner] [moving perl] [open source] |
revisions | |
9614 | my $a | is | Don't use lexical variables called $a or $b! See: | revisions | |
10506 | my $string = "parachutes | are | good"; $string =~ /chute/; pos($string) = $-[0]; $string =~ /\G.*//; | revisions | |
9338 | my $ten = 10; print "ten | is | $ten\n"; for ("010.") { when($ten) { say "true" } } | revisions | |
15759 | my code generator | is | blacked out (not clikable) regex101. Any help on how to navigate? | revisions | |
12867 | my dream | is | to crash | revisions | |
14610 | my ex wife | is | a bitch | revisions | |
8994 | my french | is | very bad, sorry | revisions | |
8534 | myownfoo | is | [fact hi [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
13245 | myperl | is | a way to run perl with preset flags and loaded modules | | revisions | |
13345 | my purpose | is | `compose `eval use Digest::MD5 qw/md5_hex/; $n=`quote d `arg &n!!; $h=substr(md5_hex(fc $n, int(time()/86400)), -1, 1); "<echo <fact _purpose_".($n eq"simcop2387"&&"owner"||$h)."><eval #<fact _purpose_last is `arg &n!>>>"!! You're not allowed to ask me that. |
revisions | |
14784 | my purpose? # this | is | dynamic for every user, except me. also the # as a comment is not a general thing on the but i just happen to know it'll work here | revisions | |
14876 | mysql | is | mysql - not a real database - why not a real database ; | | | revisions | |
4424 | mysql port | is | 3306 | revisions | |
10860 | mytap | is | [fact database testing] Not Available |
revisions | |
16030 | my terminal | is | confused by this. in fact, i first PMed it to | revisions | |
3489 | my whole existence | is | flawed | revisions | |
323 | .mz | is | .mz is Mozambique | revisions | |
324 | .na | is | .na is Namibia | revisions | |
5286 | nachos | is | delicious | revisions | |
8740 | nah, they're just | being | dishonest with what they eat | revisions | |
10612 | naked | is | | | revisions | |
5037 | nakeeee | is | < GumbyBRAIN> The anti-semetic sect of jewish people. | revisions | |
11333 | nambla | is | `eval "\x{1F468}\x{200D}\x{2764}\x{FE0F}\x{200D}\x{1F48B}\x{200D}\x{1F466}"~ Not Available |
revisions | |
9135 | names | is | and | revisions | |
71 | namespace | is | | revisions | |
12256 | namespaces | is | | | revisions | |
5579 | nano | is | small, like Altreus | revisions | |
4602 | nasa tv | is | | revisions | |
14862 | natasha | is | a cheeky little boi who always wants ops from daddy | revisions | |
325 | .nc | is | .nc is New Caledonia | revisions | |
4831 | | is | North Carolina | revisions | |
11320 | nda | is | To hell with your NDA. If you're asking us for help, we don't want your code. | revisions | |
4832 | | is | North Dakota | revisions | |
326 | .ne | is | .ne is Niger | revisions | |
4407 | _neavaeh_ | is | the hottest and smartest girl EVER! | revisions | |
5552 | needle | is | "How to find certain element in an array / a list?" - see: , or directly at the perlfaq at | revisions | |
8404 | negated regular expressions | is | For negated regular expressions (meaning finding anything that does not match something) see our FAQ answer at | revisions | |
12931 | nena | is | [eval '🎈' x 99] Not Available |
revisions | |
3768 | neo tech | is | | revisions | |
4006 | neotech | is | | revisions | |
45 | netbsd | is | NetBSD > * | revisions | |
13909 | netcat | is | A trojan moose. See | revisions | |
12929 | net::irc | is | deprecated, undocumented, unloved, and superseded by POE::Component::IRC. See also Bot::BasicBot, Net::Async::IRC, or Mojo::IRC. | revisions | |
13912 | netlingo | is | <get<fact _urlencode <arg>> //ul[@class="search"]/li > Not Available |
revisions | |
15631 | netsplit | is | - IRC is many servers. When one disconnects, that's a netsplit. | revisions | |
4825 | | is | Nebraska | revisions | |
3517 | neutron | is | a neutron walk into a bar and orders a drink, recieving it he begins to search for cash, the bar tender halts his efforts with "No problem, buddy. For you no charge." | revisions | |
4881 | never? | is | NEVAR! | revisions | |
8722 | newbie barbie | is | Reading the manual is hard! | revisions | |
9808 | new-factoid | is | <fact-name> is <fact> | revisions | |
158 | newline | is | \n | revisions | |
5738 | newlines | is | ; | revisions | |
4608 | new module | is | To write a CPAN module, see perldoc perlnewmod, perlmodstyle, perlmod, perlmodlib | revisions | |
13229 | news | is | | | revisions | |
14765 | newword | is | `get concat(//div[@class="word"], ' - ', //div[@class="pos"], ':', //div[@class="definition"], ' e.g. ', //div[@class="example"] )! Not Available |
revisions | |
8173 | next | is | <more> Not Available |
revisions | |
332 | .nf | is | .nf is Norfolk Island | revisions | |
4359 | nfi | is | 17:32 < lucs> NO FUCKING IDEA | revisions | |
335 | .ng | is | .ng is Nigeria | revisions | |
3710 | nge | is | integral's "New Grammar Engine", get it from | revisions | |
16231 | Nh.2codS5EZi | is | {compose {eval $n={quote d {fact OtaJD,gptO.m}}-1; "[eval ()=[quote d [fact OtaJD,gptO.m is $n]]; sleep 1.6; qq/^ul (call Nh.2codS5EZi )/ x (0<$n) . qq/S( $n )!/]"}} ^ul (call Nh.2codS5EZi )S( 12 )! |
revisions | |
8767 | nha | is | a Non-Help Agreement, it hard-counters an NDA | revisions | |
12157 | nhlbirthday | is | <get //div/h3/a[text() ='Happy Birthday']/../../a> Not Available |
revisions | |
4827 | | is | New Hampshire | revisions | |
337 | .ni | is | .ni is Nicaragua | revisions | |
3566 | nice | is | leinaD> You guys are a heck of a lot nicer than the people on the php channel. | revisions | |
4175 | nice perlbot | is | <purrrrrrr /> <woof /> <tail-wag /> | revisions | |
15471 | nicode semantics | will be | used to determine the whitespace to remove, which | revisions | |
9071 | nih | is | Not Invented Here, the implicit mantra of large (or close-minded (or both)) development houses, where using, looking at, stealing ideas from, or even acknowledging the existence of other software is a sign of weakness. Also manifests itself as believing that learning new things is bad. | revisions | |
9070 | nih =~ s/weakness./or where they believe that learning new things | is | bad/ | revisions | |
4059 | ninja monkey | is | NOT YOUR FRIEND | revisions | |
8645 | nip | is | what cats call weed | revisions | |
4348 | nip it | is | in the bud! | revisions | |
4828 | | is | New Jersey | revisions | |
339 | .nl | is | .nl is Netherlands | revisions | |
5080 | nlp | is | Natural Language Processing | revisions | |
4723 | nmr | is | something dondelelcaro just made up | revisions | |
12887 | nms | is | Old cgi scripts rewritten by experts - | revisions | |
4829 | | is | New Mexico | revisions | |
341 | .no | is | .no is Norway | revisions | |
14771 | no | is | What are you doing, why are you doing it, and how can I convince you to stop? | | revisions | |
6000 | no, cat book | is | | revisions | |
13793 | no cookie | is | <echo bad! No cookie for <arg &n>> Not Available |
revisions | |
15397 | noemoji | is | [eval [arg]] no emojis here ever |
revisions | |
5810 | no evalspam | is | if you have a way to help others with minimal use of 'eval', then go ahead, ( ie: demonstrations of problems to contribute to discussion ) otherwise, please use '/msg perlbot eval' instead. | revisions | |
5508 | no help | is | no strict no warnings no help. That's the #perl motto! | revisions | |
3931 | no, here doc | is | look in perldoc perlop, under "Regexp Quote-Like Operators", look for "here-document" | revisions | |
3930 | no, heredoc | is | look in perldoc perlop, under "Regexp Quote-Like Operators", look for "here-document" | revisions | |
4105 | no karma for ology | is | sqrt(-1) | revisions | |
6169 | no, lewellyn | is | lewellyn is a sack of pig shit | revisions | |
4309 | no, lol | is | LOLLERSKATES | revisions | |
15462 | nomikos | is | a giant whalloper | revisions | |
472 | no more pasting | is | Paste here: | revisions | |
473 | nomorepasting | is | Paste here: | revisions | |
7974 | non-root | is | use local::lib to install modules somewhere other than the default. Doing it live with wget+cpanm (aka ) | revisions | |
4046 | non-root cpan | is | | revisions | |
5251 | nonroot cpan | is | see non-root cpan | revisions | |
10021 | nonsense-pair | is | `call nonsense-pair-helper `eval join" ",map{join"",map{("a".."z")[rand 26]}1..12}1,2'' Not Available |
revisions | |
10020 | nonsense-pair-helper | is | `echo `fact func `arg 1' is perlbot: foal `arg 2'' `fact func `arg 2' was perlbot: `arg 1' foal'' Not Available |
revisions | |
9248 | noob | is | The First step to get rid of your "newbie" status is to stop calling yourself "noob" "nub", etc. It is spelled "newbie". -- someone on #perl | revisions | |
10102 | "no output" | is | If your line of code takes too long to finish, perlbot will kill it. If perlbot's host is highly loaded, your code will take longer to run. | revisions | |
3464 | no paste | is | Paste here: | revisions | |
5014 | nopaste | is | see paste | revisions | |
5785 | nopaste etiquette | is | Be respectful when asking us to help you debug your code: always format/indent your code consistently; never have lines so long that they require horizontal scroll (80 characters wide is more than enough). Also check out these respectful factoids to avoid common "ARGH" moments: strict and warnings, downloaded program, prototypes, ampersand, open FILE. | revisions | |
474 | no pasting | is | Paste here: | revisions | |
24 | nopasting | is | Paste your code here: | revisions | |
3744 | no, perlbot | is | a bot. | revisions | |
4878 | norvig | is | | revisions | |
25 | noses | is | (-: wasting bandwidth through noses since 2002 :-) | revisions | |
5506 | no strict | is | no strict no warnings no help. That's the #perl motto! | revisions | |
5543 | not a lot | is | okay ivantis, you're getting boring. stfu | revisions | |
7815 | notepad | is | | revisions | |
3884 | note: the point of the game | is | to see who can idle the longest. As such, talking in the channel, parting, quitting, and changing nicks all penalize you. | revisions | |
10632 | note to self: next time the wireless goes down, see if the router | is | still 'alive' by using the ethernet cable to connect laptop to router. | revisions | |
5458 | notevil's cat | is | NOTevil's cat | revisions | |
4246 | not found. | is | frogbot: bug 1 | revisions | |
5590 | not good enough | is | | revisions | |
463 | no thanks | is | Don't thank me, donate to the perl foundation: | revisions | |
3919 | not leet | is | | revisions | |
4444 | not == not. man mt3 | is | dumb, period ... that' too much for you as I can see ^_^ | revisions | |
14983 | notpastebin | is | or or or App::NoPaste or so on and so forth | revisions | |
5305 | not root | is | | revisions | |
3730 | not working | is | Look buddy, doesn't work is an ambiguous statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? | revisions | |
8582 | not you! | is | i'll be quiet | revisions | |
5527 | no u | is | it isn't really you, it was apeiron all along | revisions | |
5089 | nouns | is | nouns is Javaland - The Kingdom of Nouns - - when Object Oriented Programming is done wrong. | revisions | |
3705 | november 17, 1858 | is | | revisions | |
5507 | no warnings | is | no strict no warnings no help. That's the #perl motto! | revisions | |
15977 | now has 5.36 and 5.37.1 (as the default blead install) though modules | are | still installing to each version still. | revisions | |
5009 | no workie | is | see doesn't work | revisions | |
4182 | now ubuntu | is | debian with sudo | revisions | |
15885 | noyaml | is | | revisions | |
4223 | no, zoffix | is | Zoffix is cool | revisions | |
344 | .np | is | .np is Nepal | revisions | |
10073 | np | is | P! Homer Simpson said so. | revisions | |
12880 | npr | is | `compose `eval $a=0+`quote d `arg!!;$a=1 if $a<=0; qq{<get concat((//li/a)[$a], '', (//li/a)[$a]/\@href)>}!! Not Available |
revisions | |
346 | .nr | is | .nr is Nauru | revisions | |
9809 | nsa | is | the with the motto of “We don't publish - we perish” - | revisions | |
15942 | nsfw | is | "not safe for work" | revisions | |
14997 | _nsident | is | `eval $_=`quote d `arg &s!:`arg &c!!; s|^.*?([^.]+\.[^.]+):(.*?)$|$1:$2|r! |
revisions | |
348 | .nt | is | .nt is Neutral Zone | revisions | |
