This is the revision history for @inc in <>

10791 @inc is To change @INC (perldoc perlvar), 'use lib' (perldoc lib), or use the -I option to perl (perldoc perlrun), or set the PERLLIB or PERL5LIB environment variables (perldoc perlrun), or recompile perl. See also local::lib for making installing modules to a custom @INC easier pink_mist <*:##NULL>
9580 @inc is To change @INC (perldoc perlvar), 'use lib' (perldoc lib), or use the -I option to perl (perldoc perlrun), or set the PERLLIB or PERL5LIB environment variables (perldoc perlrun), or recompile perl. See also local::lib for making setting @INC easier. rindolf <*:##NULL>
8160 @inc is To change @INC (perldoc perlvar), 'use lib' (perldoc lib), or use the -I option to perl (perldoc perlrun), or set the PERLLIB or PERL5LIB environment variable (perldoc perlrun), or recompile perl. See also local::lib for making setting @INC easier. apeiron <*:##NULL>
4886 @inc is To change @INC (perldoc perlvar), 'use lib' (perldoc lib), or use the -I option to perl (perldoc perlrun), or set the PERLLIB or PERL5LIB environment variable (perldoc perlrun), or recompile perl. perlbot <*:##NULL>