This is the revision history for define in <>
factoid_id | subject | copula | predicate | author | namespace |
15306 | define | is | <get<call _urlencode <arg>> //div[starts-with(@id,'dictionary-entry')]> stub1 of 2noun ˈstəb Synonyms of stub1a : stump sense 2 b : a short piece remaining on a stem or trunk where a branch has been lost 2 : something made or worn to a short or blunt shape especially : a pen with a short blunt nib3 : a short blunt part left after a larger part has been broken off or used upa pencil stub4 : something cut short or stunted 5a : a small part of a leaf (as of a checkbook) attached to the spine for memoranda of the contents of the part torn away b : the part of a ticket returned to the userstub2 of 2verb stubbed; stubbing transitive verb1a : to grub up by the roots b : to clear (land) by grubbing out rooted growth c : to hew or cut down (a tree) close to the ground 2 : to extinguish (something, such as a cigarette) by crushing 3 : to strike (one's foot or toe) against an object |
simcop2387 | <*:##NULL> |
15305 | define | is | <echo get<call _urlencode <arg>> //div[starts-with(@id,'dictionary-entry')]> get //div[starts-with(@id,'dictionary-entry')] |
simcop2387 | <*:##NULL> |
15304 | define | is | <get<call _urlencode <arg>> //div[starts-with(@id,'dictionary-entry')]> Not Available |
simcop2387 | <*:##NULL> |
15303 | define | is | <get<call _urlencode <arg>> //div[starts-with(@id,'dictionary-entry')]> Definition of object lesson: something that serves as a practical example of a principle or abstract idea |
simcop2387 | <*:##NULL> |
14393 | define | is | <get<call _urlencode <arg>> //div[starts-with(@id,'dictionary-entry')]> Definition of object lesson: something that serves as a practical example of a principle or abstract idea |
simcop2387 | <*:##NULL> |