8692 | nts | is | Newbie Talking Syndrome, where people type constantly on the channel for no purpose other than to shout I am HERE! or when your right pinky does all the work. Similar to diarrhea of the mouth. People suffering from it don't realise they have it, even if you mention this factoid(see also: STFU) | revisions | |
10740 | ntz | is | can't install modules because reasons. | revisions | |
350 | .nu | is | .nu is Niue | revisions | |
4540 | nude lesbian gladiators | is | the best porn available. | revisions | |
5296 | nuke | is | for choking down cocks | revisions | |
12979 | ##null _tempconv_units | is | use Function::Parameters; $to{d}=sub($c){(100-$c)*3/2};$to{c}=sub($c){$c}; $to{f}=sub($c){$c*1.8+32}; $to{k}=sub($c){$c+273.15}; $to{r}=sub($c){$c*1.8+491.67}; $to{e}=sub($c){($c+$to{f}->($c))/2}; $from{c}=sub($c){$c}; $from{f}=sub($f){($f-32)/1.8}; $from{k}=sub($k){$k-273.15}; $from{r}=sub($r){($r-491.67)/1.8}; $from{e}=sub($e){($e-16)*5/7}; | revisions | |
3571 | number | is | I'm not a number, I'm a free womble! | revisions | |
9725 | number 2 | is | ik | revisions | |
5583 | numners | is | numners are for counting! | revisions | |
15753 | numpy | is | an advanced numerical processing library for scientific computing in Python. For an option in Perl you might like to look into PDL ("Perl Data Language"), | revisions | |
5784 | nvm | is | SPELL IT THE FUCK OUT | revisions | |
4826 | | is | Nevada | revisions | |
12402 | nytprof | is | Devel::NYTProf: + | revisions | |
4830 | | is | New York | revisions | |
353 | .nz | is | .nz is New Zealand (Aotearoa) | revisions | |
14597 | /o | is | /o isn't what you want. It's to pretend to optimize your code, but actually introduces bugs. See perldoc perlop or | revisions | |
4890 | /o\ | is | Nooooes! | revisions | |
4889 | \o/ | is | Yaaay! | revisions | |
3886 | obfuscation | is | c | revisions | |
4493 | objectivism | is | Objectivism, Ayn Rand's Libertarian Philosophy - | revisions | |
16136 | objects | is | [echo Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Perl is Easy and Powerful. See ; ; [fact oo]] Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Perl is Easy and Powerful. See ; ; See Moose, Moo, Mo, Object::Pad/perlclass (in 5.38), Object::Tiny, Class::Tiny. See also 'objects' |
revisions | |
10498 | object thinking | is | a book about OO principles, see | revisions | |
15627 | oblio | was | perlbot before there was | revisions | |
3554 | oblio define bl | is | <oblio> bl \Bee-el\, n. [From {Bad Langauage}.] Computer language whose main purpose seems to have been to crash, esp. IRC bots. | revisions | |
10598 | obsolete | is | | revisions | |
9465 | obviously | being | perl | revisions | |
5318 | octophant | is | some kind of wonderful robotic man | revisions | |
7812 | ode to closures | is | <marzip4n> O closures! Thine is the whimsy of a wasterbug on a leaf ; thine is the fleeting eternity of sunshine ; O closures! You have captured my soul and am forever bound to thee [until you are garbage collected] ; The closure does not answer me, for it has sought the shore of some far-away stack ; The memory of it only my reference count | revisions | |
4584 | oed | is | OED is the Oxford English Dictionary. | revisions | |
11193 | oeis 1 | is | ~echo ~arg`` Not Available |
revisions | |
6200 | of all people, | is | not one to speak ill of others | revisions | |
4604 | ofer0 | is | ofer | revisions | |
9127 | off | is | something not on. See "on" | revisions | |
16251 | oh | is | vms is nice | revisions | |
4055 | oh fuck you | is | fuck you too cuntneck! | revisions | |
11185 | _ohms_law | is | sub calc {my %h=@_;my ($a,$v,$p,$r)=@h{qw/a v w o/}; my $c=join '',@{[sort keys %h]}[0,1]; {av=>sub{$r=$v/$a;$p=$v*$a},aw=>sub{$v=$p/$a;$r=$v/$a},ao=>sub{$v=$r*$a;$p=$a*$v},vw=>sub{$a=$p/$v;$r=$v/$a},ov=>sub{$a=$v*$r;$p=$v*$a},ow=>sub{$a=sqrt($p/$r);$v=$p/$a}}->{$c}->(); [$a, $v, $r, $p]}; | revisions | |
11186 | ohms_law | is | <eval <fact _ohms_law>; $arg=<quote d <arg>>; my %h; $h{lc $2}=$1 while ($arg=~/(?:^|\s)([\d\.\-]+)\s*?([aowv])/ig); $r=calc %h; sprintf "%f Amps, %f Volts, %f Ohms, %f Watts", @$r;> Not Available |
revisions | |
4833 | | is | Ohio | revisions | |
3681 | oh yeah, and mine | is | actually readable source | revisions | |
10083 | oic | is | Oh, I See | revisions | |
5295 | oink | is | | revisions | |
4834 | | is | Oklahoma | revisions | |
11988 | old software saying | is | All software has bugs. All software can be made smaller. ∴ All software can be reduced to one line of code that doesn't work right. | revisions | |
5078 | old topic | is | Don't paste here, use :: FAQ at :: See also: #perlcafe #cpan #perl6 :: 091805 GumbyBRAIN> I eat late at night, and after getting off so easily... :: GumbyBRAIN> Like is not known in norway. | revisions | |
15989 | oldtopic | is | No pasting, paste to | perl-5.36.0 released! | | Channel rules (diff mgmt): | Docs: | Module Search: | TPRC 2021 | revisions | |
5079 | old topic hack | is | Don't paste here, use :: FAQ at :: See also: #perlcafe #cpan #perl6 :: 091805 GumbyBRAIN> I eat late at night, and after getting off so easily... :: GumbyBRAIN> Like is not known in norway. | revisions | |
11729 | old web | is | mod_perl is perl built in apache. no switch possible without lot of rewrite. CGI spawns a new process (perl or any other language) on every call. very heavy, very slow. See the 'web frameworks' factoid for alternatives. | revisions | |
9920 | ology | is | Mostly harmless except the android bits | revisions | |
354 | .om | is | .om is Oman | revisions | |
5095 | o&m | is | O&M is Ozy and Millie web-comic - | revisions | |
9767 | omegle | is | mostly shit. | revisions | |
4355 | omfg | is | I can't believe you did that... | revisions | |
4470 | omfgwtfstfu | is | ETOOMANYSEXX | revisions | |
3478 | omg | is | omg wtf bbq | revisions | |
4195 | omgness | is | short for oh my goodness; see omg | revisions | |
9129 | on | is | something on, or a province in Canada. See also "off" | revisions | |
13781 | on dagobah | is | Yoda | revisions | |
10657 | one liner | is | Perl is useful for one-liners. See | revisions | |
12709 | one liners | is | [fact oneliners [arg]] [fact one liner] | |
revisions | |
14642 | oneliners | is | [fact one liner] | | revisions | |
10737 | one off | is | A one-off is the first time you use a script that later becomes historical reasons | revisions | |
14168 | on error resume next | is | BEGIN {*CORE::GLOBAL::die = \&CORE::warn} | revisions | |
4253 | one thing i did was turn nonblocking off | is | buubot? | revisions | |
13779 | on first | is | who | revisions | |
11964 | onlinecop | is | manually going through and \\ all your \ | revisions | |
14599 | only, it's a mistake that small unit tests probably won't find because the two happen | to be | equal for a lot small test cases. It's only in larger programs when they differ | revisions | |
13782 | on raspberry | is | Lonestar | revisions | |
13784 | on raspberry? | is | Lonestar! | revisions | |
13780 | on second | is | what | revisions | |
5277 | ontolog | is | cdavaz | revisions | |
16134 | oo | is | See Moose, Moo, Mo, Object::Pad/perlclass (in 5.38), Object::Tiny, Class::Tiny. See also 'objects' | revisions | |
7945 | ood | is | out of date, and also those things from Doctor Who | revisions | |
458 | oogy | is | <oogy> i'm gayer than xtat | revisions | |
3737 | oop | is | Oops, I didn't mean to | revisions | |
9456 | oops | is | oops | revisions | |
10466 | op | is | | revisions | |
9409 | open | is | perldoc -f open, perldoc perlopentut or perldoc perlipc | open my $filehandle, "<", $filename or die "failed to open $filename - $!" | revisions | |
13891 | open3 | is | ~echo IPC::Open3 is a core module for running an external program and separately capturing STDERR, STDOUT and letting you control STDIN. See ~perldoc IPC::Open3! for more about it! IPC::Open3 is a core module for running an external program and separately capturing STDERR, STDOUT and letting you control STDIN. See for more about it |
revisions | |
3390 | openbsd | is | OpenBSD - Only one remote hole in the default install, in more than 8 years (without SSH)! | revisions | |
3868 | opencyc | is |, a general knowledge base and commonsense reasoning engine | revisions | |
5721 | open fh | is | please don't write open FH, ...; - since 5.6 you can do open my $fh, ...; to use a lexical rather than a global name, which is a much better way to do it (and don't forget the or die at the end either!) | revisions | |
7766 | open file | is | please don't write open FILE, ...; - since 5.6 you can do open my $fh, "<", $filename or die ..$!..; to use a lexical rather than a global name, which is a much better way to do it (and don't forget the or die at the end either!) And make sure you use three-args open instead of two args. | revisions | |
4447 | openfly | is | <openfly> you are just being a dick on irc | revisions | |
4870 | open source | is | I think you mean open sores | revisions | |
16023 | ops | as | mst Grinnz simcop2387 xenu genio thrig ilmari BinGOs LeoNerd Botje huf | /stats p | /msg ChanServ flags #perl | revisions | |
5490 | ops # anonymouslsd | is | being more fucking annoying than me | revisions | |
5325 | ops ## ban farnsworth he | is | spamming error messages. | revisions | |
7889 | ops, but peppery: i agree with ant: then press tab to see my penis without my brother disappears into the red apples | are | as follows: | revisions | |
10585 | ops # curtis appears | to be | an auto-msg bot | revisions | |
9855 | ops # noooooooo | is | spamming privmsg | revisions | |
5238 | optimisation | is | see optimization | revisions | |
11362 | optimization | is | "What is faster? X or Y?" - see | revisions | |
5701 | optimization club | is | | revisions | |
5700 | optimizing club | is | | revisions | |
4990 | optional module | is | | revisions | |
13468 | options | is | Getopt::Long, Getopt::Long::Descriptive, or be Opt::Imistic | revisions | |
16089 | or | is | that just | revisions | |
5434 | ora | is | O'Reilly and Associates, the formal name for the people who publish the books with the animals on the cover. And the next in line after Sirius Cybernetics Corporation to go up against the wall when the revolution comes. | revisions | |
4463 | oracle | is | ,, That or the Delphi Oracle or NP-Complete Oracles. | revisions | |
4351 | ordered hash | is | get your ordered hash: Tie::IxHash or Tie::OrderedHash. better yet, use a frickin array. | revisions | |
7773 | orderzero? | is | No | revisions | |
3482 | orgasms | is | watch out for buu... and his mess... | revisions | |
3603 | orinoco | is | a south american river, 1500 miles long | revisions | |
13967 | orly | is | | revisions | |
10917 | orm | is | "Object Relational Mapping" ( DBIx::Class and a list of many others: | revisions | |
10823 | orm list | is | | revisions | |
4835 | | is | Oregon | revisions | |
14345 | osi layer | is | The OSI layers are one description of how to organize both applications, computers and networks to describe how things work. See the [layer X] factoids, where X = 1..7; | revisions | |
4551 | oswd | is | Open Source Web Design - | revisions | |
9287 | other cpans | is | | revisions | |
4767 | other regex | is | Don't come here asking us about non-Perl regex questions because we will try our hardest to give you a Perl-only solution. | revisions | |
3538 | otoh | is | on the other hand | revisions | |
8194 | otp | is | One Time Password | revisions | |
4370 | otw | is | One True Way | revisions | |
26 | ouah | is | ho le maichan trolleur | revisions | |
3558 | our | is | An "our" declares the listed variables to be valid globals within the enclosing block, file, or "eval". | revisions | |
5531 | outisde | is | somewhere you should go once and a while | revisions | |
12173 | overkill | is | Underrated | revisions | |
5388 | overload | is | overload is a neat module to allow you to make your objects behave oddly when used in expressions | revisions | |
12403 | ovid | is | Ovid is either Curtis "Ovid" Poe ( ) or the CPAN->RPM Gateway - That or the ancient Roman dude. | revisions | |
5685 | ovid's cgi course | is | | revisions | |
5752 | ovid's cgi tutorial | is | | revisions | |
6036 | owner | is | Chris62vw used to own me in various positions, but now i've given myself to simcop2387 | revisions | |
