This is the revision history for 8-ball replies in <>

10397 8-ball replies can has "It is certain/It is decidedly so/Without a doubt/Yes definitely/You may rely on it/As I see it, yes/Most likely/Outlook good/Yes/Signs point to yes/Reply hazy try again/Ask again later/Better not tell you now/Cannot predict now/Concentrate and ask again/Don't count on it/My reply is no/My sources say no/Outlook not so good/Very doubtful" b_jonas <*:##NULL>
9989 8-ball replies can has "It is certain/It is decidedly so/Without a doubt/Yes definitely/You may rely on it/As I see it, yes/Most likely/Outlook good/Yes/Signs point to yes/Reply hazy try again/Ask again later/Better not tell you now/Cannot predict now/Concantrate and ask again/Don't count on it/My reply is no/My sources say no/Outlook not so good/Very doubtful" b_jonas <*:##NULL>
9988 8-ball replies can has "It is certain/It is decidedly so/Without a doubt/Yes definitely/You may rely on it/As I see it, yes/Most likely/Outlook good/Yes/Signs point to yes/Reply hazy try again/Ask again later/Better not tell you now/Cannot predict now/Concantrate and ask again/Don't count on it/My reply is no/My sources say no/Outlook not so good/Very doubtful"
Not Available
b_jonas <*:##NULL>