This is the revision history for it in <>

15975 it is for html pattern matching re101-dogo-65 <*:##NULL>
15314 it is not accepting input if i give +91 9883224234 rajendran <*:##NULL>
14705 it is a lazy flag for lazy people :-) exodist <*:##NULL>
14601 it is for me leonerd <*:##NULL>
12801 it was a while back, maybe it was a different acerspyro <*:##NULL>
12771 it is perl regexp re101-donkey-412 <*:##NULL>
12540 it is a third singular inanimate pronoun ningu <*:##NULL>
12539 it is very silly grinnz <*:##NULL>
11105 it is popl <*:##NULL>
11103 it was probably popl <*:##NULL>
10589 it was probably altreus <*:##NULL>
10274 it is zoffix <*:##NULL>
9993 it is like that zoffix <*:##NULL>
9620 it was random with the original buu <*:##NULL>
8676 it is night time! f00li5h <*:##NULL>
8344 it was just for pragma_ <*:##NULL>
8343 it was just for designerjean <*:##NULL>
6163 it was in simcop2387 <*:##NULL>
6082 it is true. tkr <*:##NULL>
5709 it is it's it perlbot <*:##NULL>