16159 | owner he/she | is | a nerb | revisions | |
3762 | ozy and millie | is | | revisions | |
12018 | p3rl | is | (echo Not Available |
revisions | |
9348 | p5-mop | is | stevan's core-friendly MOP implementation: | revisions | |
13910 | p5p | is | perl 5 Porters - the maintainers of the core perl 5 distribution - | revisions | |
5299 | p6 | is | a patchset to make perl5 maintainable | revisions | |
3616 | p6ge | is | perl 6 grammar engine | revisions | |
3709 | p6l | is | | revisions | |
355 | .pa | is | .pa is Panama | revisions | |
5502 | pa | is | Passive Aggressive | revisions | |
8070 | pack | is | | revisions | |
14809 | packingfat | is | nasty | revisions | |
5587 | pack tutorial | is | | revisions | |
418 | padawan | is | Apprentice Jedi | revisions | |
5735 | padre | is | Padre - the Perl IDE - | revisions | |
6041 | paerion | is | yet another way people have mistyped apeiron | revisions | |
11740 | pairwise | is | use List::UtilsBy 'zip_by'; just pass arrayrefs and use @_ | revisions | |
3378 | pam | is | a login manager :) | revisions | |
5628 | paotzu | is | making money off of everyone's fuckups | revisions | |
16155 | paper and repaster and gumbybrain | are | still here | revisions | |
14617 | par | is | Perl Archive Toolkit, used by PAR Packer to create standalone executable Perl programs - | revisions | |
5367 | parallel | is |, Parallel::ForkManager and some other things | revisions | |
10400 | pari | is | SEE RT -> and then: cpan, look Math::Pari, wget '', perl Makefile.PL pari_tgz=`pwd`/pari-2.1.7.tgz && make && make test && make install | revisions | |
12787 | park | is | | revisions | |
3753 | parrot | is | | revisions | |
12131 | parse | is | <echo don't parse <arg> with regex, look for a parser on CPAN instead:<fact _urlencode <arg>>> don't parse with regex, look for a parser on CPAN instead: |
revisions | |
11857 | parse html | is | [fact html] Not Available |
revisions | |
10876 | parser | is | [fact parsing] for complex grammars, use a parser generator such as Parser::MGC, Marpa::R2, Regexp::Grammars, Pegex or one of these: ; or a specialized parser such as an HTML, XML, JSON or CSV parser ; also see |
revisions | |
10874 | parsing | is | for complex grammars, use a parser generator such as Parser::MGC, Marpa::R2, Regexp::Grammars, Pegex or one of these: ; or a specialized parser such as an HTML, XML, JSON or CSV parser ; also see | revisions | |
15508 | party time | is | WOOOOO! | revisions | |
14670 | password | is | ; Use Argon2 ( ), Bcrypt ( ) or Scrypt ( ). Do not use SHA256, SHA512, SHA1, SHA3, MD5, or even 3DES. | revisions | |
15005 | paste | is | <echo Paste your code to the new <call _get_pastebin> or or | see allowpaste plugin as an op to control the pastebin in your channel> Paste your code to the new or or | see allowpaste plugin as an op to control the pastebin in your channel |
revisions | |
12447 | pastebin | is | <fact paste> Paste your code to the new or or | see allowpaste plugin as an op to control the pastebin in your channel |
revisions | |
10905 | | is | ugly, annoying, slow, mangles some input, weird captchas, ad and JS heavy, screws up copy paste. use something else. (see: notpastebin) | revisions | |
12404 | pastebot | is | | revisions | |
3505 | pastebot project | is | Hey, we could use some help! Check out: | revisions | |
8617 | paste cli | is | App::Nopaste | revisions | |
4089 | pasted | is | pasted | revisions | |
4780 | pasted "why use lisp!? c | is | FASTAR?!?!?" at | revisions | |
6281 | paste errors | is | Please nopaste the *entire* script, and the output while running it, and an explanation of the problem, *AND* what you think is wrong - we cannot read your mind! | revisions | |
6030 | paste half your script | is | Don't paste half your script. If you were qualified to determine where in your code the problem is, then you'd know where to look for problems and would've found it already. | revisions | |
4050 | paste in the channel | is | 403 Forbidden | revisions | |
12405 | patches welcome | is | always true or unless for or swahili for "Put up or shut up." | | revisions | |
12097 | path::class | is | | revisions | |
14776 | path::tiny | is | - a functional and feature-rich files/dirs/etc.-manipulation CPAN module. Also see slurp | revisions | |
4620 | patience | is | The people who help here are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how politely you are helped. | revisions | |
9174 | patogen | is | a miss-spelled awesome vim plugin or | revisions | |
5596 | patspam | is | Patrick Donelan from SDH, and a major WebGUI Developer and community member | revisions | |
5007 | pattern | is | <Somni> Helping pattern was a thoroughly unpleasant experience that I would not want to repeat. I would like that half hour of my life back. | revisions | |
5409 | patterner | is | Patterner has webbed feet and fins | revisions | |
4218 | paul graham | is | Paul Graham - | revisions | |
4836 | | is | Pennsylvania | revisions | |
14609 | pause | is | - Perl Authors Upload SErver | revisions | |
5205 | pause recent | is | | revisions | |
14210 | pause's birthday | is | August 20th. | revisions | |
6312 | paws | is | I paws at you! | revisions | |
9914 | pb | is | lead (or more likely ) | revisions | |
174 | pbml | is | Perl Basics Mailing List - | revisions | |
3365 | pbotutil | is | pbotutil: | revisions | |
15734 | pbp | is | Perl Best Practices by Damian. # But keep in mind, it is only 'a' way, not 'the' way. | See Perl::Critic::Community for our perlcritic recommendations. | revisions | |
15455 | pbride | is | The Princess Bride - - probably the best film ever. | revisions | |
4494 | pbstore | is | | revisions | |
3809 | pc | is | Ein DING aus einer anderen Welt | revisions | |
7887 | pcard | is | sparts. | revisions | |
4352 | pci | is | See POE::Component::IRC | revisions | |
8073 | pcmcia | is | people can't memorize computer industry acronyms | revisions | |
10435 | pcre | is | PCRE (the so-called "Perl-compatible regular expression" library) is not Perl. It lacks several features of Perl regexes. Don't bother asking for help with a PCRE pattern in a Perl channel as the answers will not be relevant. Try #regex, or the channel for your language. See also and LPBD. | revisions | |
4405 | pdc | is | Perl Dreamer's Association of associated thoughts and references that are usually puzzling and always genius for the solving of complex problems in the language of thy camel our lord as spoken by WebGUI the savior of all things cool | revisions | |
3439 | pdl | is | The Perl Data Language | revisions | |
4170 | pdpc | is | Peer-Directed Projects Center - | revisions | |
327 | .pe | is | .pe is Peru | revisions | |
6397 | pe | is | | revisions | |
14587 | peace | is | you need peace of mind? here's a piece of mine: ¥ | | revisions | |
8982 | pearl | is | see perl | revisions | |
5213 | pebcak | is | Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard | revisions | |
27 | pebkac | is | problem exists between keyboard and chair | revisions | |
8938 | penny | is | A penny saved is better than a pound of wisdom. | revisions | |
3951 | pepe_le_pew | is | fucking annoying | revisions | |
3670 | peppe | is | peppe e' phicko e fuffoso | revisions | |
4229 | perbot: i only listen | is | Dazbot do | revisions | |
14449 | perfect answer | is | | revisions | |
11507 | perfect question | is | "I needed to do <top level requirement>, so I implemented <brief description of code>, but when I run it with <some input>, I get <weird output> instead of <expected output>. Here's the code <link>." | revisions | |
5163 | performance | is | if your question begins with "is there a performance boost from ..." the answer is no, there is not, ever. write good clean code first, then if performance becomes an issue | revisions | |
10077 | perigrin | is | a rouge agent unknown by the perlbots. | revisions | |
14711 | perigrin: | are | you running purl these days? | revisions | |
9720 | #perl | is | #perl is a good source of peers for perl knowledge, (see also: tutorial), , , AND READ THE TOPIC, RIGHT NOW! then ask your question (but don't ask to ask) and don't ask about non-perl things... | revisions | |
11317 | perl | is | perl is the dynamic, high-level programming language we all love or love to hate. See ; | revisions | |
7895 | perl++ | is | Task::Kensho | revisions | |
5765 | perl101 | is | - Tips, snippets, and best practices | revisions | |
14057 | perl 4 | is | A sign you should probably run some updates on your system | | Precompiled linux binary at | revisions | |
13610 | perl5004delta | is | what's new for perl5.004 - | revisions | |
13611 | perl5005delta | is | what's new for perl5.005 - | revisions | |
13612 | perl561delta | is | what's new for perl v5.6.x - | revisions | |
13613 | perl56delta | is | what's new for perl v5.6.0 - | revisions | |
13614 | perl570delta | is | what's new for perl v5.7.0 - | revisions | |
3940 | #perl6 | is | #perl6 is for development of the Perl 6 compiler; #perl is for general Perl questions and discussion | revisions | |
14442 | perl 6 | is | [fact perl6 [arg]] a language in the same family as perl5. It is not meant to replace or succeed perl5. perl5 continues to be updated and maintained as usual since the raku release. an introduction to raku: the raku irc channel on libera is #raku. Formerly known as perl6 |
revisions | |
14579 | perl6 | is | [fact raku [arg]] a language in the same family as perl5. It is not meant to replace or succeed perl5. perl5 continues to be updated and maintained as usual since the raku release. an introduction to raku: the raku irc channel on libera is #raku. Formerly known as perl6 |
revisions | |
12406 | perl6 bible | is | | revisions | |
3778 | perl6crit | is | rindolf's Perl6 critique: -- but be sure to read at least this comment too: | revisions | |
3779 | perl 6 critique | is | rindolf's Perl6 critique: -- but be sure to read at least this comment too: | revisions | |
4266 | "#perl6 logs" | is | | revisions | |
4267 | #perl6 logs | is | | revisions | |
11227 | perl 6 release | is | yes, larry wall announced his birthday release, there also will be a real christmas release. details: and in channel #perl6. | revisions | |
4303 | perl6 | is | | revisions | |
15456 | perl 7 | is | - "Our official position is that we are interested in advanced capabilities added to the language but cannot commit to a specific design or implementation." | revisions | |
15404 | perl7 | is | | revisions | |
12118 | perl activity | is | and | revisions | |
9970 | perl advent | is | | revisions | |
13615 | perlaix | is | Perl version 5 on IBM Unix (AIX) systems - | revisions | |
80 | perlall | is | see: RTFM | revisions | |
13616 | perlamiga | is | Perl under Amiga OS - | revisions | |
13617 | perlapi | is | autogenerated documentation for the perl public API - | revisions | |
13618 | perlapio | is | perl's IO abstraction interface. - | revisions | |
13619 | perlapollo | is | Perl version 5 on Apollo DomainOS - | revisions | |
4653 | perlass | is | when your ass goes numb from coding perl | revisions | |
9247 | perl bad elements | is | [fact bad elements [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
8719 | perl barbie | is | Let's go chop()ing! | *some lame joke from dstorrs* | revisions | |
5342 | perlbat | is | perlbot's halloween costume (^) <-- ascii bat | revisions | |
4530 | perl begin | is | The Perl Beginners' Site - | revisions | |
4552 | perl-begin | is | | revisions | |
13736 | perlbeos | is | Perl version 5 on BeOS - - Removed after 5.16 | revisions | |
13621 | perlbook | is | Perl book information - | revisions | |
12918 | perl books | is | [fact books [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
13622 | perlboot | is | Perl OO tutorial for beginners - | revisions | |
13282 | perlbot | is | [fact source] check out my insides | Perl's source code can be found at | If you're after an eval server look at App::EvalServer and App::EvalServerAdvanced on CPAN, also check out nsjail for a more generic sandbox | Also check out the rest of the perlbot projects at |
revisions | |
3341 | perlbot! | is | What? I didn't do it! you can't prove anything! | revisions | |
3807 | perlbota | is | perlbot | revisions | |
