This is the revision history for lp in <>

15451 lp is [fact bp] grinnz <*:##NULL>
15450 lp is [fact bp] | grinnz <*:##NULL>
10426 lp is [fact bp]
Please use Curtis "Ovid" Poe's "Beginning Perl" published by Wrox if you need a beginner's book. Alternatives for people who already know programming: "Modern Perl" (see mp) and "Programming Perl" (O'Reilly). The original "Beginning Perl" and O'Reilly's "Learning Perl" are outdated.
pink_mist <*:##NULL>
10320 lp is "Learning Perl" is outdated, please use Curtis "Ovid" Poe's "Beginning Perl" published by Wrox if you need a beginner's book. Also have a look at <tutorials> pink_mist <*:##NULL>
5829 lp is "Learning Perl", the Llama Book - (new fifth edition, covers 5.10) . see also <tutorial> apeiron <*:##NULL>