This is the revision history for file::slurp in <>

11261 file::slurp is use File::Slurper, Path::Tiny, or Data::Munge instead of File::Slurp. File::Slurp gets file encodings all wrong, line endings on win32 are messed up, and it was written before layers were properly added. pink_mist <*:##NULL>
10884 file::slurp is use File::Slurp::Tiny, File::Slurper, Path::Tiny, or Data::Munge instead of File::Slurp. File::Slurp gets file encodings all wrong, line endings on win32 are messed up, and it was written before layers were properly added. grinnz <*:##NULL>
10864 file::slurp is use File::Slurp::Tiny, Path::Tiny, or Data::Munge instead of File::Slurp. File::Slurp gets file encodings all wrong, line endings on win32 are messed up, and it was written before layers were properly added. grinnz <*:##NULL>
10350 file::slurp is use File::Slurp::Tiny or Path::Tiny instead of File::Slurp. File::Slurp gets file encodings all wrong, line endings on win32 are messed up, and it was written before layers were properly added. zoffix <*:##NULL>
10262 file::slurp is use File::Slurp::Tiny or Path::Tiny instead of File::Slurp. File::Slurp get gets file encodings all wrong, line endings on win32 are messed up, and it was written before layers were properly added. zoffix <*:##NULL>