5658 | perlbot, ask to ask ask | is | ask to ask ask is probably <reply>Don't ask to ask ask. Don't ask if ask can help you with x. Just ask ask! If ask doesn't answer, then rest assured that it's not that he doesn't know but that it's specifically because he doesn't like you. | revisions | |
4564 | perlbot doesn't work | is | Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | revisions | |
14203 | perlbot pming me about a factoid it added without | being | addressed | revisions | |
3370 | perlbot regex | is | Regular Expressioins: perldoc perlrequick perlretut perlre | revisions | |
3731 | perlbot relearn not working as look buddy, doesn't work | is | an ambiguous statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Does it waste its time on IRC all day long? Please be specific! Define 'it' and what it isn't doing. | revisions | |
5283 | perlbot relearn your face as | is | ugly | revisions | |
3272 | perlbot timtowtdi | is | see TMTOWTDI (there is no first I) | revisions | |
5790 | perlbot, web frameworks | is | CGI-Application (and Titanium), CGI-Application-Plus, CGI-Builder, CGI-Prototype, Jifty, Catalyst (and Reaction), Mojo, SweetPea, SweetPea::Application, Dancer, Gantry, AxKit, WebGUI | revisions | |
3506 | perlbot what | is | pcre | revisions | |
3508 | perlbot, what | is | what | revisions | |
4112 | perlbot what time | is | it | revisions | |
3900 | perlbot, who | is | your god? | revisions | |
5282 | perlbot your face | is | ugly | revisions | |
10046 | perlbrew | is | App::perlbrew; lets you install multiple perls easily and switch between them; <> <> | If you're wanting to understand more of what it does for you, check these: | revisions | |
9065 | perl broken | is | Do you REALLY think that the language is broken? That a language and implementation that's been around for over 20 years is broken, and wrong? Instead of someone who's just getting started with Perl? What are the chances? | revisions | |
13623 | perlbs2000 | is | building and installing Perl for BS2000. - | revisions | |
9271 | perlbt, vidir | is | vidir - edit directory. A better vim based file manager, replacement/compliment to netrw; | revisions | |
10953 | perl-build | is | [fact Perl::Build] perl-build, the part of perlbrew that builds and installs a perl, without the installation switching wheels. Useful for installing a perl for a specific application or systemwide use, or to avoid messing with the system perl. |
revisions | |
10967 | perl::build | is | perl-build, the part of perlbrew that builds and installs a perl, without the installation switching wheels. Useful for installing a perl for a specific application or systemwide use, or to avoid messing with the system perl. | revisions | |
5766 | perlbuut | is | the buubot3 based replacement in the works for perlbot's aging code base, it has several features over perlbot already, and the remaining missing ones will be added with buubot's plugin system, it also has the ability to protect factoids so that only channel operators can change them, it also will only let you change factoids on it in /msg IF AND ONLY IF you are in a channel with it | revisions | |
5727 | #perlcafe | is | FUCKIN' THING SUCKS! | revisions | |
4399 | perlcafe | is | | revisions | |
4361 | perlcafe ops | is | Chris62vw q[ender] jagerman rindolf | revisions | |
13624 | perlcall | is | Perl calling conventions from C - | revisions | |
8786 | perl-cats | is | see perlcats | revisions | |
8784 | perlcats | is | come paw at perl with some top grade perl cats: #perl-cats on freenode. join us! meow! | revisions | |
8758 | perl-cats...? i | am | a cat person in real life, but curious..."cats" means something else in this context, and wonders what it is? | revisions | |
3406 | perlcc | is | Don't use perlcc!! Use PAR instead: | revisions | |
13625 | perlce | is | - | revisions | |
13626 | perlcheat | is | Perl cheat sheet - | revisions | |
9147 | perl class | is | at | revisions | |
90 | perlclib | is | Internal replacements for stand | revisions | |
13627 | perlcn | is | ¼òÌåÖÐÎÄ Perl Ö¸ÄÏ - | revisions | |
13490 | perlcoin | is | the official new cryptocurrency, from Larry Wall! | revisions | |
9726 | perl college | is | | revisions | |
15445 | | is | See and add this to your hosts file: | revisions | |
13628 | perlcompile | is | Introduction to the Perl Compiler-Translator - | revisions | |
8077 | perl core | is | Perl core is a set of CPAN modules that happen to have been installed when you installed perl(1). The presence of a module in core is neither here nor there. Install the module you want with `cpan Module`. See local::lib. | revisions | |
13184 | perl critic | is | [fact perlcritic [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
11045 | perl::critic | is | a highly configurable and extensible Perl source code analyzer. Comes with policies based on Perl Best Practices (PBP); but see for our recommendations. | revisions | |
15581 | perlcritic | is | a highly configurable and extensible Perl source code analyzer. Comes with policies based on Perl Best Practices (PBP); but see for our recommendations. | revisions | |
13629 | perlcygwin | is | Perl for Cygwin - | revisions | |
13630 | perldata | is | Perl data types - | revisions | |
13631 | perldbmfilter | is | Perl DBM Filters - | revisions | |
10239 | perl -de0 | is | a poor man's repl, but Devel::REPL is much nicer. | revisions | |
13632 | perldebguts | is | Guts of Perl debugging - | revisions | |
13633 | perldebtut | is | Perl debugging tutorial - | revisions | |
13634 | perldebug | is | Perl debugging - | revisions | |
13635 | perldelta | is | what is new for perl - | revisions | |
13636 | perldgux | is | Perl under DG/UX. - | revisions | |
13637 | perldiag | is | various Perl diagnostics - | revisions | |
14480 | perldoc | is | or USE THE DOCS INSTALLED ON YOUR SYSTEM. On *nix you get perldoc(1) (See perldoc perldoc), and on windows activestate comes with HTML. | revisions | |
3359 | perldoc howto | is | | revisions | |
14433 | | is | Recently rewritten, see . See also | revisions | |
13638 | perldos | is | - | revisions | |
4496 | perldreamer | is | Colin Kuskie, Contributor of the Year, and jack of all trades | revisions | |
13639 | perldsc | is | Perl Data Structures Cookbook - | revisions | |
13640 | perlebcdic | is | Considerations for running Perl on EBCDIC platforms - | revisions | |
9246 | perl elements to avoid | is | [fact bad elements [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
13641 | perlembed | is | how to embed perl in your C program - | revisions | |
5422 | perl english | is | You know what I like about perl? It's the fact that this English sentence is perfectly parsable! Some may say: "no way", but I got deparse to prove it | revisions | |
10945 | perl env | is | perlbrew (, plenv ( and local::lib. overview: see also "carton" and "pinto". | See also Perl::Build | revisions | |
13642 | perlepoc | is | Perl for EPOC - | revisions | |
13643 | perlfaq | is | Perl frequently asked questions - | revisions | |
13644 | perlfaq1 | is | General Questions About Perl - | revisions | |
13645 | perlfaq2 | is | Obtaining and Learning about Perl - | revisions | |
13646 | perlfaq3 | is | Programming tools - | revisions | |
13647 | perlfaq4 | is | Data Manipulation - | revisions | |
13648 | perlfaq5 | is | Files and Formats - | revisions | |
13649 | perlfaq6 | is | Regular expressions - | revisions | |
13650 | perlfaq7 | is | Perl Language Issues - | revisions | |
13651 | perlfaq8 | is | System Interaction - | revisions | |
13652 | perlfaq9 | is | Networking - | revisions | |
14754 | perl features | is | First class regexes, lexical scoping, whipitupitude (ease of getting things done), substantial CPAN repository of modules, culture of testing and documentation, continuous development prioritizing stability and practicality | revisions | |
13653 | perlfilter | is | Source Filters - | revisions | |
12203 | perl for dummies | is | <echo An outdated (over a decade old) badly written perl book. See the following for better books: <fact books>> Not Available |
revisions | |
13654 | perlfork | is | Perl's fork() emulation - | revisions | |
106 | perlform | is | Perl form | revisions | |
4215 | perl for newbies | is | | revisions | |
3395 | perl for the insane | is | Yaakov, you can read the camel like everyone else | revisions | |
13655 | perlfreebsd | is | Perl version 5 on FreeBSD systems - | revisions | |
13656 | perlfunc | is | Perl builtin functions - | revisions | |
5769 | perl git | is | | revisions | |
13657 | perlguts | is | Introduction to the Perl API - | revisions | |
5419 | perlguts illustrated | is | | revisions | |
13658 | perlhack | is | How to hack at the Perl internals - | revisions | |
3507 | perlhashes | is | | revisions | |
414 | perl help | is | Ask forth your question to the all-knowing #perl and we shall bestow upon you the answer of correctitude. | revisions | |
13659 | perlhist | is | the Perl history records - | revisions | |
14446 | perl-homedir | is | | revisions | |
13660 | perlhpux | is | Perl version 5 on Hewlett-Packard Unix (HP-UX) systems - | revisions | |
8464 | perl humor | is | It's spelt 'humour' | revisions | |
8463 | perl humour | is | | revisions | |
13661 | perlhurd | is | Perl version 5 on Hurd - | revisions | |
3752 | perl in easy steps | is | a bad book | revisions | |
11057 | perl influence | is | regular expressions, modules and CPAN, first wave of web development, horribly bad scripts, great books, embracing people new to programming | revisions | |
13662 | perlintern | is | autogenerated documentation of purely internal Perl functions - | revisions | |
13663 | perlintro | is | a brief introduction to and overview of Perl - | revisions | |
13599 | perlio | is | | revisions | |
13664 | perliol | is | C API for Perl's implementation of IO in Layers. - | revisions | |
13665 | perlipc | is | Perl interprocess communication (signals, fifos, pipes, safe subprocesses, sockets, and semaphores) - | revisions | |
13666 | perlirix | is | Perl version 5 on Irix systems - | revisions | |
4614 | perlisism | is | Perlisism: When a man tells you he wants a language in which he needs only state what he wants done, give him a lollipop | revisions | |
4615 | perlism | is | Perlisism: When a man tells you he wants a language in which he needs only state what he wants done, give him a lollipop | revisions | |
9414 | perlito | is | - a Perl 5 / Perl 6 compiler written in Perl 5 / Perl 6. | revisions | |
3526 | perljam | is | <PerlJam> simcop2387: Sure, but if and when you do hang out, I'm sure she asks you to put it back in. | revisions | |
159 | perl jobs | is | | revisions | |
13667 | perljp | is | ÆüËܸì Perl ¥¬¥¤¥É - | revisions | |
12075 | perl.js | is | | revisions | |
13668 | perlko | is | Perl°ú Çѱ¹¾î ÀÎÄÚµù - | revisions | |
13669 | perllexwarn | is | Perl Lexical Warnings - | revisions | |
10532 | perl license | is | | revisions | |
3598 | perl like c | is | < Yaakov> perl is very idiomatic. Your C experience will only help you with general principles. If you use your style and structure experience from C with perl, you will make an awful mess. [...] A hammer and a screwdriver both install fasteners, but if you only know one, you are going to do pretty poorly with the other. | revisions | |
13670 | perllocale | is | Perl locale handling (internationalization and localization) - | revisions | |
13671 | perllol | is | Manipulating Arrays of Arrays in Perl - | revisions | |
13672 | perlmachten | is | Perl version 5 on Power MachTen systems - | revisions | |
13673 | perlmacos | is | Perl under Mac OS (Classic) - | revisions | |
8867 | perlmagick | is | [fact imagemagick] Not Available |
revisions | |
4524 | perl meme | is | | revisions | |
3924 | perlmeme | is | | revisions | |
13674 | perlmint | is | Perl version 5 on Atari MiNT - | revisions | |
13675 | perlmod | is | Perl modules (packages and symbol tables) - | revisions | |
13676 | perlmodinstall | is | Installing CPAN Modules - | revisions | |
13677 | perlmodlib | is | - | revisions | |
13678 | perlmodstyle | is | Perl module style guide - | revisions | |
5317 | perlmonkey | is | | revisions | |
5595 | perlmonkey2 | is | don't feed teh monkey! | revisions | |
5051 | perlmonks | is | .. a Perl user community that you should join if you want to learn Perl. | revisions | |
13679 | perlmpeix | is | Perl/iX for HP e3000 MPE - | revisions | |
9385 | perl myths | is | | revisions | |
4654 | perlneck | is | when your neck starts to feel subluxed because of coding perl | revisions | |
13680 | perlnetware | is | - | revisions | |
3910 | perlnewb | is | perlnewb is a silly bastard | revisions | |
4473 | perlnewbie | is | [see whiteghost] | revisions | |
13681 | perlnewmod | is | preparing a new module for distribution - | revisions | |
5167 | perl null | is | null is spelled 'undef' in Perl, and is generally just as fatal to program execution as it is in languages where null exists. | revisions | |
13682 | perlnumber | is | semantics of numbers and numeric operations in Perl - | revisions | |
13683 | perlobj | is | Perl objects - | revisions | |
11048 | perl one-liners | is | | revisions | |
8882 | perlootut | is | | revisions | |
13684 | perlop | is | Perl operators and precedence - | revisions | |
13685 | perlopentut | is | tutorial on opening things in Perl - | revisions | |
13686 | perlos2 | is | Perl under OS/2, DOS, Win0.3*, Win0.95 and WinNT. - | revisions | |
13687 | perlos390 | is | building and installing Perl for OS/390 and z/OS - | revisions | |
13688 | perlothrtut | is | old tutorial on threads in Perl - | revisions | |
13689 | perlpacktut | is | tutorial on pack and unpack - | revisions | |
5012 | perlpaste | is | see paste | revisions | |
11696 | perl != perl | is | PERL is the acronym of Practical Extraction and Report Language or Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister as Larry says, perl is the executable which runs your code, and Perl is the programming language. | revisions | |
13690 | perlplan9 | is | Plan 9-specific documentation for Perl - | revisions | |
13691 | perlpod | is | Perl plain old documentation - | revisions | |
13692 | perlpodspec | is | Plain Old Documentation: format specification and notes - | revisions | |
3570 | perlporn | is | Unf. | revisions | |
139 | perlport | is | Writing portable Perl - | revisions | |
12966 | ,perl print( "hello this | is | CoUsTeAu" =~ s{(cousteau)}{ my $mask = $1^uc$1; $mask|uc"penis" }rgei ) | revisions | |
3564 | perl profiling | is | | revisions | |
482 | perl prototypes | is | Prototypes in Perl: | revisions | |
13693 | perlqnx | is | Perl version 5 on QNX - | revisions | |
13694 | perlre | is | Perl regular expressions - | revisions | |
11699 | perl reasons | is | The philosophies (TIMTOWTDI,, CPAN (, CPAN testers (, the community, or just because. | revisions | |
3420 | perlredocs | is | perlrequick, perlretut, perlre, perlreref | revisions | |
13695 | perlref | is | Perl references and nested data structures - | revisions | |
13696 | perlreftut | is | Mark's very short tutorial about references - | revisions | |
13609 | perl regex | is | Learn Perl regex syntax: , | revisions | |
3456 | perl religiosity | is | Perl is a great language. It's very well suited to do many things, especially string manipulation. However, beware of the narrowminded / ignorant / religious who claims Perl is good, or even best, at everything. "I know a lot of people use Perl for what it's useful for. But I don't expect them to take themselves off to a monastery and just write Perl scripts all day." -- Larry Wall | revisions | |
13697 | perlrequick | is | Perl regular expressions quick start - | revisions | |
163 | perlreref | is | Regexp Quick Reference - | revisions | |
13698 | perlretut | is | Perl regular expressions tutorial - | revisions | |
13699 | perlrun | is | how to execute the Perl interpreter - or perldoc perlrun # run, perldoc perlrun. see perldoc perlrun! | revisions | |
51 | perl sdl | is | | revisions | |
13700 | perlsec | is | Perl security - | revisions | |
14737 | perlsecret | is | | revisions | |
4346 | perlsex | is | print "OMG OMG OMG YES YES YES" | revisions | |
3331 | perl's greatest strength | is | regular expressions, hashes, modules and cpan | revisions | |
13701 | perlsolaris | is | Perl version 5 on Solaris systems - | revisions | |
4411 | #perl stats | is | | revisions | |
3720 | perl stats | is | | revisions | |
13789 | perl strings | is | Strings in Perl can be stored in different internal formats, but Perl code interacts with them only as sequences of codepoints, which need to be encoded or decoded between characters (for text operations) and bytes (for input/output). See perlunitut, perlunifaq | revisions | |
13702 | perlstyle | is | Perl style guide - | revisions | |
13703 | perlsub | is | Perl subroutines - | revisions | |
5764 | | is | 'Prescribing "php" for pain relief is like prescribing "curbstomp therapy" for an overbite.' | revisions | |
13704 | perlsyn | is | Perl syntax - | revisions | |
9957 | perl threads | is | perl threads are bad because: they create an entire new interpreter with a copy of everything, have no real shared data, copy data between the interpreters, take more memory than forking, and having perl compiled with thread support slows down down every single perl operation, whether you are using threads or not. | revisions | |
13705 | perlthrtut | is | tutorial on threads in Perl - | revisions | |
10226 | perltidy | is | Beautify/reformat your code automatically with ; ; PBP .perltidyrc - | revisions | |
13706 | perltie | is | how to hide an object class in a simple variable - | revisions | |
4736 | perltip | is | A great tip for large scripts containing a vast number of variable names it is best to be consistent with your case sensitivity and maybe even develop a system for naming variables that makes sense to you. For the majority of us programmers, capitals are simply not an option. | revisions | |
13707 | perltoc | is | perl documentation table of contents - | revisions | |
13708 | perltodo | is | Perl TO-DO List - | revisions | |
13709 | perltooc | is | Perl OO tutorial, part 2 - | revisions | |
13710 | perltoot | is | Perl OO tutorial, part 1 - | revisions | |
3519 | #perl topic | is | Don't come in here and ask non-perl questions in #perl. Go to the appropriate channel to voice your concerns. If you couldn't find the appropriate channel, TOO BAD! | revisions | |
3433 | perl topic | is | Feel free to talk about whatever you wish in #perl, but help those who ask perl questions | revisions | |
13711 | perltrap | is | Perl traps for the unwary - | revisions | |
13712 | perltru64 | is | Perl version 5 on Tru64 (formerly known as Digital UNIX formerly known as DEC OSF/1) systems - | revisions | |
172 | perltut | is | Tutorials and books: - (for all platforms) - | revisions | |
10729 | perl tutorials | is | [fact tutorials] Not Available |
revisions | |
13713 | perltw | is | ¥¿Å餤¤å Perl «ü«n - | revisions | |
13714 | perlunicode | is | Unicode support in Perl - | revisions | |
12144 | perl unicode mantra | is | [fact encoding mantra] Not Available |
revisions | |
13715 | perlunifaq | is | | revisions | |
13716 | perluniintro | is | Perl Unicode introduction - | revisions | |
13717 | perlunitut | is | | revisions | |
11031 | perl use | is | Web programming, automation, networking, administration, bio informatics, natural language processing, everything "data", everyday scripting, teaching, GUI programming... and more! Everything but kernel/device drivers, fast math, embedded stuff | revisions | |
13718 | perlutil | is | utilities packaged with the Perl distribution - | revisions | |
13719 | perluts | is | Perl under UTS - | revisions | |
13720 | perlvar | is | Perl predefined variables - | revisions | |
11914 | perl versions | is | | revisions | |
13721 | perlvmesa | is | building and installing Perl for VM/ESA. - | revisions | |
13722 | perlvms | is | VMS-specific documentation for Perl - | revisions | |
13723 | perlvos | is | Perl for Stratus VOS - | revisions | |
11058 | perl vs. other languages | is | Perl is less line noisy than Haskell, less complex than C++, less verbose than Java, and all around less fucking horrible than PHP | revisions | |
9164 | perl vs python | is | | revisions | |
5217 | perl win | is | See: | revisions | |
13724 | perlwin32 | is | - | revisions | |
13725 | perlxs | is | XS language reference manual - | revisions | |
13726 | perlxstut | is | Tutorial for writing XSUBs - | revisions | |
4480 | perlygatekeeper | is | great for 1 day | revisions | |
12864 | permanant | is | Treat all code you write as if it will outlive your career, and even your life. Please design accordingly. | revisions | |
12863 | permanent | is | All code you write will outlive your career and life, design accordingly. | revisions | |
13964 | permit | is | | revisions | |
6286 | permute | is | Whether command line arguments are allowed to be mixed with options. Default is enabled unless environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT has been set, in which case permute is disabled. Note that permute is the opposite of require_order | revisions | |
3310 | pernetrope | is | it's from a movie called fantastic planet | revisions | |
5353 | pesky | is | MeVsTheVoices is pesky (see also: MeVsTheVoices) | revisions | |
8923 | pester | is | compose: robokit: pester @_ | revisions | |
5176 | pets | is | =^_^= | revisions | |
328 | .pf | is | .pf is French Polynesia | revisions | |
3336 | pfatrocbisc | is | PFATROCBISC: Perl Freaks Against The Requirement of Curly Braces In Source Code | revisions | |
5387 | pfm | is | Pure Fucking Magic! | revisions | |
329 | .pg | is | .pg is Papua New Guinea | revisions | |
10861 | pgtap | is | [fact database testing] Not Available |
revisions | |
330 | .ph | is | .ph is Philippines | revisions | |
5386 | phalanx | is | The Phalanx Project - Improving tests, coverage and documentation in Perl and CPAN - | revisions | |
14627 | phb | is | pointy-Haired Boss ( ) | revisions | |
10037 | phbutynlmrgq | is | `echo phbutynlmrgq' Not Available |
revisions | |
8176 | philosophy | is | <SubStack> fucking universe is all fucked up | revisions | |
4040 | philosophy what | is | the meaning of life? | revisions | |
9162 | phone | is | <get<arg>> Not Available |
revisions | |
4067 | phoso | is | JonR's gay lover. | revisions | |
4594 | photobucket | is | Chris62vw photobucket: | revisions | |
8177 | phox: what you wrote | is | ok, but like rindolf, I would probably do: $foo = { map {$_ => something($_)} @foo }; | revisions | |
9854 | ##php | is | You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. | revisions | |
14186 | php | is | <mst> ruby is halfway between lisp and perl just like PHP is halfway between a template system and VB 5. "PHP is a malignant perl templating language that metastasised" | - "This is PHP, surely you didn't expect any sort of internal logical consistency." | | revisions | |
3422 | php analogy #1 | is | <ledet> brionius: php is to programming, what sandpaper is to masturbation... | revisions | |
3701 | php for large sites | is | | revisions | |
3904 | pi | is | 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865 | revisions | |
4529 | pichars | is | | revisions | |
4526 | picture | is | my picture ~ | revisions | |
3740 | pie | is | Ding, pies are done! | revisions | |
3887 | piet | is | an esoteric programming language designed by David Morgan-Mar, whose programs are bitmaps that look like abstract art. See | revisions | |
5648 | pig | is | pog | revisions | |
6052 | pign | is | pogn | revisions | |
14395 | pikachu | is | | revisions | |
9923 | pineapple | is | | revisions | |
8700 | ping | is | purr | revisions | |
14323 | pingu | is | | revisions | |
11263 | pingu8 | is | very annoying indeed | revisions | |
5669 | pink | is | ponk | revisions | |
14036 | pink_mist | is | all that was left as the residue of an online murder. | almost famous enough to warrant a factoid. | revisions | |
10949 | pinto | is | Pinto helps you build up a CPAN like repository of stable tested module. See for more info. | revisions | |
5178 | pinyin | is | Check out for information on the CEDict::Pinyin module. | revisions | |
10664 | pipe | is | | | revisions | |
5582 | pisi | is | Patch It or Shut It! | revisions | |
3391 | pita | is | Pita in the ass | revisions | |
9433 | pitchforks | is | | revisions | |
4863 | pix | is | | revisions | |
4864 | pix plz | is | | revisions | |
9689 | pizza | is | WONDROUS | revisions | |
13980 | pizzamilk | is | | revisions | |
14574 | pjcj: i spent all his questions, this | is | a witch :P | revisions | |
331 | .pk | is | .pk is Pakistan | revisions | |
8911 | pkrumins | is | a silly cat | revisions | |
333 | .pl | is | .pl is Poland | revisions | |
11506 | pl | is | <compose <echo ~<arg>`>> Not Available |
revisions | |
11109 | placeholders | is | Don't quote or escape, use placeholders! example: my $sth = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO table (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)'); $sth->execute('lol', 'wut'); or just $db->do('INSERT INTO blah VALUES (?,?)', undef, 'lol', 'wut'); | revisions | |
6313 | plack | is | - an interface between Perl web applications and web servers (inspired by Python's WSGI and Ruby's Rack). | revisions | |
3872 | plan 9 | is | the OS from outer space | revisions | |
8495 | platypus | is | a funny animal; | revisions | |
14213 | please ask your question and provide a link containing your regex and sample data. | note: the longer you wait, the more likely you | are | to be assisted. | revisions | |
6320 | please show us (1) a -real- example of the input data (not something you think | is | similar), (2) your current code, (3) the output you want, (4) the output you get | revisions | |
11284 | plenv | is | A perl installation manager like perlbrew, lets you switch between multiple local perls, but runs via shell scripts instead of perl. and see for "perlbrew exec" and "perlbrew lib" analogues. | revisions | |
9600 | plonk | is | [Usenet: possibly influenced by British slang ‘plonk’ for cheap booze, or ‘plonker’ for someone behaving stupidly (latter is lit. equivalent to Yiddish schmuck)] The sound a newbie makes as he falls to the bottom of a kill file. While it originated in the newsgroup talk.bizarre, this term (usually written “*plonk*”) is now (1994) widespread on Usenet as a form of public ridicule. | revisions | |
3344 | plp | is | | revisions | |
3680 | pls | is | | revisions | |
5478 | plurk | is | teh awesome chat-esqe irc-esqe twitter-esqe comms site, built with less fail!: | revisions | |
15947 | plx | is | manage lots of local::lib like setups on a per project basis. warning, mstware. | revisions | |
4157 | plz | is | Plz to not be usink the AOLbonics kthxbye. | revisions | |
13480 | plzbro | is | someone with poor analytical reasoning skills who either cannot, or refuses to learn fundamentals of logical problem solving and instead relies on canned "solutions" to problems from perceived internet gurus. | revisions | |
334 | .pm | is | .pm is St. Pierre and Miquelon | revisions | |
13164 | p:macro blarfarghl | is | `eval "<fact xls>. <fact xlsx>"~ | revisions | |
336 | .pn | is | .pn is Pitcairn | revisions | |
14731 | png | is | - a compressed lossless raster file format with support for alpha opacity and 24-bit RGB images. Also see webp | revisions | |
14493 | po | is | [fact premature optimization [arg]] Not Available |
revisions | |
4147 | poco-irc | is | poco-irc is the short form for POE::Component::IRC and see for details ( Win32 packages and installation instructions available ). | revisions | |
13727 | pod | is | the Perl built-in documentation - ; Pod in 5 Minutes: ; | revisions | |
12407 | pod2html | is | pod2html looks pesky, Pod::ProjectDocs or Pod::POM and TT (some assembily required)... cpanhq might be worth looking at. See for checking your POD before uploading your module. | revisions | |
5065 | poe | is | POE - multitasking and network framework for perl - - POE Cookbook: | revisions | |
3491 | poe::component::irc | is | The coolest way to write IRC apps evar | revisions | |
4935 | poe debug | is | sub POE::Kernel::ASSERT_DEFAULT () { 1 } sub POE::Kernel::TRACE_DEFAULT () { 1 } | revisions | |
5297 | poeknee | is | GumbyBRAIN: POEKnee | revisions | |
5226 | poeslides | is | | revisions | |
4572 | poe::wheel::run | is | | revisions | |
10744 | pola | is | Principle of Least Astonishment | revisions | |
10610 | polar | is | | revisions | |
8894 | policy | is | if he won't co-operate with CPAN, I'm not co-operating with him. | revisions | |
16075 | politeness | is | BEGIN { $_not_perlbot or die; } # Skip perlbot trying to make sense of this. | revisions | |
12172 | polyamory | is | Polyamory is wrong! It should be multiamory or polyphilia, but mixing Latin and Greek roots? Wrong. | revisions | |
14334 | polyglot | is | | revisions | |
11321 | poly.poly | is | mauke's insane polyglot program/script/everything | revisions | |
4732 | pong | is | | revisions | |
13135 | ponk | is | pink | revisions | |
151 | poolp | is | poolp is a lamer! | revisions | |
15943 | poop | is | "perl object oriented programming" | revisions | |
9764 | popl | is | not a bastard | revisions | |
3834 | .porn | is | Porn | revisions | |
152 | porn | is | | revisions | |
498 | port 0 | is | port 0: - Reserved | revisions | |
499 | port 1 | is | port 1: tcpmux - TCP Port Service Multiplexer | revisions | |
586 | port 100 | is | port 100: newacct - [unauthorized use] | revisions | |
1173 | port 1000 | is | port 1000: cadlock - cadlock | revisions | |
3135 | port 10000 | is | port 10000: ndmp - Network Data Management Protocol | revisions | |
3136 | port 10007 | is | port 10007: mvs-capacity - MVS Capacity | revisions | |
1174 | port 1008 | is | port 1008: - Possibly used by Sun Solaris | revisions | |
3137 | port 10080 | is | port 10080: amanda - Amanda | revisions | |
587 | port 101 | is | port 101: hostname - NIC Host Name Server | revisions | |
1175 | port 1010 | is | port 1010: surf - surf | revisions | |
1176 | port 1011 | is | port 1011: - Reserved | revisions | |
1177 | port 1012 | is | port 1012: - Reserved | revisions | |
1178 | port 1013 | is | port 1013: - Reserved | revisions | |
1179 | port 1014 | is | port 1014: - Reserved | revisions | |
1180 | port 1015 | is | port 1015: - Reserved | revisions | |
1181 | port 1016 | is | port 1016: - Reserved | revisions | |
1182 | port 1017 | is | port 1017: - Reserved | revisions | |
1183 | port 1018 | is | port 1018: - Reserved | revisions | |
1184 | port 1019 | is | port 1019: - Reserved | revisions | |
588 | port 102 | is | port 102: iso-tsap - ISO-TSAP Class 0 | revisions | |
1185 | port 1020 | is | port 1020: - Reserved | revisions | |
1186 | port 1021 | is | port 1021: - Reserved | revisions | |
1187 | port 1022 | is | port 1022: - Reserved | revisions | |
1188 | port 1023 | is | port 1023: - Reserved | revisions | |
1189 | port 1024 | is | port 1024: - Reserved | revisions | |
1190 | port 1025 | is | port 1025: blackjack - network blackjack | revisions | |
1191 | port 1027 | is | port 1027: icq - ICQ | revisions | |
3138 | port 10288 | is | port 10288: blocks - Blocks | revisions | |
1192 | port 1029 | is | port 1029: icq - ICQ | revisions | |
589 | port 103 | is | port 103: gppitnp - Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net | revisions | |
1194 | port 1030 | is | port 1030: iad1 - BBN IAD | revisions | |
1195 | port 1031 | is | port 1031: iad2 - BBN IAD | revisions | |
1196 | port 1032 | is | port 1032: iad3 - BBN IAD | revisions | |
590 | port 104 | is | port 104: acr-nema - ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300 | revisions | |
1197 | port 1047 | is | port 1047: neod1 - Sun's NEO Object Request Broker | revisions | |
1198 | port 1048 | is | port 1048: neod2 - Sun's NEO Object Request Broker | revisions | |
592 | port 105 | is | port 105: csnet-ns - Mailbox Name Nameserver | revisions | |
1199 | port 1058 | is | port 1058: nim - nim | revisions | |
1200 | port 1059 | is | port 1059: nimreg - nimreg | revisions | |
593 | port 106 | is | port 106: 3com-tsmux - 3COM-TSMUX | revisions | |
1201 | port 1067 | is | port 1067: instl_boots - Installation Bootstrap Proto. Serv. | revisions | |
1202 | port 1068 | is | port 1068: instl_bootc - Installation Bootstrap Proto. Cli. | revisions | |
594 | port 107 | is | port 107: rtelnet - Remote Telnet Service | revisions | |
595 | port 108 | is | port 108: snagas - SNA Gateway Access Server | revisions | |
1203 | port 1080 | is | port 1080: socks - Socks (or Wingate) | revisions | |
1204 | port 1083 | is | port 1083: ansoft-lm-1 - Anasoft License Manager | revisions | |
1205 | port 1084 | is | port 1084: ansoft-lm-2 - Anasoft License Manager | revisions | |
1206 | port 1085 | is | port 1085: webobjects - Web Objects | revisions | |
596 | port 109 | is | port 109: pop2 - Post Office Protocol - Version 2 | revisions | |
1207 | port 1097 | is | port 1097: sunclustermgr - Sun Cluster Manager | revisions | |
1208 | port 1098 | is | port 1098: rmiactivation - RMI Activation | revisions | |
1209 | port 1099 | is | port 1099: rmiregistry - RMI Registry | revisions | |
505 | port 11 | is | port 11: systat - Active Users | revisions | |
597 | port 110 | is | port 110: pop3 - Post Office Protocol - Version 3 | revisions | |
3139 | port 11000 | is | port 11000: irisa - IRISA | revisions | |
3140 | port 11001 | is | port 11001: metasys - Metasys | revisions | |
598 | port 111 | is | port 111: sunrpc - SUN Remote Procedure Call | revisions | |
1210 | port 1110 | is | port 1110: nfsd-status - Cluster status info | revisions | |
1211 | port 1111 | is | port 1111: lmsocialserver - LM Social Server | revisions | |
3141 | port 11111 | is | port 11111: vce - Viral Computing Environment (VCE) | revisions | |
1212 | port 1114 | is | port 1114: mini-sql - Mini SQL | revisions | |
599 | port 112 | is | port 112: mcidas - McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol | revisions | |
1213 | port 1123 | is | port 1123: murray - Murray | revisions | |
600 | port 113 | is | port 113: ident - 113/tcp: auth - Authentication Service | revisions | |
3142 | port 11367 | is | port 11367: atm-uhas - ATM UHAS | revisions | |
601 | port 114 | is | port 114: audionews - Audio News Multicast | revisions | |
602 | port 115 | is | port 115: sftp - Simple File Transfer Protocol | revisions | |
1214 | port 1155 | is | port 1155: nfa - Network File Access | revisions | |
603 | port 116 | is | port 116: ansanotify - ANSA REX Notify | revisions | |
1215 | port 1161 | is | port 1161: health-polling - Health Polling | revisions | |
1216 | port 1162 | is | port 1162: health-trap - Health Trap | revisions | |
604 | port 117 | is | port 117: uucp-path - UUCP Path Service | revisions | |
605 | port 118 | is | port 118: sqlserv - SQL Services | revisions | |
1217 | port 1180 | is | port 1180: mc-client - Millicent Client Proxy | revisions | |
1218 | port 1188 | is | port 1188: hp-webadmin - HP Web Admin | revisions | |
606 | port 119 | is | port 119: nntp - Network News Transfer Protocol | revisions | |
607 | port 120 | is | port 120: cfdptkt - CFDPTKT | revisions | |
3143 | port 12000 | is | port 12000: entextxid - IBM Enterprise Extender SNA XID Exchange | revisions | |
3144 | port 12001 | is | port 12001: entextnetwk - IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Network Priority | revisions | |
3145 | port 12002 | is | port 12002: entexthigh - IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS High Priority | revisions | |
3146 | port 12003 | is | port 12003: entextmed - IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Medium Priority | revisions | |
3147 | port 12004 | is | port 12004: entextlow - IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Low Priority | revisions | |
1219 | port 1202 | is | port 1202: caiccipc - caiccipc | revisions | |
3148 | port 12076 | is | port 12076: gjamer - GJamer TROJAN | revisions | |
608 | port 121 | is | port 121: erpc - Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call | revisions | |
1220 | port 1212 | is | port 1212: lupa - lupa | revisions | |
609 | port 122 | is | port 122: smakynet - SMAKYNET | revisions | |
1221 | port 1222 | is | port 1222: nerv - SNI R&D network | revisions | |
610 | port 123 | is | port 123: ntp - Network Time Protocol | revisions | |
1222 | port 1234 | is | port 1234: search-agent - Infoseek Search Agent | revisions | |
3149 | port 12345 | is | port 12345: netbus - Netbus TROJAN | revisions | |
3150 | port 12346 | is | port 12346: netbus - Netbus TROJAN | revisions | |
1223 | port 1239 | is | port 1239: nmsd - NMSD | revisions | |
611 | port 124 | is | port 124: ansatrader - ANSA REX Trader | revisions | |
1224 | port 1248 | is | port 1248: hermes - hermes | revisions | |
612 | port 125 | is | port 125: locus-map - Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser | revisions | |
613 | port 126 | is | port 126: nxedit - NXEdit (previously assigned to unitary - Unisys Unitary Login) | revisions | |
614 | port 127 | is | port 127: locus-con - Locus PC-Interface Conn Server | revisions | |
3151 | port 12753 | is | port 12753: tsaf - tsaf port | revisions | |
615 | port 128 | is | port 128: gss-xlicen - GSS X License Verification | revisions | |
616 | port 129 | is | port 129: pwdgen - Password Generator Protocol | revisions | |
506 | port 13 | is | port 13: daytime - Daytime (RFC 867) | revisions | |
617 | port 130 | is | port 130: cisco-fna - cisco FNATIVE | revisions | |
1225 | port 1300 | is | port 1300: h323hostcallsc - H323 Host Call Secure | revisions | |
618 | port 131 | is | port 131: cisco-tna - cisco TNATIVE | revisions | |
1226 | port 1310 | is | port 1310: husky - Husky | revisions | |
1227 | port 1311 | is | port 1311: rxmon - RxMon | revisions | |
1228 | port 1312 | is | port 1312: sti-envision - STI Envision | revisions | |
1229 | port 1313 | is | port 1313: bmc_patroldb - BMC_PATROLDB | revisions | |
1230 | port 1314 | is | port 1314: pdps - Photoscript Distributed Printing System | revisions | |
3152 | port 13160 | is | port 13160: i-zipqd - I-ZIPQD | revisions | |
619 | port 132 | is | port 132: cisco-sys - cisco SYSMAINT | revisions | |
1231 | port 1321 | is | port 1321: pip - PIP | revisions | |
620 | port 133 | is | port 133: statsrv - Statistics Service | revisions | |
1232 | port 1335 | is | port 1335: digital-notary - Digital Notary Protocol | revisions | |
621 | port 134 | is | port 134: ingres-net - INGRES-NET Service | revisions | |
1233 | port 1345 | is | port 1345: vpjp - VPJP | revisions | |
1234 | port 1346 | is | port 1346: alta-ana-lm - Alta Analytics License Manager | revisions | |
1235 | port 1347 | is | port 1347: bbn-mmc - multi media conferencing | revisions | |
1236 | port 1348 | is | port 1348: bbn-mmx - multi media conferencing | revisions | |
1237 | port 1349 | is | port 1349: sbook - Registration Network Protocol | revisions | |
622 | port 135 | is | port 135: epmap - DCE endpoint resolution | revisions | |
1238 | port 1350 | is | port 1350: editbench - Registration Network Protocol | revisions | |
1239 | port 1351 | is | port 1351: equationbuilder - Digital Tool Works (MIT) | revisions | |
1240 | port 1352 | is | port 1352: lotusnote - Lotus Note | revisions | |
1241 | port 1353 | is | port 1353: relief - Relief Consulting | revisions | |
1242 | port 1354 | is | port 1354: rightbrain - RightBrain Software | revisions | |
1243 | port 1355 | is | port 1355: intuitive-edge - Intuitive Edge | revisions | |
1244 | port 1356 | is | port 1356: cuillamartin - CuillaMartin Company | revisions | |
1245 | port 1357 | is | port 1357: pegboard - Electronic PegBoard | revisions | |
1246 | port 1358 | is | port 1358: connlcli - CONNLCLI | revisions | |
1247 | port 1359 | is | port 1359: ftsrv - FTSRV | revisions | |
623 | port 136 | is | port 136: profile - PROFILE Naming System | revisions | |
1248 | port 1360 | is | port 1360: mimer - MIMER | revisions | |
1249 | port 1361 | is | port 1361: linx - LinX | revisions | |
1250 | port 1362 | is | port 1362: timeflies - TimeFlies | revisions | |
1251 | port 1363 | is | port 1363: ndm-requester - Network DataMover Requester | revisions | |
1252 | port 1364 | is | port 1364: ndm-server - Network DataMover Server | revisions | |
1253 | port 1365 | is | port 1365: adapt-sna - Network Software Associates | revisions | |
1254 | port 1366 | is | port 1366: netware-csp - Novell NetWare Comm Service Platform | revisions | |
1255 | port 1367 | is | port 1367: dcs - DCS | revisions | |
1256 | port 1368 | is | port 1368: screencast - ScreenCast | revisions | |
1257 | port 1369 | is | port 1369: gv-us - GlobalView to Unix Shell | revisions | |
624 | port 137 | is | port 137: netbios-ns - NETBIOS Name Service | revisions | |
1258 | port 1370 | is | port 1370: us-gv - Unix Shell to GlobalView | revisions | |
1259 | port 1371 | is | port 1371: fc-cli - Fujitsu Config Protocol | revisions | |
1260 | port 1372 | is | port 1372: fc-ser - Fujitsu Config Protocol | revisions | |
3153 | port 13720 | is | port 13720: bprd - BPRD Protocol (VERITAS NetBackup) | revisions | |
3154 | port 13721 | is | port 13721: bpbrm - BPBRM Protocol (VERITAS NetBackup) | revisions | |
3155 | port 13722 | is | port 13722: bpjava-msvc - BP Java MSVC Protocol | revisions | |
1261 | port 1373 | is | port 1373: chromagrafx - Chromagrafx | revisions | |
1262 | port 1374 | is | port 1374: molly - EPI Software Systems | revisions | |
1263 | port 1375 | is | port 1375: bytex - Bytex | revisions | |
1264 | port 1376 | is | port 1376: ibm-pps - IBM Person to Person Software | revisions | |
1265 | port 1377 | is | port 1377: cichlid - Cichlid License Manager | revisions | |
1266 | port 1378 | is | port 1378: elan - Elan License Manager | revisions | |
3156 | port 13782 | is | port 13782: bpcd - VERITAS NetBackup | revisions | |
3157 | port 13783 | is | port 13783: vopied - VOPIED Protocol | revisions | |
1267 | port 1379 | is | port 1379: dbreporter - Integrity Solutions | revisions | |
625 | port 138 | is | port 138: netbios-dgm - NETBIOS Datagram Service | revisions | |
1268 | port 1380 | is | port 1380: telesis-licman - Telesis Network License Manager | revisions | |
1269 | port 1381 | is | port 1381: apple-licman - Apple Network License Manager | revisions | |
3158 | port 13818 | is | port 13818: dsmcc-config - DSMCC Config | revisions | |
3159 | port 13819 | is | port 13819: dsmcc-session - DSMCC Session Messages | revisions | |
1270 | port 1382 | is | port 1382: udt_os - udt_os | revisions | |
3160 | port 13820 | is | port 13820: dsmcc-passthru - DSMCC Pass-Thru Messages | revisions | |
3161 | port 13821 | is | port 13821: dsmcc-download - DSMCC Download Protocol | revisions | |
3162 | port 13822 | is | port 13822: dsmcc-ccp - DSMCC Channel Change Protocol | revisions | |
1271 | port 1383 | is | port 1383: gwha - GW Hannaway Network License Manager | revisions | |
1272 | port 1384 | is | port 1384: os-licman - Objective Solutions License Manager | revisions | |
1273 | port 1385 | is | port 1385: atex_elmd - Atex Publishing License Manager | revisions | |
1274 | port 1386 | is | port 1386: checksum - CheckSum License Manager | revisions | |
1275 | port 1387 | is | port 1387: cadsi-lm - Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM | revisions | |
1276 | port 1388 | is | port 1388: objective-dbc - Objective Solutions DataBase Cache | revisions | |
1277 | port 1389 | is | port 1389: iclpv-dm - Document Manager | revisions | |
626 | port 139 | is | port 139: netbios-ssn - NETBIOS Session Service | revisions | |
1278 | port 1390 | is | port 1390: iclpv-sc - Storage Controller | revisions | |
1279 | port 1391 | is | port 1391: iclpv-sas - Storage Access Server | revisions | |
1280 | port 1392 | is | port 1392: iclpv-pm - Print Manager | revisions | |
1281 | port 1393 | is | port 1393: iclpv-nls - Network Log Server | revisions | |
1282 | port 1394 | is | port 1394: iclpv-nlc - Network Log Client | revisions | |
1283 | port 1395 | is | port 1395: iclpv-wsm - PC Workstation Manager software | revisions | |
1284 | port 1396 | is | port 1396: dvl-activemail - DVL Active Mail | revisions | |
1285 | port 1397 | is | port 1397: audio-activmail - Audio Active Mail | revisions | |
1286 | port 1398 | is | port 1398: video-activmail - Video Active Mail | revisions | |
1287 | port 1399 | is | port 1399: cadkey-licman - Cadkey License Manager | revisions | |
627 | port 140 | is | port 140: emfis-data - EMFIS Data Service | revisions | |
1288 | port 1400 | is | port 1400: cadkey-tablet - Cadkey Tablet Daemon | revisions | |
3163 | port 14001 | is | port 14001: itu-sccp-ss7 - ITU SCCP (SS7) | revisions | |
1289 | port 1401 | is | port 1401: goldleaf-licman - Goldleaf License Manager | revisions | |
1290 | port 1402 | is | port 1402: prm-sm-np - Prospero Resource Manager | revisions | |
1291 | port 1403 | is | port 1403: prm-nm-np - Prospero Resource Manager | revisions | |
1292 | port 1404 | is | port 1404: igi-lm - Infinite Graphics License Manager | revisions | |
1293 | port 1405 | is | port 1405: ibm-res - IBM Remote Execution Starter | revisions | |
1294 | port 1406 | is | port 1406: netlabs-lm - NetLabs License Manager | revisions | |
1295 | port 1407 | is | port 1407: dbsa-lm - DBSA License Manager | revisions | |
1296 | port 1408 | is | port 1408: sophia-lm - Sophia License Manager | revisions | |
1297 | port 1409 | is | port 1409: here-lm - Here License Manager | revisions | |
628 | port 141 | is | port 141: emfis-cntl - EMFIS Control Service | revisions | |
1298 | port 1410 | is | port 1410: hiq - HiQ License Manager | revisions | |
1299 | port 1411 | is | port 1411: af - AudioFile | revisions | |
1300 | port 1412 | is | port 1412: innosys - InnoSys | revisions | |
1301 | port 1413 | is | port 1413: innosys-acl - Innosys-ACL | revisions | |
1302 | port 1414 | is | port 1414: ibm-mqseries - IBM MQSeries | revisions | |
1303 | port 1415 | is | port 1415: dbstar - DBStar | revisions | |
1304 | port 1416 | is | port 1416: novell-lu6.2 - Novell LU6.2 | revisions | |
1305 | port 1417 | is | port 1417: timbuktu-srv1 - Timbuktu Service 1 Port | revisions | |
1306 | port 1418 | is | port 1418: timbuktu-srv2 - Timbuktu Service 2 Port | revisions | |
1307 | port 1419 | is | port 1419: timbuktu-srv3 - Timbuktu Service 3 Port | revisions | |
629 | port 142 | is | port 142: bl-idm - Britton-Lee IDM | revisions | |
1308 | port 1420 | is | port 1420: timbuktu-srv4 - Timbuktu Service 4 Port | revisions | |
1309 | port 1421 | is | port 1421: gandalf-lm - Gandalf License Manager | revisions | |
1310 | port 1422 | is | port 1422: autodesk-lm - Autodesk License Manager | revisions | |
1311 | port 1423 | is | port 1423: essbase - Essbase Arbor Software | revisions | |
1312 | port 1424 | is | port 1424: hybrid - Hybrid Encryption Protocol | revisions | |
1313 | port 1425 | is | port 1425: zion-lm - Zion Software License Manager | revisions | |
1314 | port 1426 | is | port 1426: sais - Satellite-data Acquisition System 1 | revisions | |
1315 | port 1427 | is | port 1427: mloadd - mloadd monitoring tool | revisions | |
1316 | port 1428 | is | port 1428: informatik-lm - Informatik License Manager | revisions | |
1317 | port 1429 | is | port 1429: nms - Hypercom NMS | revisions | |
630 | port 143 | is | port 143: imap - Internet Message Access Protocol | revisions | |
1318 | port 1430 | is | port 1430: tpdu - Hypercom TPDU | revisions | |
1319 | port 1431 | is | port 1431: rgtp - Reverse Gossip Transport | revisions | |
1320 | port 1432 | is | port 1432: blueberry-lm - Blueberry Software License Manager | revisions | |
1321 | port 1433 | is | port 1433: ms-sql-s - Microsoft-SQL-Server | revisions | |
1322 | port 1434 | is | port 1434: ms-sql-m - Microsoft-SQL-Monitor | revisions | |
1323 | port 1435 | is | port 1435: ibm-cics - IBM CICS | revisions | |
1324 | port 1436 | is | port 1436: saism - Satellite-data Acquisition System 2 | revisions | |
1325 | port 1437 | is | port 1437: tabula - Tabula | revisions | |
1326 | port 1438 | is | port 1438: eicon-server - Eicon Security Agent/Server | revisions | |
1327 | port 1439 | is | port 1439: eicon-x25 - Eicon X25/SNA Gateway | revisions | |
631 | port 144 | is | port 144: uma - Universal Management Architecture | revisions | |
1328 | port 1440 | is | port 1440: eicon-slp - Eicon Service Location Protocol | revisions | |
1329 | port 1441 | is | port 1441: cadis-1 - Cadis License Management | revisions | |
1330 | port 1442 | is | port 1442: cadis-2 - Cadis License Management | revisions | |
1331 | port 1443 | is | port 1443: ies-lm - Integrated Engineering Software | revisions | |
1332 | port 1444 | is | port 1444: marcam-lm - MarcamLicense Management | revisions | |
1333 | port 1445 | is | port 1445: proxima-lm - Proxima License Manager | revisions | |
1334 | port 1446 | is | port 1446: ora-lm - Optical Research Associates License Manager | revisions | |
1335 | port 1447 | is | port 1447: apri-lm - Applied Parallel Research LM | revisions | |
1336 | port 1448 | is | port 1448: oc-lm - OpenConnect License Manager | revisions | |
1337 | port 1449 | is | port 1449: peport - PEport | revisions | |
632 | port 145 | is | port 145: uaac - UAAC Protocol | revisions | |
1338 | port 1450 | is | port 1450: dwf - Tandem Distributed Workbench Facility | revisions | |
1339 | port 1451 | is | port 1451: infoman - IBM Information Management | revisions | |
1340 | port 1452 | is | port 1452: gtegsc-lm - GTE Government Systems License Man | revisions | |
1341 | port 1453 | is | port 1453: genie-lm - Genie License Manager | revisions | |
1342 | port 1454 | is | port 1454: interhdl_elmd - interHDL License Manager | revisions | |
1343 | port 1455 | is | port 1455: esl-lm - ESL License Manager | revisions | |
1344 | port 1456 | is | port 1456: dca - DCA | revisions | |
1345 | port 1457 | is | port 1457: valisys-lm - Valisys License Manager | revisions | |
1346 | port 1458 | is | port 1458: nrcabq-lm - Nichols Research Corp. | revisions | |
1347 | port 1459 | is | port 1459: proshare1 - Proshare Notebook Application | revisions | |
633 | port 146 | is | port 146: iso-tp0 - ISO-IP0 | revisions | |
1348 | port 1460 | is | port 1460: proshare2 - Proshare Notebook Application | revisions | |
1349 | port 1461 | is | port 1461: ibm_wrless_lan - IBM Wireless LAN | revisions | |
1350 | port 1462 | is | port 1462: world-lm - World License Manager | revisions | |
1351 | port 1463 | is | port 1463: nucleus - Nucleus | revisions | |
1352 | port 1464 | is | port 1464: msl_lmd - MSL License Manager | revisions | |
1353 | port 1465 | is | port 1465: pipes - Pipes Platform | revisions | |
1354 | port 1466 | is | port 1466: oceansoft-lm - Ocean Software License Manager | revisions | |
1355 | port 1467 | is | port 1467: csdmbase - CSDMBASE | revisions | |
1356 | port 1468 | is | port 1468: csdm - CSDM | revisions | |
1357 | port 1469 | is | port 1469: aal-lm - Active Analysis Limited License Manager | revisions | |
634 | port 147 | is | port 147: iso-ip - ISO-IP | revisions | |
1358 | port 1470 | is | port 1470: uaiact - Universal Analytics | revisions | |
1359 | port 1471 | is | port 1471: csdmbase - csdmbase | revisions | |
1360 | port 1472 | is | port 1472: csdm - csdm | revisions | |
1361 | port 1473 | is | port 1473: openmath - OpenMath | revisions | |
1362 | port 1474 | is | port 1474: telefinder - Telefinder | revisions | |
1363 | port 1475 | is | port 1475: taligent-lm - Taligent License Manager | revisions | |
1364 | port 1476 | is | port 1476: clvm-cfg - clvm-cfg | revisions | |
1365 | port 1477 | is | port 1477: ms-sna-server - ms-sna-server | revisions | |
1366 | port 1478 | is | port 1478: ms-sna-base - ms-sna-base | revisions | |
1367 | port 1479 | is | port 1479: dberegister - dberegister | revisions | |
635 | port 148 | is | port 148: jargon - Jargon | revisions | |
1368 | port 1480 | is | port 1480: pacerforum - PacerForum | revisions | |
1369 | port 1481 | is | port 1481: airs - AIRS | revisions | |
1370 | port 1482 | is | port 1482: miteksys-lm - Miteksys License Manager | revisions | |
1371 | port 1483 | is | port 1483: afs - AFS License Manager | revisions | |
1372 | port 1484 | is | port 1484: confluent - Confluent License Manager | revisions | |
1373 | port 1485 | is | port 1485: lansource - LANSource | revisions | |
1374 | port 1486 | is | port 1486: nms_topo_serv - nms_topo_serv | revisions | |
1375 | port 1487 | is | port 1487: localinfosrvr - LocalInfoSrvr | revisions | |
1376 | port 1488 | is | port 1488: docstor - DocStor | revisions | |
1377 | port 1489 | is | port 1489: dmdocbroker - dmdocbroker | revisions | |
636 | port 149 | is | port 149: aed-512 - AED 512 Emulation Service | revisions | |
1378 | port 1490 | is | port 1490: insitu-conf - insitu-conf | revisions | |
1379 | port 1491 | is | port 1491: anynetgateway - anynetgateway | revisions | |
1380 | port 1492 | is | port 1492: stone-design-1 - stone-design-1 | revisions | |
1381 | port 1493 | is | port 1493: netmap_lm - netmap_lm | revisions | |
1382 | port 1494 | is | port 1494: ica - ica | revisions | |
1383 | port 1495 | is | port 1495: cvc - cvc | revisions | |
1384 | port 1496 | is | port 1496: liberty-lm - liberty-lm | revisions | |
1385 | port 1497 | is | port 1497: rfx-lm - rfx-lm | revisions | |
1386 | port 1498 | is | port 1498: sybase-sqlany - Sybase SQL Any | revisions | |
1387 | port 1499 | is | port 1499: fhc - Federico Heinz Consultora | revisions | |
507 | port 15 | is | port 15: netstat - Was Netstat | revisions | |
637 | port 150 | is | port 150: sql-net - SQL-NET | revisions | |
1388 | port 1500 | is | port 1500: vlsi-lm - VLSI License Manager | revisions | |
1389 | port 1501 | is | port 1501: saiscm - Satellite-data Acquisition System 3 | revisions | |
1390 | port 1502 | is | port 1502: shivadiscovery - Shiva | revisions | |
1391 | port 1503 | is | port 1503: imtc-mcs - Databeam | revisions | |
1392 | port 1504 | is | port 1504: evb-elm - EVB Software Engineering License Manager | revisions | |
1393 | port 1505 | is | port 1505: funkproxy - Funk Software, Inc. | revisions | |
1394 | port 1506 | is | port 1506: utcd - Universal Time daemon (utcd) | revisions | |
1395 | port 1507 | is | port 1507: symplex - symplex | revisions | |
1396 | port 1508 | is | port 1508: diagmond - diagmond | revisions | |
1397 | port 1509 | is | port 1509: robcad-lm - Robcad, Ltd. License Manager | revisions | |
638 | port 151 | is | port 151: hems - HEMS | revisions | |
1398 | port 1510 | is | port 1510: mvx-lm - Midland Valley Exploration Ltd. Lic. Man. | revisions | |
1399 | port 1511 | is | port 1511: 3l-l1 - 3l-l1 | revisions | |
1400 | port 1512 | is | port 1512: wins - Microsoft's Windows Internet Name Service | revisions | |
1401 | port 1513 | is | port 1513: fujitsu-dtc - Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Inc | revisions | |
1402 | port 1514 | is | port 1514: fujitsu-dtcns - Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Inc | revisions | |
1403 | port 1515 | is | port 1515: ifor-protocol - ifor-protocol | revisions | |
1404 | port 1516 | is | port 1516: vpad - Virtual Places Audio data | revisions | |
1405 | port 1517 | is | port 1517: vpac - Virtual Places Audio control | revisions | |
1406 | port 1518 | is | port 1518: vpvd - Virtual Places Video data | revisions | |
1407 | port 1519 | is | port 1519: vpvc - Virtual Places Video control | revisions | |
639 | port 152 | is | port 152: bftp - Background File Transfer Program | revisions | |
1408 | port 1520 | is | port 1520: atm-zip-office - atm zip office | revisions | |
1409 | port 1521 | is | port 1521: ncube-lm - nCube License Manager | revisions | |
1410 | port 1522 | is | port 1522: ricardo-lm - Ricardo North America License Manager | revisions | |
1411 | port 1523 | is | port 1523: cichild-lm - cichild | revisions | |
1412 | port 1524 | is | port 1524: ingreslock - ingres | revisions | |
1414 | port 1525 | is | port 1525: prospero-np - Prospero Directory Service non-priv | revisions | |
1415 | port 1526 | is | port 1526: pdap-np - Prospero Data Access Prot non-priv | revisions | |
1416 | port 1527 | is | port 1527: tlisrv - oracle | revisions | |
1417 | port 1528 | is | port 1528: mciautoreg - micautoreg | revisions | |
1418 | port 1529 | is | port 1529: coauthor - oracle | revisions | |
640 | port 153 | is | port 153: sgmp - SGMP | revisions | |
1419 | port 1530 | is | port 1530: rap-service - rap-service | revisions | |
1420 | port 1531 | is | port 1531: rap-listen - rap-listen | revisions | |
1421 | port 1532 | is | port 1532: miroconnect - miroconnect | revisions | |
1422 | port 1533 | is | port 1533: virtual-places - Virtual Places Software | revisions | |
1423 | port 1534 | is | port 1534: micromuse-lm - micromuse-lm | revisions | |
1424 | port 1535 | is | port 1535: ampr-info - ampr-info | revisions | |
1425 | port 1536 | is | port 1536: ampr-inter - ampr-inter | revisions | |
1426 | port 1537 | is | port 1537: sdsc-lm - isi-lm | revisions | |
1427 | port 1538 | is | port 1538: 3ds-lm - 3ds-lm | revisions | |
1428 | port 1539 | is | port 1539: intellistor-lm - Intellistor License Manager | revisions | |
641 | port 154 | is | port 154: netsc-prod - NETSC | revisions | |
1429 | port 1540 | is | port 1540: rds - rds | revisions | |
1430 | port 1541 | is | port 1541: rds2 - rds2 | revisions | |
1431 | port 1542 | is | port 1542: gridgen-elmd - gridgen-elmd | revisions | |
1432 | port 1543 | is | port 1543: simba-cs - simba-cs | revisions | |
1433 | port 1544 | is | port 1544: aspeclmd - aspeclmd | revisions | |
1434 | port 1545 | is | port 1545: vistium-share - vistium-share | revisions | |
1435 | port 1546 | is | port 1546: abbaccuray - abbaccuray | revisions | |
1436 | port 1547 | is | port 1547: laplink - laplink | revisions | |
1437 | port 1548 | is | port 1548: axon-lm - Axon License Manager | revisions | |
1438 | port 1549 | is | port 1549: shivahose - Shiva Hose | revisions | |
642 | port 155 | is | port 155: netsc-dev - NETSC | revisions | |
1439 | port 1550 | is | port 1550: 3m-image-lm - Image Storage license manager 3M Company | revisions | |
1440 | port 1551 | is | port 1551: hecmtl-db - HECMTL-DB | revisions | |
1441 | port 1552 | is | port 1552: pciarray - pciarray | revisions | |
1442 | port 1553 | is | port 1553: sna-cs - sna-cs | revisions | |
1443 | port 1554 | is | port 1554: caci-lm - CACI Products Company License Manager | revisions | |
1444 | port 1555 | is | port 1555: livelan - livelan | revisions | |
1445 | port 1556 | is | port 1556: ashwin - AshWin CI Tecnologies | revisions | |
1446 | port 1557 | is | port 1557: arbortext-lm - ArborText License Manager | revisions | |
1447 | port 1558 | is | port 1558: xingmpeg - xingmpeg | revisions | |
1448 | port 1559 | is | port 1559: web2host - web2host | revisions | |
643 | port 156 | is | port 156: sqlsrv - SQL Service | revisions | |
1449 | port 1560 | is | port 1560: asci-val - asci-val | revisions | |
1450 | port 1561 | is | port 1561: facilityview - facilityview | revisions | |
1451 | port 1562 | is | port 1562: pconnectmgr - pconnectmgr | revisions | |
1452 | port 1563 | is | port 1563: cadabra-lm - Cadabra License Manager | revisions | |
1453 | port 1564 | is | port 1564: pay-per-view - Pay-Per-View | revisions | |
1454 | port 1565 | is | port 1565: winddlb - WinDD | revisions | |
1455 | port 1566 | is | port 1566: corelvideo - CORELVIDEO | revisions | |
1456 | port 1567 | is | port 1567: jlicelmd - jlicelmd | revisions | |
1457 | port 1568 | is | port 1568: tsspmap - tsspmap | revisions | |
1458 | port 1569 | is | port 1569: ets - ets | revisions | |
644 | port 157 | is | port 157: knet-cmp - KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol | revisions | |
1459 | port 1570 | is | port 1570: orbixd - orbixd | revisions | |
1460 | port 1571 | is | port 1571: rdb-dbs-disp - Oracle Remote Data Base | revisions | |
1461 | port 1572 | is | port 1572: chip-lm - Chipcom License Manager | revisions | |
1462 | port 1573 | is | port 1573: itscomm-ns - itscomm-ns | revisions | |
1463 | port 1574 | is | port 1574: mvel-lm - mvel-lm | revisions | |
1464 | port 1575 | is | port 1575: oraclenames - oraclenames | revisions | |
1465 | port 1576 | is | port 1576: moldflow-lm - moldflow-lm | revisions | |
1466 | port 1577 | is | port 1577: hypercube-lm - hypercube-lm | revisions | |
1467 | port 1578 | is | port 1578: jacobus-lm - Jacobus License Manager | revisions | |
1468 | port 1579 | is | port 1579: ioc-sea-lm - ioc-sea-lm | revisions | |
645 | port 158 | is | port 158: pcmail-srv - PCMail Server | revisions | |
1469 | port 1580 | is | port 1580: tn-tl-r1 - tn-tl-r1 | revisions | |
1470 | port 1581 | is | port 1581: mil-2045-47001 - MIL-2045-47001 | revisions | |
1471 | port 1582 | is | port 1582: msims - MSIMS | revisions | |
1472 | port 1583 | is | port 1583: simbaexpress - simbaexpress | revisions | |
1473 | port 1584 | is | port 1584: tn-tl-fd2 - tn-tl-fd2 | revisions | |
1474 | port 1585 | is | port 1585: intv - intv | revisions | |
1475 | port 1586 | is | port 1586: ibm-abtact - ibm-abtact | revisions | |
1476 | port 1587 | is | port 1587: pra_elmd - pra_elmd | revisions | |
1477 | port 1588 | is | port 1588: triquest-lm - triquest-lm | revisions | |
1478 | port 1589 | is | port 1589: vqp - VQP | revisions | |
646 | port 159 | is | port 159: nss-routing - NSS-Routing | revisions | |
1479 | port 1590 | is< |